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  1. loverOFchickens

    Your Chicken Pictures Needed For The BYC 2012 Calendar

    Quote: Oh yes! Lets. That is an amazing idea.
  2. loverOFchickens

    Your Chicken Pictures Needed For The BYC 2012 Calendar

    @ilovechickens They say voting is to start in the fall. Since it's not quite officially fall yet I would say no.
  3. loverOFchickens

    Your Chicken Pictures Needed For The BYC 2012 Calendar

    @Teriyaki That's sad. BUT "Roly Poly, my Polish pullet" should be a tongue twister.
  4. loverOFchickens

    Unknown protuberance (picture added)

    Pictures might help...
  5. loverOFchickens

    BYC Trivia Challenge! Sunday September 4, 2011 at 9:00 PM EST 6:PM PST

    Very cool, I only wish they didn't have it on Sunday mornings while I'm in church so that I could participate.
  6. loverOFchickens

    Your Chicken Pictures Needed For The BYC 2012 Calendar

    Oohlala That is a beautiful bird and a BEAUTIFUL pic. I'm looking forward to seeing your second submission.
  7. loverOFchickens

    how do i get my hens to be more comfortable with people touching them?

    Food! You may need to wear a glove depending on how vigorously they eat but food is the key to a chicken's heart.
  8. loverOFchickens

    I think I lost my first chicken :(

    Chances are if she went broody you probably won't find her. If it turns out to be the other extreme, I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is to lose your first one.
  9. loverOFchickens

    Is this beak normal

    I have that in my other light beaked birds but I don't raise leghorns so I don't know. I'd say it's normal but I'm not positive. The RIR's develop slower so I would say that it would only be a sign of a rooster if the combs on one of the same breed appears larger than the others in that breed.
  10. loverOFchickens

    New and looking for advice

    First of all, welcome! You have come to the right place! Now as to your questions: 1. No, especially if you have a small number. You can use mix the straw (or whatever bedding you choose to use as long as it is biodegradable) and manure as a base for a compost pile if you like. Or perhaps you...
  11. loverOFchickens

    New girl here :D

    Let me be the first to say ! You will love it here!
  12. loverOFchickens

    Feather picking.....Help!

    Everybody's flock molts, some breeds like longtails it's only once in a blue moon but they all molt. Sometimes you don't notice it because they do the process over time though. The best "medicine" that I know of. would be to separate the two that are getting pecked and keep them separate until...
  13. loverOFchickens

    Roo problem - how to tame a mean one

    It's hard and next to impossible. The easiest method is prevention in the first place. I will occasionally charge at a rooster or hold him down for a minuet or so to re-establish who's boss. The person the roo is attacking has to be the one to cure him and establish his place in the pecking...
  14. loverOFchickens

    Poultry Photography Contest!-Results are up! VOTE FOR OTHER CATEGORIES

    Breed: Phoenix Aprox. age: 2 years Name: Lincoln Breed: Phoenix Aprox age: 2 years Name: Yolanda
  15. loverOFchickens

    Your Chicken Pictures Needed For The BYC 2012 Calendar

    Which came first, the kittens or the eggs? Note, this is not a staged photo. The mother cat decided the chicken next looked cozy I guess.
  16. loverOFchickens

    Food sticks in feeder

    Is it absorbing moisture somewhere along the way? That would be my best guess.
  17. loverOFchickens

    blown egg collecting

    Oh, me too. It's also fun to do the ukranain egg dyeing and then blow them. Do you blow your own?
  18. loverOFchickens

    Water crest?

    Yep! Safe for humans, safe for birds.
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