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  1. New Coop

    New Coop

  2. okieinalaska

    Okieinalaskas Member Page

    My name is Amy and I live in the great state of Alaska. My husband was in the Coast Guard and just retired. We are both from Oklahoma originally and have lived all over the country. I have wanted chickens for years now but knowing that I would have to move every few years kept me from giving...
  3. okieinalaska

    Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

    I haven't read the whole thread but wanted to say that if you like greek yogurt or like your yogurt thicker take a small wire strainer and put a coffee filter in it, set it over a bowl and pour the yogurt in the strainer. In the morning the whey will be in the bowl and your yogurt will be...
  4. okieinalaska

    bantam cochin or white wyandotte for the newbie?

    One of the juicer chickens I had (I traded a juicer for some barnyard chickens, LOL) I think was bantam and part sussex. She was beautiful but kind of flighty compared to everyone else. I don't know what she would have been like had I kept her longer. She was one of my favorites though...
  5. okieinalaska

    bantam cochin or white wyandotte for the newbie?

    Get a few of each. Seriously. Chicken math works. : ) I sold all of my chicks (silver lacyed wyandottes included) but still have my near point of lay gold laced bantam cochins and just love those girls to death. When it comes time to move we are going to really cry when we have to part with...
  6. okieinalaska

    What kind are these??? pics!!!!!

    Did they promise you they were all pullets? Or did they tell you straight run?
  7. okieinalaska

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    HI all, I am going to be moving back home to Bixby from Alaska (whenever my house sells). I grew up in Bixby and my parents are still there. Is it legal to have chickens in Bixby? I think I heard Tulsa it's legal. I am guessing it also depends on if you have a HOA? I am going to stay with...
  8. okieinalaska

    Life changes in an husband passed away

    Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes. Someone earlier said I seemed to be at peace but honestly that changes hourly. I know I will be fine though. It's my kids I am more worried about. My mom lost her father at age 11 and it was the most traumatic thing in her life. At the time my...
  9. okieinalaska

    Life changes in an husband passed away

    My husband just retired from the coast guard last summer. He just turned 44 in January and we had our 20 year anniversary. He completed his first year of college on the GI bill and was enjoying school. He was taking the summer off to be home with the kids. With only 3 days left in my kids...
  10. okieinalaska

    I'm not feeding my Chickens anymore!

    Quote: Avocados are considered poisonous to parrots. Is it not the same for chickens? Michelle I thought avacados were a no no for chickens??
  11. okieinalaska

    Chihuahua warned me chick was in trouble at 3am this morning!

    I have 2 chihuahuas. One is named CHewie and is always getting into trouble. I make him sleep with me and shut my door otherwise he wanders the house at night looking for food and getting into trash etc. Well last night he woke me up at 3 am like he needed to go outside. I was not very happy...
  12. okieinalaska

    Saturday Night Special treat!!

    I know and they can't seem to eat and run either. Then I wonder why everyone chases the one while there is a whole plate full they could be eating, LOL.
  13. okieinalaska

    Cutest Rabbit Contest

    Quote: What kind of bunnies are these? I am just learning about rabbits. They are so cute!
  14. okieinalaska

    Saturday Night Special treat!!

    hahaha, I know what you mean. I chop up a hardboiled egg and mix in yogurt and their mash or pellets depending on age and they love it. It's hilarious to see them grab a big piece and start running and everyone starts chasing them.
  15. okieinalaska

    Mutt Chickens

    I swapped a juicer that I had to someone the other day for some mixed pullets. One is a sussex/cochin cross (speckled body with buff neck and head) and is just adorable and another is a cochin/easter egger cross. She looks like a black cochin with muffs! I hope she lays blue eggs. We named them...
  16. okieinalaska

    14 Bantam Chicks (Extremely Pic Heavy, EXTREME CUTENESS WARNING!)

    Super cute! I love the photo of the one getting a drink. I had a brand new baby learn to drink just the other day and it was so cute. It would tip it's head back so far it would almost topple over backwards.
  17. okieinalaska

    What's so special about Silkies? [got them!]

    My silkie chicks are growing big, they have little puffballs for tails right now but not a whole lot else. So funny.
  18. okieinalaska

    Help, need your opinion, does this look normal?

    I have seen that but it just confuses me. It's either normal cecal or wormy by looking at those pics. What about cocci? I now it doesn't always have blood in it...
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