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  1. urban sunshine

    Will my chickens get depressed?

    So yesterday I lost one of my 5 hens. She was killed my a predator. Now I feel like my flock has became less enthusiastic. I've had my girls for about a year and a half. Do you think the rest of my flock will feel loss or become depressed? They only knew each other for a little over a year, but...
  2. urban sunshine

    First Eggs!

    We got our first two eggs today! They're very small
  3. urban sunshine

    How do I feed Grit and Oyster Shell to my chickens?

    Hello I was wondering about how you guys feed grit and oyster shell to your flocks. Do you put it in a different feeder, or do you put in your regular feeder, or any other way? Thanks in advance, hope you can help
  4. urban sunshine

    Can Chickens Eat Nuts or Raisins?

    Hi, I was wondering if chickens can eat nuts or raisin, i have a lot of uneaten trail-mix but it's very salty, does that matter? I already looked at the treat list on byc but they didn't mention either of them I hope you guys can help Thanks in advance!
  5. urban sunshine

    Fun things for my chickens to do?

    Hello everybody I need some fun things to do with my chickens when they're tired or bored. Ideas, anyone? I did see a thread like this mentioning "grape football" but I don't really know what that is... Well, I hope you can help
  6. urban sunshine

    Hi everyone! I'm new to byc!!!

    Hi everyone! I'm from New England and own 1 Buff Orpington named Pixie 2 Rhode Island Reds named Poxi and Penny, and 2 Barred Rocks named Sesame and Roxi they're all around 14-15 weeks old so ya
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