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  1. Morrigan

    Dealing with emotions of a botched kill

    Very good point. A large, sharp hatchet makes the job much easier.
  2. Morrigan

    Ranger issues?

    I found that there are a fair number of inconsistencies between ranger type broilers -- both between batches from the same hatcheries and, even moreso, from hatchery to hatchery. I've had some held-over ranger hens live for 2 to 4 years without any special treatment and feeding, but I've had...
  3. Morrigan

    Please don’t call me nuts if it’s just WRONG LOL

    My dogs get almost all the leftover chicken around here. The one exception is if I have chicken that got cooked with onion or spicy chilies. The chickens go crazy for those scraps. They don't know those scraps were once a flock mate. Don't ask, don't tell. . .
  4. Morrigan

    Celebrating my First Home Hatch! <3

    I still remember with great fondness the day my first broody hen hatched her chicks. Seeing a mama hen with her chicks is my favorite part of raising chickens. Enjoy!
  5. Morrigan

    Trials And Tribulations Of Suburban Meat Bird Production

    Well said. For what they ultimately give me, those little meat birds deserve the best care and attention I can give them.
  6. Morrigan

    Butcher question

    How do you otherwise like to eat chicken? I agree, I wouldn't stew it. Short of that, anything goes. Grilled, fried or pound the breasts into a piccata? I would use fast cooking techniques to enjoy the tenderness of the meat. But, if you like roast chicken, that would be good as well...
  7. Morrigan

    Butcher question

    Yeah, mine are in one of my coops with the rooster and some layers. For the last few years, I've ordered a dozen hatching eggs from Freedom Ranger. Usually, I get anywhere between 1 and 6 to hatch. This year 9 hatched, plus one barnyarder egg I threw in. It's quite the horde. Rooster is...
  8. Morrigan

    Butcher question

    You really can't beat those CX for efficiency. Bit envious right now. At 5 weeks old, my 9 freedom rangers are making a total mess out of my coop. Sleeping in the nest boxes, eating and pooping everywhere. The thought of being able to butcher tomorrow and having 4.5 lb. birds sounds pretty...
  9. Morrigan

    Butcher question

    Pretty impressive. For comparison, I have some freedom rangers at that exact age right now. They would maybe dress out at 2 lbs. I don't plan on butchering them for another 4 weeks.
  10. Morrigan

    Butcher question

    Nice! How many weeks old was that?
  11. Morrigan

    What live/dressed weights are you getting from your heritage /crosses meat birds?

    The bulging crops do sound weird and not normal. However, on the tan livers, I've found that once hens start laying, their livers turn from red to tan. In fact, I've never processed a layer that hasn't had a tan liver. It worried me the first time I saw it. I remember doing some...
  12. Morrigan

    What live/dressed weights are you getting from your heritage /crosses meat birds?

    I've crossed a Naked Neck rooster with red ranger and SWB hens. The offspring were good-sized, dressing out between 4 and 5 lbs @ around 13 weeks. I tried to keep one of the rooster crosses to breed going forward, but he was too big, clumsy and hard on the hens. I I now have a Blue Maran...
  13. Morrigan

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    It's not surprising that fresh growing things are good for chickens. Of course, wiithout access to sophisticated resources and testing, it's impossible to really know exactly what the nutritional content is for the extras you give them. But, on a practical level, I try not to get too bogged...
  14. Morrigan

    Brooding outside in March

    How many meat birds? What is your available space like? I've brooded meat birds in a converted shed (for 25+ chicks) and in a converted rabbit hutch (10 or less) chicks, in the winter with night-time lows in the 30s. It can be done, but you need a space you can safely heat with a brooding...
  15. Morrigan

    Can I raise baby roosters on corn and table scraps only?

    I think it could work depending on the type and amount of table scraps you have, as well as whether the cockerels are going to get access to any natural forage. They will need some decent protein source, to grow well. If you have a lot of meat, fish, and dairy scraps, and/or there are a lot...
  16. Morrigan

    Feeding and Watering Struggles

    To keep the waterer from tipping over, attach a hook to the underside of the coop and than run some rope (or a chain) from the handle of the waterer to the hook. There can be a little slack, but you don't want the waterer swinging on the rope. You want enough tension so that when the chickens...
  17. Morrigan

    Urgent advice on chicken feed

    Is it just bald butts, or bald backs? I'm wondering if what you are seeing might be damage from the rooster mating the hens. Pictures of the bald spots would help. Bald butts (as opposed to bald backs) and ratty feathers can also be caused by lice or mites. The chickens would need to be...
  18. Morrigan

    I feel awful for culling a rooster I recently got

    It's normal -- and healthy -- to feel strong emotions when you take a life. It's a serious business and you didn't do it lightly. However, you did the right thing and you did it well. Enjoy your peaceful flock. I'm sure the hens -- as well as your daughter -- are grateful not to deal...
  19. Morrigan

    Do your port ("bucket") feeders keep house sparrows out?

    I've found that port feeders with pellets -- rather than crumbles -- helps keep sparrows out. There are still plenty of sparrows around my yard, but they tend to focus on the crumbs that get billed out rather than getting inside the port feeder itself. Not perfect, but better then more open...
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