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  1. OlandskMama


    I love your bucket nest boxes! So easy to clean and already has a front to hold straw or shavings!
  2. OlandskMama

    Is my starlight chicken a rooster?

    Looking at the comb and wattles.. (very developed and red compared to others in photo ). When my Olandsk Dwarf chicks start showing size and color in their wattles , they are the boys.
  3. OlanskMama's flock

    OlanskMama's flock

    Olansk Dwarf from 2013 to 2022
  4. 20171106_Olandsk Dwarfs, people watching (begging)

    20171106_Olandsk Dwarfs, people watching (begging)

    the ODs love to see what's going on in the yard outside their coop/run.
  5. Ragnar & Hilde & family 20210725_140008.jpg

    Ragnar & Hilde & family 20210725_140008.jpg

    My 9 year old roo, who is father to many, stepfather to many more! He teaches the chick to trust the humans. Until this year, Ragnar contributed to the longevity gene in my flock. His mate Hildegard is 8 and still laying but no fertile eggs.
  6. 278668374_10225302270761597_438190588355732438_n.jpg


    2022 spring Olandsk Dwarf hatch
  7. OlandskMama

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    Hi, I had a house that never produced eggs, until I discovered an egg outside under the 'secure' house/ yard area, so the hen had not put it there! Then I noticed a hole in the yard, which turned out to be a rat tunnel running out under the henhouse. We set up a game camera and discovered a...
  8. OlandskMama

    indoor pet rooster problem

    Rude! This person is asking for help not criticism.
  9. OlandskMama

    Indoor pet chicken

    Good for you for finding a way around the allergy problem! My husband is allergic to dog and cat dander. The doctor prescibed allergy meds so the pets can sleep on our bed. A couple of years ago we learned that our poor Westhighland white terrier is allergic to a lot of things. Especially human...
  10. OlandskMama

    Indoor pet chicken

    "I happen to be allergic to planet earth 🌏 with or without pets 😆" Long ago my husband found out he was allergic to dog and cat dander. The doctor said, "I don't suppose you are going to get rid of all your pets." Nope! Hubby takes medication so the dogs and cats still sleep on the bed with...
  11. OlandskMama

    Cutest baby fowl photo contest

    the newest members of our flock! Black Cayuga ducklings
  12. OlandskMama

    Cutest baby fowl photo contest

    Tiny day old Olandsk Dwarf friend 😍
  13. OlandskMama

    Stray Maine Coon cat arrived full of matted fur -- UPDATED PICS!

    We adore our MC cross! You won't regret the time you put in to your yours! They are wonderful members of the family. Keep it up! Ours came from rescue and was a matted mess. I would detangle one section at a time, only 10-15 minutes each time and then reward him. I clipped under the...
  14. OlandskMama

    Who all owns Maine Coon Cats?

    We have one! Our BigBob just came in from a triumphant dust up with a neighborhood cat that got in the garden, where my Olandsk Dwarf chickens live. We like to think he was protecting our chickens but more than likely was protecting his favorite mouse hunting grounds.
  15. OlandskMama

    Updates on Jo... the Gynandromorph / Chimera Chicken?

    My androgenous chicken has hackles on the right side and posture of a hen, but a longer tail. I was beginning to think it was a he but then the huge double yolked eggs started to appear every couple of days. I will name her/him Pat.
  16. OlandskMama

    Hermaphrodite chickens?

    This explains a lot to me about my androgenous chicken. She looks like two her sisters but has a slightly longer tail. He/She did not start laying when sisters did and then I noticed she had hackle feathers on one side of her neck. I was getting used to calling her 'he' and then I started...
  17. OlandskMama

    Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

    I had to remove my entry when I realized it was from 2015 hatch. You would have liked it!
  18. OlandskMama

    Topic of the Week - How long do chickens live?

    Rachel, My long lived birds were bullet proof RIR , Black Australorps and the one Barred Rock. I now raise Olandsk Dwarf chickens and they are a challenge to keep healthy. It is heart breaking when they don't thrive. I never medicated chickens in the past but I swear their medicine cabinet is...
  19. OlandskMama

    Topic of the Week - How long do chickens live?

    When my daughter was 7, our friends moved away and gave us a hen that happened to be the same age as our children.. 'Barbara' was the only Barred Rock in our flock, so stood out amongst my Black Australorps. She laid large odd shaped eggs, often double yolkers, about once a week and held her...
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