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  1. Finnie

    Forgive me for asking but whats the deal with button quail?

    I used to breed caged birds, and one year I got into button quail. They were cute and they had neat color genetics to play around with, but they were WAY more trouble than they were worth!! The males fight and scalp each other and even get aggressive with the females. I had to keep separating...
  2. Finnie

    Tell your favorite chicken breed!

    I love Langshans.
  3. Finnie

    Chicken run as a Woods coop?

    One other piece of advice, since you haven’t bought your tarps yet. Examine the label to make sure it does not contain any lead. The Chinese made ones do. I did not know that for a long time, and now I have tiny bits of deteriorated lead tarp all over my property and smooshed into my dirt. And...
  4. Finnie

    What breed is she?

    The speckles increase with each molt. I’m surprised yours is quiet. My SS are usually my most talkative. Follow me around and complain about everything under the sun! 🤣
  5. Finnie

    Emus and Hay Netting

    I don’t have emus, but my instinct tells me they would try to eat it. Is it in large pieces, or tiny shreds? Can you remove it? That patch of ground would be better off having the netting removed, no matter what your plans for it are.
  6. Finnie

    Easter Egger Gender Guess

    I think the red one is a cockerel too. But if it were mine, I wouldn’t get rid of it until I saw the saddle feathers. Or, if I were holding it and spread out the wings and saw red shoulder patch color coming in.
  7. Finnie

    Turkeys and Electric Netting

    Yes, I only made pets of my turkeys in the beginning, and then I learned better. I think that’s what a lot of people do. It was pretty neat at first until it got old 😂 I think trying to have imprinted pet turkeys gets perpetuated by the internet. Unsuspecting people read that they make fun...
  8. Finnie

    Update: did not make it - Thought egg was dead, opened and it's alive, any chance??

    Now that I’ve finished the 4 pages, I think you were right that this chick probably never would have hatched because of its malposition. I have had chicks pip at the wrong end and hatch on their own just fine, and also some that didn’t make it. But those air cells had been at the correct end of...
  9. Finnie

    Update: did not make it - Thought egg was dead, opened and it's alive, any chance??

    Hey I know I’m late responding. Four pages I didn’t read (yet), but I just wanted to chime in and say I have done this too. Try not to feel too bad. One of the ways we learn to get better at things is by the experience we gain when we accidentally do the wrong thing. :hugs
  10. Finnie

    Turkeys and Electric Netting

    Oh, he’ll regret it all right, and not just the toms! He will regret the poop all over the porch. He will regret the turkeys perched on top of the house that somehow can’t get the nerve to jump down. He’ll regret the claw scratches all over the hood and top of his pickup truck. He may even...
  11. Finnie

    Open the incubator or wait?

    When you took the chicks out, did you candle the remaining eggs? I usually remove the dead looking ones and leave the potentially alive ones in. And then candle each day until I no longer see signs of life. Those never do pip, but I wait until they die on their own just in case. Generally, as...
  12. Finnie

    Turkeys and Electric Netting

    They might just learn to stay inside the netting with the flock for the most part. But they also will occasionally become full of beans, run around flapping their wings and taking off flying, just for fun and exercise. When I had turkeys inside a 5-strand electric wire fence (probably about 3...
  13. Finnie


    Nice! The TSCs around here only seem to get lights as well. Two years ago I got some buff Brahma pullets from two different TSCs. Ever since I have been looking for a male. They will often get straight run Brahmas, but not usually buffs. So this year I finally ordered cockerels (and more...
  14. Finnie

    Easter Egger Gender Guess

    You don’t say how old he is, but that big pink comb and the flashy pattern on the wings say cockerel to me. (That I circled in red.) Pullets would have a more uniform even pattern to the markings on their wings. Another thing to look for is saddle feathers. If you can pick him up and look...
  15. Finnie

    Help me choose a breed (Yea another one :-P) Mostly looking for semi aggressive breeds. I have narrowed it down some.

    What is your reasoning for wanting an aggressive rooster? If your birds are going to be restricted to a run, it’s not like you will need him to fight predators. (Not that that would work very well as a security system anyway. You would have to be replacing lots of roosters.)
  16. Finnie

    Gosling swimming lessons

    🤭 Presentable water fowl brooder is an oxymoron!
  17. Finnie

    Does raising the humidity in your incubator cause the temperature to drop?

    Don’t worry. You don’t have to drain the reservoir. Just don’t add any new water, and eventually it will come down a little. If your ambient is 50%, then you should be fine with no water added, or just a little added. Your reservoir will eventually evaporate, and then only add more water if it...
  18. Finnie


    I love to look at the chicks at TSC. But since my population is always pushing it’s limit, I only get tempted if they have something awesome and unique. A long time ago they used to get neat breeds like Barnevelders, Partridge Penedesencas and Russian Orloffs. Now all I ever see is the same old...
  19. Finnie

    Does raising the humidity in your incubator cause the temperature to drop?

    @AmyLynn2374 hasn’t been on the forum in 6 years. I don’t think she will respond. Funny to look back at my first year of hatching after 8 years of doing it. After thousands of chicks, I have grown a lot more chill about the whole thing. They are not all going to live, and that can occur at any...
  20. Finnie

    Goose Incubation & Hatching Guide - Completed!!!!

    I don’t know if they can drown if they don’t internally pip. I think those ones die from other reasons, before they get to the stage where they internally pip and then need air. But that’s just a guess. I suppose it’s possible that right when they need to switch to air, they fail to pip and...
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