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  1. hungryhensfarm

    Need help sexing my white silkies

    I'll do that asap. Thanks.
  2. hungryhensfarm

    Molting chickens, missing eggs

    Don't feel bad. I'm getting two eggs a day and I have 17 hens. The days are getting shorter and if they don't get at least 14 hours of light a day they will stop laying altogether. I'm working now on some light for mine to see if I can get them motivated again.
  3. hungryhensfarm

    Need help sexing my white silkies

    I have three white silkies that are about 3 months of age. What I need help with is two of them have what looks like a smear of blue nail polish on each side of their heads. The third one I have not seen blue marking on. Can anyone tell me what this means?
  4. hungryhensfarm

    Which are your dirtiest birds??

    Do ducks count? I hope so cause mine are the dirtiest birds I have.
  5. hungryhensfarm

    How many people truly have "Backyard" Chickens?

    I'm not free ranging them at this time due to a large husky that has managed to kill eight of my chickens in the last two months. One about two months ago, three this past Thursday morning and four yesterday morning. On Thursday this dog ate all except the legs of Teak, my black giant rooster...
  6. hungryhensfarm

    How many people truly have "Backyard" Chickens?

    DH and I have almost an acre. Our large backyard is home to 26 chickens and 4 ducklings.
  7. hungryhensfarm

    What makes a person think it is ok to....

    I'm one who would have (as politely as possible) told that couple just how immoral and illegal their actions are. Then the proper authorities would be contacted. What they are doing is dispicable.
  8. hungryhensfarm

    You might be a crazy chicken lady/gent if...Go on, post yours!

    When all you think about is chickens, chickens and more chickens. I have to tell everyone about my beloved chickens and I'm always looking for a way to buy more and more. I'm obsessed!
  9. hungryhensfarm

    mini egg

    I had a hen to lay mini eggs when she first began laying. They started out at about the same size as yours reggiejr and gradually got bigger and bigger until they were normal size. She lays very nice large eggs now.
  10. hungryhensfarm

    Do you talk to your chickens?

    I always talk to my chickens. I'm trying to motivate them to hurry and finish moulting right now. It's not really worked yet.
  11. hungryhensfarm

    My BABIES are here!!!!(updated pics-5 wks old)

    All right that does it! I'm in. Soon as I have the money I'm getting me some of those! Soon, I hope!
  12. hungryhensfarm

    Egg laying Problem!

    My girls are moulting right now so I haven't been getting any eggs either. I feel your pain.
  13. hungryhensfarm

    A hard lesson learned about chickens and pit bull not mixing well

    I guess the my cousin's rooster was tired of having to run for his life. Since he made his way back to my cousin's house the old boy has not returned for another run in with the dog. I took the dog because I have a nice sized dog pen. The dog is quite content now and is unable to get out to...
  14. hungryhensfarm

    How many Musicians do we have here?

    I play piano. Took lessons for about 8 years. Haven't actually played for a while because I had to leave the piano at my parents home when I married. I'm actually looking for a piano for my home because I miss playing so much.
  15. hungryhensfarm

    When to change to layer feed

    I've always switched any of my girls to layer at or around 20 weeks of age. That's what I recommend.
  16. hungryhensfarm

    Switching to Grower feed

    I recommend not switching them directly to grower. I would switch them to Start n Grow instead in order to gradually decrease the protein. At about 12 weeks but likely be a better time to switch to grower. 20 weeks for layer. Anyway that the way I did it. Hope this helps.
  17. hungryhensfarm

    ALL of my brown egg layers stopped hens to be sent the soup pot!!!!

    It was this time last year that my red stars stopped laying. We had experienced some really rough weather for several days and I believe they had their first moult then too. I also had made the mistake of changing their feed and they were not happy about that at all. I changed back to the...
  18. hungryhensfarm

    After tattooing their names on each other - not good news.

    I am so sorry for the loss of their baby. But I am actually relieved for them that it happened now rather than later. Believe me, I know how difficult it is to lose a child and the pain now is as real as any pain can be. I carried my first son til two weeks after his due date not knowing...
  19. hungryhensfarm

    im a grandpa!!! there are baby pics!!!

    Congratulations! What a beautiful baby girl!
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