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  1. chrissiemids

    Lame rooster

    Vet just gave metacam, cost £80. Said can aneathsatize and x-ray but so expensive. His limp is getting better but the leg seems set back compared with other, so it is never placed forward of the other, if that makes sence. I'm wandering,maybe spiral fracture then or dislocated shoulder? But the...
  2. chrissiemids

    Lame rooster

    He is in his own small coop and run in same space as hens. I thought sprain but now it's getting better it seems put 0f alignment with the other. Vets said they can aneathsatize and x-ray but the cost is enormous and it's already cost a lot, just to be told they can't see anything broke, which...
  3. chrissiemids

    Lame rooster

    My 9 month old buff top suddenly started keeping leg up as tho injured about 5 weeks ago. Vet couldn't find anything broken and prescribed pain relief and rest. He has improved and is walking with a limp now, however his gait seems a bit strange, as tho the lame leg is set back from the other...
  4. chrissiemids

    Lame cockerel

    Hi, i have a 9 month buff orpington roo who has, i think been a bit enthusiastic with his ladies. He suddenly started limping about 3 weeks ago. Holding one leg up and sometimes moving it around as if peddling a bike. He has begun to occasionally put it to the ground but not weight bearing...
  5. chrissiemids

    Injured chicken

    I have a rooster eith injured leg or foot the same. Ive vetrapped it for support and I've started giving anti inflammatory. Ibuprofen for infants. He is a bit more mobile than he was but still limping. I think they need to rest it first for a while. My roo has been lame 3 weeks now so he needs...
  6. chrissiemids

    Help help help! I think hes going to die please help

    8f it's hard lump it's not sour crop which is squishy. Hard crop equals impacted crop. Give olive oil and massage crop. Look at Durham hens health checker
  7. chrissiemids

    Rooster lame

    I gave my 5lb rooster a 1ml dose 3 times a day. So far good.
  8. chrissiemids

    Ibuprofen for Controlling Pain in Poultry ?

    And just after 2 doses, my roo is Makingg a move yayyy
  9. chrissiemids

    Ibuprofen for Controlling Pain in Poultry ?

    Yes, I have this strength, different brand £2
  10. chrissiemids

    Sick chickens

    Enrofloxin is the name for baytril.
  11. chrissiemids

    Sick chickens

  12. chrissiemids

    Sick chickens

    There are sites you can go to. I have, but it takes 2 weeks from China I think. .I get Baytril, ivermectin,tylan,metacam
  13. chrissiemids

    Sick chickens

    If they are gaping, it's tapeworm and needs flubenvet wormer. If it's gurgling breathing, it sounds like respiratory and needs Tylan antibiotic in water.
  14. chrissiemids

    What causes a pale or purple comb and weakness?

    The only other thing is systemic infection which needs vet for antibiotics. A good site for all problems chicken related and treatments is Durham hens health checker.
  15. chrissiemids

    What causes a pale or purple comb and weakness?

    If she is really ill, she should be separated just in case the others turn on her. Soluble aspirin costs pennies, so I would make fresh each day.
  16. chrissiemids

    What causes a pale or purple comb and weakness?

    Yes, a poultry farmer told me. He said it's the only thing as spot on, for feather mites. I've always used diatomateous earth dusting, now I do both each month or so. It's the same as injectable but used as a spot on base of neck. 1ml for full size hen, 0.5ml for vanities.
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