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  1. Catie79

    The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

    Got my eggs in at exactly noon yesterday! Set 41 eggs: 6 white Chantecler (darn hens went on strike when they got snowed in with a blizzard, perfect timing), 8 Easter Egger, and the rest are from my crazy mixed flock of barred rocks, Turkens, and second generation mixed girls with a Rhode...
  2. Catie79

    Exhibition and Showmanship Tips?

    Has anyone tried Quick Silver on white birds? It's a horse shampoo I use for white horses and it's wonderful. I can get a horse to an almost pearlescent white. Just curious if it would work on feathers. I'd hate to accidentally dye one of my birds purple.
  3. Catie79

    NPIP certification with both chickens and muscovies - New Hampshire

    Hi all, hoping someone else has encountered this. I sent in a request to get my flock NPIP certified for future hatching egg sales. Easy peasy, someone coming out in a month to do blood tests, but I mentioned my muscovies and that brought things to a screeching stop. My muscovies free range...
  4. Catie79

    Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #9 - Write and Win!

    I finally finished this article after ignoring it for a year. Also, I need the name changed to remove the WIP part. I finally finished! But I can't remember if I can change that. Whoops.
  5. Catie79

    The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

    I'm joining in this year! I'll be hatching some Chanteclers (and possibly some mixed flock since I've got a barred rock that thinks she's a chantie).
  6. Keeping Muscovy Ducks

    Keeping Muscovy Ducks

    If you tell someone you have ducks, they immediately envision white, chubby cheeked Pekin ducks. Maybe they envision something with a bit more color or the cheeky call duck, but few think of the less known cousin, the muscovy. As a completely different species of duck, these guys do warrant...
  7. Catie79

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Update on Rarity for everyone's records. 5 weeks: About 3 months: And now seven months: He's grown up into a very striking young man that has a surprisingly pleasant crow and excellent manners. It helps that he was tossed in with the older girls that would take...
  8. Catie79

    Chickens in the Garden

    A lot of keepers start with the image of their chickens peacefully ranging through the yard, picking at unseen bugs on a carpet of green with a beautiful garden bobbing gently in the breeze behind them. And then they actually get the chickens and let them loose in their yard. The image starts...
  9. Catie79

    trouble with the neighbor but not the typical kind of trouble

    My next door neighbor loves my chickens and yes, she's also elderly. She wants some of her own, but her husband isn't on board. We live on a private road far in the country, sharing a long driveway, so my free ranging chickens are known to go in her yard and it delights her. I noticed my...
  10. Catie79

    Rose Comb Nankins

    I actually found a closer source of birds, just forgot to close the listing. I'll close it now. Thanks for the offer!
  11. Catie79

    What Are Your Winter Woes?

    We got some downright comfy 40's over the weekend with a bunch of rain. The creek in the back yard now has some spots where the ice is gone and the ducks have been frolicking in the running water all day. 34* and run off is pool party weather for them. It gives me a break from the mess they...
  12. Catie79

    Nankin Discussion Thread

    I just got my very first trio of Nankins, I'm very excited! They've been dubbed Aragorn, Arwen, and Eowyn. I am that much of a nerd. Here's to hoping for some chicks this spring so I can try my hand at exhibition. Don't mind Aragorn's rough patch on his neck, his ladies did a bit of...
  13. Arwen in front and Eowyn behind.

    Arwen in front and Eowyn behind.

  14. The girls, Arwen and Eowyn.

    The girls, Arwen and Eowyn.

  15. Aragorn with the girls in the background

    Aragorn with the girls in the background

  16. Aragorn again

    Aragorn again

  17. My Nankin cockrel Aragorn

    My Nankin cockrel Aragorn

  18. Catie79

    Winter weather is all over the place; advice?

    Can't help with that one, unfortunately. I tried fermented feed but the flock wasn't going for it. They're still on crumbles. I did have a heck of a time with the frozen feed pans while I was trying it, though. Things freeze fast on the cold days and I was using metal pans. I didn't really...
  19. Catie79

    Northeastern Poultry Congress Pictures

    I spotted one Partridge Chantecler, he's in the photo set somewhere. I don't know who was exhibiting him, but he was sitting next to the Barred Holland. Glad to see both of them in attendance.
  20. Catie79

    What Are Your Winter Woes?

    Hauling out buckets of water. Sure, I've got a heater in the tub for the muscovies, but I still have to dump it and haul out more water for them. I'm teetering along the icy path, thankful for the ice cleats I use. And my drake jumps in and throws the water everywhere, which freezes the...
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