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  1. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    So I'm throwing out egg three tonight. Sad but it hasn't hatched. On the bright side, I got this adorable pic of the chicks meeting daddy. <3
  2. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    Good news! I swear I saw the third egg move when I candled it tonight. Can it even be possible that it's still alive? And if so, when is it gonna hatch? And of course mom and baby pics :)
  3. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    No sign of hatching from the third egg. I candled it but can't tell if it moves or I just think it does cause I want it to. How much longer should I give do you think before throwing it out? Don't wanna kill a baby, but it doesn't look good. The other chicks are doing well with mom.
  4. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    I candled but couldn't tell if it was alive or not. I could see something in there and a vein but that's it. I'm gonna give it another day I think.
  5. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    Third egg is the same. I think it's dead. But I'll give it until tomorrow.
  6. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    Great news! Momma and baby are back together and baby is healthy! Thanks for all your help! I candled the last egg but I honestly cannot tell if it's alive or dead. I'll leave it for another day or two under the heat and see what happens.
  7. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    Ok, I'll candle it when it gets dark
  8. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    Update- Just got home from work. Mama abandoned the last egg. I found it cold. I put it with the other half hatched egg under the heat. Do you think the baby in it is still alive and has a chance to hatch? Half hatched chick is still in the egg. More shell is crumbling, but there's still blood...
  9. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    Random question - these chicks have a bantam father and a regular sized mother. They are hatching out of regular sized eggs. What size do you think they'll be?
  10. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    It did have some blood, so I brought it inside like the other.
  11. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    Yes this is. She decided that she wanted to sit on three eggs so I let her. I was expecting her to do the work, not me! It's odd that the eggs are crumbling so close to hatch timg though, and not before. And no I haven't done anything for this chick other then put vaseline on it.
  12. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    It's peeping away so obviously healthy! This one had its beak out already, so maybe it pipped before it's shell started crumbling?
  13. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    Oh my gosh it's happening again guys! What the crud is going on!? At least I'm prepared this time...
  14. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    Oh goodness I'm seriously dying from cuteness here! No sign of the eggs hatching yet. I honestly don't know what day they are exactly - she started sitting when I was on vacation, and none of them are even her own eggs. I do know there's babies though from candling! Hoping they hatch soon...
  15. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    Reunited with mama! So far so good... no sign of the other eggs hatching yet though. I hope mom doesn't get off and abandon them. :/
  16. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    I'm going to try putting her with mom tonight after dark. I'll let you know how it goes. Until then, here's some pictures of "Xena." <3
  17. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    And also, is she going to be ok by herself? I worry cause the chick store guys say "you have to buy more then one or they'll die."
  18. farlo4

    Help! Egg is crumbling away and chick isn't ready!

    Thanks! Okay I will put her back at night. However should it be tonight or after the other eggs hatch? I believe they are a day or two behind this one from candling. I checked them this morning and they haven't even pipped yet. Also, I have no idea how it cracked. The other eggs are fine.
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