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  1. The Chickens' Maid

    XXL Aviary for House Chickens for sale

    Closed - relisting elsewhere. If interested, DM me.
  2. The Chickens' Maid

    XXL Aviary for House Chickens for sale

    Update: The dimensions are 35.5 inches wide, 45.5 inches long, 54 inches total height, 11 inch legs, 42.5 interior height. The cage can be reassembled with rivets.
  3. The Chickens' Maid

    wrap it or pull it?

    If she's acting down, then it's probably a good idea to pull it and let her heal up. Might be a good idea to keep her in a quarantine cage in the coop while it heals so she can see the others without being pecked. Lots of treats and pampering for a day or two might help her perk up a bit if...
  4. The Chickens' Maid

    Elector for scaly leg mites?

    I've never tried that. If it's chicken-safe and you've tested it on other mites, maybe it's worth a shot?
  5. The Chickens' Maid

    Eye issue

    100% agree, it's really important to know if it's hard or soft/squishy. Just be careful to hold her really really still if you try to lance it, don't want to accidently poke her eye😬
  6. The Chickens' Maid

    What is this? End of Comb pale or white and black

    To clarify, this is not to cure the black parts of the comb. Those are gone and will fall off as previously stated. This also depends on your coop setup and how much you want your chickens to be acclimated to the cold. There is a sliding scale of frostbite management. On one side is the...
  7. The Chickens' Maid

    Multi/Bilingual Language Thread

    OMG I saw the poll results🥰 тут ще хтось говорить українською!!
  8. The Chickens' Maid

    Chicken, screaming, shaking his head and walking backwards

    She might also have a feather irritating her that she can't get to. You can totally pick out loose feathers when you're looking her over and see if that calms her down. Does she scratch her head a lot?
  9. The Chickens' Maid

    Chicken, screaming, shaking his head and walking backwards

    Check for mites, you might have to look very closely and watch for movement, but that is one of the things that can cause this behavior. Especially check her ear feathers.
  10. The Chickens' Maid

    wrap it or pull it?

    Best not to pull it out, although it's not a big risk thing to do if you feel you really need to. It will likely hurt her though since it's such a large shaft feather. I would say the safest course of action is to put flour or cornstarch on it as you've been doing and try to leave it as open...
  11. The Chickens' Maid

    What is this? End of Comb pale or white and black

    That's definitely frost bite. A coop-safe heating lamp might help. You can also massage their combs with Vaseline a couple of times per day to get blood circulating.
  12. The Chickens' Maid

    Leg Problems

    If her pads and toes are ok and she doesn't have any bumblefoot spots, then she might have caught her leg in something (chicken wire or any netting, random hole in the wall, etc) My younger girls did that a few times - launched across the coop and got their feet stuck in chicken wire. The...
  13. The Chickens' Maid

    Why Did My Rooster Die?

    I agree that it sounds like an underlying health issue. I have kept multiple roosters together and had more than a few pecking order changes to deal with. Once they settled things, they were usually fine coexisting as long as the dominant roo wasn't a complete jerk. As far as the tail...
  14. The Chickens' Maid

    XXL Aviary for House Chickens for sale

    Hi all! I have a gorgeous indoor aviary for built specifically for house chickens (bantams). My babies lived in it during the colder months, but they have now gone to stay with my parents at their farm while I am living in Ukraine, so I am looking to sell this cage. It is currently...
  15. The Chickens' Maid


    update: my parents are going to keep them at their farm and keep them inside during the winter. Problem solved 🥰
  16. The Chickens' Maid

    What Would You Do? Advice/Options/Similar Stories

    Thanks for the input everyone! My parents have a farm not too far from me, and they offered to take care of my little babies indefinitely. My three are used to the farm, since I like to keep them outside in the coop there during the summer. It's the same coop I grew up keeping chickens in...
  17. The Chickens' Maid

    What Would You Do? Advice/Options/Similar Stories

    I did, but I'm more looking for stories of what other people have done in similar situations. It feels like there are other options that I haven't thought of myself and wanted to throw a line out to see if anyone out here had other ideas.
  18. The Chickens' Maid

    What Would You Do? Advice/Options/Similar Stories

    Hi everyone! I haven't posted on here since pre-covid! It's great to be back! Here's my question: I have been keeping chickens for about 17 years now and I'm down to my three little musketeers who live in an aviary in my house. They are all bantams (two hens and a roo), and the little...
  19. The Chickens' Maid

    ISO Serama chicken

    If you're willing to wait, there's a pretty large size Serama show that is part of the Northeastern Poultry Congress on the Big E fairgrounds every January (in Massachusetts). I got one of my little Seramas from there.
  20. The Chickens' Maid


    Hi CT people! I haven't been active on BYC for years, but I wanted to put some feelers out to see if anyone in central CT is interested in long-term boarding for HOUSE chickens. I have three little banties (a Belgian D'Anver hen, Sebright mix hen, and Serama rooster) who are very very pampered...
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