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  1. lux_interior

    My Flock 5

    My Flock! Buttercup: The Queen of the flock, #1 in the pecking order. Buttercup is a red sexlink hen, she's somehwat unusual though because she is mostly white. Cinnamon: Cinnamon used to seem like she may have ended up being the #1, but Buttercup has definitely proven that she runs the...
  2. Casa De Huevos Lux Interiors Chicken Coop Lots Of Pictures

    Casa De Huevos Lux Interiors Chicken Coop Lots Of Pictures

    Staff note: We’ve been trying to find a way to restore the missing pics to this article but haven’t had any luck. Hopefully the author will be able to help us get the pics loaded back up! Casa De Huevos! Our Coop has finally been finished! I got the idea from another coop I found on BYC, and my...
  3. lux_interior

    Roo's per hens??

    yeah 1 will do for 10, but you can have as little as 6 with only one rooster too. You don't need to buy tons of hens because you have a roo
  4. lux_interior

    Newly built chicken coop

    It looks awesome, but the venting is essential. It is not just for smells, it is important for the chickens health. They will need fresh ventilated air in their coop in all weather. Also, I would add a lip or trim of some sort around the hole in the floor by the ladder, that will keep your...
  5. lux_interior

    Why do my Easter Eggers always get beat up??

    I have two EE's and two Ameraucanas,and they get picked on somewhat, but they are younger and were introduced last....
  6. lux_interior

    What color rooster over purebred BO hen makes buff colored chicks?

    a white rooster. White rocks or leghorns will give you mixes that will look like BOs.
  7. lux_interior

    What is this smiley?

    it's crossing it's fingers!
  8. lux_interior

    RIR's - Production?? Look ready to lay?

    they do look very much like RIR's and they also look like they could lay soon too! start checking for eggs
  9. lux_interior


    At 19 weeks, I'd say that looks like a hen, she looks ready to lay too!
  10. lux_interior

    The Great Wal-Mart Organic Eggs Experiment (Pics)

    <-- just got interested...
  11. lux_interior

    Help again please...what are they?

    they look cochin and brahma cross...
  12. lux_interior

    How to feed yoghurt

    I put it in a big bowl or dish, they die for it....
  13. lux_interior

    What kind of chick is this?

    I agree, looks like a light Brahma, but the leg feathering is very weak...
  14. lux_interior

    Name That Turkey!

    hm.. I googled pics, broad breasted white seems about right.... These are my first ever turkeys, I only know chicken breeds!
  15. lux_interior

    What should I do now?

    I think it is saying that you cannot have chickens for business purposes, unless it is a farming operation, and in the case that it IS farming operation, it would have to be at least 100 feet from any neighbors. Since you are most likely not owning these three hens for business purposes, I'd...
  16. lux_interior

    Can a hen hatch eggs in 123 degree heat?

    If she's been at it that long, I'd give her a shot. The eggs do look fertile, and even though I'm not sure if the heat would be a big issue, she seems hell bent on trying....
  17. lux_interior

    who ELSE is hungry?

    mm.. brownies....
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