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  1. das fisch

    Need help quick

    There are chickens in a separate pen.
  2. das fisch

    Need help quick

    have a 3 yr old Narragansett tom who is not doing well. Thought it was gapeworm, not responding to treatment. Symptoms are swollen snood, lethargic, extending his neck often, standing upright (for lack of a better term), darker head, not gobbling, watery droppings Please help
  3. das fisch

    Need help quick

    I have a 3 yr old Narragansett tom who is not doing well. Thought it was gapeworm, not responding to treatment. Symptoms are swollen snood, lethargic, extending his neck often, standing upright (for lack of a better term), darker head, not gobbling, watery droppings Please help
  4. das fisch

    Turkey poult; drooping wings and tremors.need advice

    After isolating I treated him and the others with wazine. Still doing ok, energetic seems to be eating and drinking and the others aren't showing signs. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  5. das fisch

    Turkey poult; drooping wings and tremors.need advice

    Sorry. They are narragansetts. No other real symptoms. Head is not dropping or withdrawn, mature feathers growing in. One thing is the second joints on the wings are very exposed, so much so that I thought there were compound fractures, but they are not. What I believe is a Tom is segregated at...
  6. das fisch

    Turkey poult; drooping wings and tremors.need advice

    We have about a flock of eight 10 week old turkey poults (with hen) that are very energetic. Yesterday one poult developed a symptom of drooping wings and what appears to be muscle tremors in the wings. It is eating, drinking, energetic, etc. I have isolated it from the others. Is this early...
  7. das fisch

    best way to stop one from pecking the others

    so far my plan has backfired. there are two which were getting pecked and lost the feathers on their chest, well now that they have been segregated from the others they have been pecking each other and taking the feathers off of their necks too. I'll have to seperate them into seperate crates...
  8. das fisch

    best way to stop one from pecking the others

    i've segregated the two "victims" of the pecking, except for when they're out of the pen and have free range of the yard/woods/etc. figured then they have plenty of room to seperate and the pecker has enough distractions to keep her busy. with lows predicted down into the teens and possibly...
  9. das fisch

    best way to stop one from pecking the others

    So I have I believe one older hen who is pecking the chest feathers off of two other hens of her same age. What is the best way to stop this from happening? I don't want to rid the flock of her as we just had to get rid of the cockerels. Also with the cold weather we have, I'm thinking of...
  10. das fisch

    Has anybody tried ultrasonic mouse/rat control in their coops?

    in my work as a nuisance wildlife control operator, i see these frequently. It's pretty funny when I'm doing a rodent inspection or similar and the customer points out this gadget which keeps critters at bay. But all the while I'm thinking to myself; "If this darn thing works so well, why am I...
  11. das fisch

    can high heat/humidity cause diareah?

    i've noticed in my 1+ yr old RIR's a few are having episodes of diareah. this seems to happen when we have a stretch of high heat and humidity. I was thinking that maybe it was due to drinking more water during these periods? also have a new batch or RIR's which have integrated very well, but in...
  12. das fisch

    now who can guess this one?

    This youngin' was in a batch of four hatched by my sons class, she/he is now about 8 weeks old. I have no idea what breed this one is. size is smaller than the other three she/he came with (two what I believe are NH reds and one all white bird). Just noticed today the extra toe protruding off...
  13. das fisch


    I own/operate a nuisance animal control firm in southern Maine and bat calls are a regular part of our business. If you are seeing a healthy bat population in your area, by all means do what you can to keep them in the GENERAL area. As you all have probably heard bats here on the east coast are...
  14. das fisch

    OMG! What is this dead thing in my driveway?????

    definitely weasel, ermine in winter. i trap all mentioned above (besides mongoose). wolfwoman, do you happen to be over on t-man too?
  15. das fisch

    Is it too early to predict if they are boys or girls.

    we're playing the same game with our four week old RIR's (or at least three look like rir's, a few might be a buff/red mix, different coloring). here's a few pics of the suspect and a pullet together. bodies are that much different, legs aren't different, just the comb seems larger and more...
  16. das fisch

    Backyard visitor (pic)

    i've had a few nuisance calls of what the customer said were coyotes sitting on a very similar wall near the house and not batting an eye when "spoken to." come to find out on both calls they were gray's as well. caught both, no issues, no disease, relocated to a proper/legal spot. always be...
  17. das fisch

    Great stuff as sealant?

    By no means use that or any expanding foam by itself as a deterant for any pest or predator. Rodents and whatnot will chew thru it in a matter of seconds. Now if you were to use it in conjunction with some steel mesh, copper stuff-it or any chewproof material it would work. This stuff is a great...
  18. das fisch

    Investing In A Large Havahart Trap

    I order traps for work from Duke, if you exceed $100 in product costs shipping is free. Check out the HD line of traps he sells, they work fantastic. I do not use Havajunks very much as I have had numerous coons destroy these and/or pop the door open in transit. but if you are only using them...
  19. das fisch

    Mice Escaped Trap

    if you can get them, purchase the "pro" model victor mouse traps. These are the model with the large yellow pan instead of the smaller metal one. These have the two settings mentioned earlier, also try putting just a bit on the bottom of the pan so that some is forced up thru the small openings...
  20. das fisch

    on high alert, any insight appreciated!

    haven't checked for lice or mites in a while, and definitely did not with the one who passed away... didn't think of it. will check the others here soon. she did not seem that light, not noticeably anyway, just empty crop. we're probably over reacting, but rather be safe than sorry. added...
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