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  1. jholler

    Barred Rock contest!!! Ends April 30th :)

    Name: Legion? Gender: 14:2 pullets/cockerels Age: About 6 weeks Category: Cute Chicks Ignore the white leghorns and the G.P. pup!
  2. jholler

    Rooster to hen ratio

    The chicks I'm raising are 14 hens and 2 roos, but my grown "mutt" chickens are 2 hens and 2 was 3 roos but the dachshund got one. They get along fine.
  3. jholler

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Praying for y'all, vicegrip. Has the Guard showed up yet?
  4. jholler

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I'm in Jboro, still waiting for it. I heard Mena got hit?
  5. jholler

    best way to bury wire fencing

    Also, a tiller is easier than a shovel....just sayin.
  6. jholler

    I think it's a Polish...?

    After calling the wife and telling her to count the chicken's toes...we have a winner! Houdan it is! Thanks y'all!
  7. jholler

    I think it's a Polish...?

    It's got a pretty well-defined crest, just hard to tell from this angle. The friend's GF bought it at a chain store, so I wouldn't expect show quality or anything, but then I don't plan on showing chickens, so it's not a concern. It will have company, don't soon as it feathers out...
  8. jholler

    I think it's a Polish...?

    I guess you could call this one a "rescue"...friend of mine's GF brought home a chick, then a week later decided that really wasn't what she wanted. It's a friendly little thing, loves to sit on the wife's shoulder! I'm thinking white crested black polish? Can you ID sex by color or anything?
  9. jholler

    My new Pyr and "her" chicks...

    Not only was she local, she was free! Now if she'll be as good a dog as the dachshund she replaced, and not kill my chickens, I'll have it made!
  10. jholler

    My new baby Pyr and "her" chicks!

    The chicks are 2 days older than she is!
  11. jholler

    My new baby Pyr and "her" chicks!

    So far they're enjoying each other, she wants to nip their tails, but that's being corrected pretty easily. I have high hopes!
  12. jholler

    Hanging waterers

    I can't figure out how to keep them from sitting on top of it and pooping in it, if you do, I'd love to see pics!
  13. jholler

    My new Pyr and "her" chicks...

    I picked "Maggie" up yesterday, she's 5 weeks old, and 2 days younger than the far, so good!
  14. jholler

    Who's tired of the killing?

    I just picked up my 5 week old Great Pyrenees last night...maybe in a few months I won't have to worry about coons and possums anymore.
  15. jholler

    Anybody East Chicken/Duck Fries?

    I haven't, but now that you've brought it up I'm gonna have a hard time not trying them when I kill a roo...
  16. jholler

    The Military...

    I spent 4 years active duty as a Marine Infantryman, and have been a Combat Engineer for the last 12 years in the Army National Guard. I have been to Iraq, among many other places, and what I've gained is this: I will never have to wonder if I've ever done anything worthwhile, or if my life...
  17. jholler

    i never thought my own dog would fall into this category (UPDATED PG.8

    My chicken killer is a dachshund, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to find her somewhere else to live, she tries hard, but her hunting instinct is too strong, she WAS bred to kill badgers, and she loves squeaky toys...chicks don't stand a chance.
  18. jholler

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    You're talking about Couch's bbq, and yes, chocolate fried pies are delicious! Is Sitnpretty the only other Jonesboro person here?
  19. jholler

    Who`s using a high powered pellet gun for predator control?

    No, once the air pushes it out of the barrel, it's no longer accelerating.
  20. jholler

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Wow...bunch of y'all! I'm in Jonesboro.
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