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  1. James Beller


    I live in southern indiana in jennings county and I am looking for about 5 japanese bantam hens. They can be chicks but I do not want any roosters. Tell me whats out there!
  2. James Beller

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Chicken Hearts
  3. James Beller

    The last letter Game

  4. James Beller

    What breeds lay pink eggs?

    New hampshire reds from meyer hatchery lays pink/ purple eggs
  5. James Beller

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They grew up with him since chicks. He was the adult in their flock. I think they are just cleaning his crest and plucking the feather out. It is only in one spot also right at the back of his head in the middle. He will get sprouts for new feather grow them out then there gone.
  6. James Beller

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They are actually free range and the hens love him. They sit down for him to breed.And actually polish chickens are very territorial and will pick on any new hen who steps in their territory. And he is not a timid soul he fought of the alpha male not even in his group the highest rooster all...
  7. James Beller

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is a mature rooster. He is two years old and very expierenced. The hens just keep plucking feather out the back of his head. And these hens are not old they are younger than he is.
  8. James Beller

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How do I keep the regular hens from pecking the feathers of my polish rooster's head????
  9. James Beller


    ISO Does anyone breed brahmas in southern indiana at least 1 hour away from north vernon indiana. We mainly want light and dark brahmas. we have lights and love them. But the dark brahmas we really want. We will also do for buff if that is all that is available. But would love a mix of all...
  10. James Beller

    Easter Egger Contest!!

    Can an olive egger hen be counted as an easter egger????
  11. James Beller

    Can you feed your chickens ENTIRELY of the land?

    Our bannies do not live in the coop so they get no grain except maybe twice a week when we throw it out to them.
  12. James Beller

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    It really bugs me that some people walk into church one day and get baptized and think they are saved. It is really sad to me to know that they believe full heartily that being baptized is being saved. Being saved to me is when God touches you telling you/giving you a sign that you have a...
  13. James Beller

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Is it weird I don't like to say God unless I am talking to him. Like in a book or anything I say gosh. I also don't say God unless I mean it like some people say OMG but I say oh my gosh. ???????????
  14. James Beller

    The last letter Game

  15. James Beller

    The last letter Game

  16. James Beller

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Chicken ballon
  17. James Beller

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Chicken Weather
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