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  1. Mama&thePeeps


    We used a plastic tote (about 3 x 2) with a screen over the top. When they got too crowded I cut a hole in the side and placed a rabbit cage (2.5 x 2.5) next to the tub and they could go 'out' to the cage for more space and into the plastic tub for heat (the lamp was over the tub area). Now...
  2. Mama&thePeeps

    HELP!! chicken not growing and leg doesn't work right :(

    Maybe it's a bantam chick? They start out smaller and consistently remain smaller than regular size chicks of the same age. I agree with the small stuffy to keep it company. And maybe a mirror where it can see itself and think there are others.
  3. Mama&thePeeps

    Pictures of my 2 week girls...

    Beautiful! Welcome to the wild world of chickens!
  4. Mama&thePeeps

    Close Up Please

    She's lovely!
  5. Mama&thePeeps

    My cute little chicks...

    Sweet little ones -- enjoy!!
  6. Mama&thePeeps

    Have you ever had a group of chickens that's just smarter than the rest?

    Our chickens will look up at you when you come outside and then go about their business. BUT---- if you come outside holding the jar of Happy Hen Treats, boy watch out! Fred, our rooster, will dash towards you at top speed yelling to the ladies to 'get over here and get some treats!' I should...
  7. Mama&thePeeps

    8 week old bantams -- who are they?

    I have four 8 week old straight run bantams. I think I've figured out three of the four, but I'd like to have the 'experts' take a look at my newest additions to our flock. Please give your great expertise of the breed and sex of the new chicks. Thank you so much!!! 1) Partridge colored...
  8. Four new peeps!

    Four new peeps!

  9. Mama&thePeeps

    New Chicks On The Block

    Since the ladies have grown up, we've missed having babies around, so we got two little girls from TSC in spring 2010: This is Beatrice and Florence at 5 days old. Of course, just adding two to the flock wasn't enough. So we currently have 9 silky eggs in the incubator as well. UPDATE...
  10. Silkies 6

    Silkies 6

    And here's one of the silkies from our first hatch! (May 6, 2010) - (obviously not full silkies) Here they are at one day old. We have one Buff Silkie and five of the Black. Here's the buff one at day 10. And the all black one (day 10) Black colored one (4 of them look like this...
  11. Tractor


    We thought our ladies deserved some time with some real grass since they've eaten everything in their run. So we designed this chicken tractor from looking at many different styles and using materials we had on hand already. We have two handles on each end for lifting and carrying, and a rope...
  12. Mama Thepeepss Page

    Mama Thepeepss Page

    Welcome to Mama&thePeeps' BYC's pages 3 llamas, 2 alpacas, 4 leghorn hens, 4 RIR hens, 6 silkie hens, 2 silkie roos Our first chickens arrived at three weeks of age in early March, 2009. We let them out briefly into the yard for fresh air occasionally. (4 wks old) We received a used...
  13. Default


  14. Mama&thePeeps

    Where is the Stopping Point?

    I wouldn't know. I haven't found one yet. We started with 6 day olds from the hatchery two years ago. Bought two more last year. Hatched 6 silkie eggs also last year and now the silkies have had 4 of their own. That's 18 if you're counting.
  15. Mama&thePeeps

    Got my baby chicks yesterday! **pic heavy**

    Oh, congratulations! What a wonderful set of little peeps!
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