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  1. PhatChicks

    mites, mites, mites

    Does anyone have pictures of what infected birds look like? Mine regularly have dust baths plus I put DE in the coop/nesting boxes. A few of my birds have tattered looking feathers while others are completely fluffy. Can only one or two birds be infected with mites in a flock of 14? They stay in...
  2. PhatChicks

    HELP!!! My chicken is laying smelly eggs with black yokes

    I just had this happen to one of my eggs. I sold two cartoons to my co-worker a few weeks ago and she today me today that once was black and smelly. :( I have 14 chickens total, no horses and they all eat the same food. I wonder what the problem really is??
  3. PhatChicks

    Chicken Breed Focus - Brakel

    Can this be a bantam as well? I have a banty rooster that I don't know what he is.
  4. PhatChicks

    Can I mix baby chicks and baby ducks?

    I currently have 6 hens. I plan on getting about 5-10 chicks in the next few weeks. I was thinking of adding a few ducks as well but I only have a small grow out pen and small coop. When they are chicks, can I raise them together? Once they move to the "big" coop, can the chickens and ducks live...
  5. PhatChicks

    mites, mites, mites

    How do you know if the chickens have mites?
  6. PhatChicks

    Winterizing Nipple Waterers? UPDATE Really? No One Knows?

    This is my first winter with 7 chickens. I live in West Michigan where it gets pretty cold because of the lake effect snow and winds. I'm in the process of winterizing the coop and am trying to figure out what to do about the waterers without having to take a bucket out there every day to...
  7. PhatChicks

    Collected an egg with blood on the outside of the shell

    Okay, thanks for talking me off the ledge! :) I think she is the one that has been laying huge, double-yolk eggs so it makes sense that she would have a bit of trouble. I'm going to wash her butt off just in case poop is stuck in there and then just keep an eye on her. If she seems not...
  8. PhatChicks

    Collected an egg with blood on the outside of the shell

    This afternoon when I went to collect eggs, one had blood on the outside like when the pullet was laying it, it was straining and really had to push it out. I checked her butt and her anus seemed swollen and had poop stuck all around it. What should I do? If she lays an egg every day, I don't...
  9. PhatChicks

    For the new folks that haven't experienced a molt yet.

    I would definitely keep an eye on them. One of mine is molting and they are pecking her a lot. I use the blue Peck-No-More (it's the blue stinky stuff) and keep it on her. Good luck!
  10. PhatChicks

    Chicken Holes

    My 7 chicks have dig HUGE holes in the run. They started out just stratching for worms but turned into bowling ball size holes. Any recommendations on how I can get them to stop or to direct them to dig in a certain spot? They have access to a grassy area that they can dig in all day long. In...
  11. PhatChicks

    For the new folks that haven't experienced a molt yet.

    how did you keep the others from pecking at the new feathers? I have one Easter Egger starting to molt by the base of her back and the others have pecked her so bad that she is bleeding. I had to put the purple smelly medicine on her (I forget the name of it but the stuff stinks!) I separated...
  12. PhatChicks

    My chicken sang the egg song!

    My chickens started laying a week and a half ago. It started with one lonely egg in the bottom of the coop floor (pictured below). Now I get 6 eggs a day from my seven girls. They lay their eggs from when I let them out in the morning around 7am and are usually finished by noon. They don't...
  13. PhatChicks

    I'm in West Michigan

    Hi! Yep, chicken math can be tough! :) I only have 7 because I don't have room for more but am hoping to build a better and bigger coop in a year or two. Then I can get a few more. I would love a few silkies or polish. Sounds like you caught the chicken bug, for sure! :) I'm not brave...
  14. PhatChicks

    I freaked out my chickens tonight. :(

    Of course, I didn't think that by just sticking a nesting box in the coop would make them start laying. I wanted them to see it and start to get used to it, that's why I put it in there yesterday and of course, start getting in and out of it over the next few days/weeks or how ever long it will...
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