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  1. HugHess


    I have a juvenile Rhodebar roo...
  2. HugHess

    The Rhodebar thread!

    Hi everyone, If anyone in the Ohio area would be interested in a free cockerel... Please PM me... Thanks
  3. HugHess

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Tuesday I got TEN! New record, including three new layers in one week! Woot!! 09/16 Correction! SIX NON-SLACKERS! My nest box runneth over!!! Hehe! 'Big Girl's egg for reference...
  4. HugHess

    Silkie Hatch-A-Long 2015

    Set 6 eggs... Lost my only Sizzle egg at day 8 or 9. Luckily everyone else showed up to the party!
  5. HugHess

    Japanese Coturnix Quail Color Varieties!!!!

    So, do I have this right, Dark British/Tibetan...or Muttmos? TIA
  6. HugHess


    I have a few Mottled Eng Orps at POL + Juvies and possibly two Chocolate Bantam Orps, both Bantys are about 12 weeks...
  7. HugHess

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Two NEW 'wage earners' front left! Woot!!!
  8. HugHess

    Partridge Silkies - Nothing else

    Ok, I have got the 'Pear tree' thing happening, but what might the back three be! Lol.
  9. HugHess

    Silkie thread!

    My FIRST SILKIES! (Squeeee). I am a neophyte with their color though...I am confident that the Chipmunks are Partridge, but the other three are making me batty. They go from silvery-blue/grey to pushing black. I think the runt is blue, but the other two...are they all ''blue'? Lol Any input...
  10. HugHess

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I got 4 LF eggs 2 Cot ...and finally... My first Banty egg! To say I was excited is an understatement!!!
  11. HugHess

    Silkie thread!

    Hi Silkiers! I set six one Frizzled egg quit on me midway, grrr...have three that have hatched on day 20 and the remaining two have pipped! The last time I tried hatching a Silkie egg (an 'extree' from a Rhodebar breeder...I ended up with a Frizzled POLISH, lol!)...
  12. HugHess

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3 Chicken 2 Cot ******************** 3 Silkies hatched 2 Silkies pipped and starting to zip! Mwaha!
  13. HugHess

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    4 Chicken 2 COT
  14. HugHess

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    5/11 chicken 2/2 Cot Most I have had since I moved them :/ :)
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