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  1. M

    Comment by 'Meadowchick' in article 'The All New: How to Train Your Chicken!'

    My Welsummer hens kept coming to the carport for catfood. So, I took the bowl away and moved the cat's bowl to the cat ladder (which the hens haven't found). They still come to they carport, but lately I have been shooing them and saying get off the porch!!!. So, they now know that "get off...
  2. M

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    You're doing it Just Right...Patience is the key...I do not add anything to my fruit except distilled water. Early on, I had one batch that didn't start to ferment quick enough for me so I added a tablespoon of raw cane sugar and it turned out fine. "They" say that low sugar content in fruit...
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    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    TexasLisa, that was ONLY a dream! (I hope!) LOL
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    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    BROODY must be pandemic...nation wide! I have a full Hen-itentiary!
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    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Yeah, well me too...but Those "dad-blasted varmints"! Our safety zone is Sasquatch Proof! That's an inside joke, because about a month after we built our runs, I had a nightmare in which I was stalking Bigfoot with my "weapon of choice" and the thing kept running from me and hiding behind the...
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    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Changing the subject...I make my own ACV. I started it a year or two ago when we got some free apples from a friend in S. Dakota. So, being the tight-wad that I am, I just had to try making ACV...easy-peasy. I have also made vinegar with pears from our Biscamp pear trees here. It is milder...
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    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Great Big Southern: "Thanks Y'all!" to Beekissed and EVERYONE else who chimed in on my plea for help with my FF efforts! I was afraid that the really yucky stuff was too far gone & not good for them. I guess I will just crank up a new batch and keep on letting it "cook"...the maggot thing was...
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    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Being in the Deep South, I have found that I have to stop using fermented feed for the Summers. It doesn't matter that I stir it religiously and keep it in the shade or under a roof, etc. to stay out of the sun. Can anyone give me pointers to prevent it from ruining...I don't have this problem...
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    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Hey! I pulled some chicks out of the incy and put then into a lit tote-box brooder with shavings (pine) from Tractor Supply and they all started going into seizures within about 5 minutes. We yanked em out and put them on a towel atop a warm heating pad. Within an hour they were normal again...
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    My chicken is wasting away

    If your birds don't respond to a different wormer, you may want to consider LYMPHOID LEUKOSIS (Sp) which will cause similar symptoms. It is viral and culling should be considered...cause using pullets as breeders (younger than first moult hens). You can find info on internet.
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    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Awww! It's so sad to have an accident of that kind. I am hoping your others are still cooking under Moma or in the incubator!
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    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    ...BUT the grandkids go to Dry Creek Baptist Camp...which is not just for Baptists. They accommodate all denominations and even kids that don't attend any church....very safe and well supervised. I have been a "counsellor" there for 2 years and even attended when I was a child when the cabins...
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    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    LOL, it is the Kenmore one in our utility room! They come out in the fall when we need a big pot of dumplings or some other such lovely Southern meal!
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    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I have 24 eggs in the incy now that are jumping and thumping. I will need to see how these grow out before making any promises to anyone since I only have 3 hens from Good Shepherd. I am hoping for bright yellow legs, tiny barring and hefty size birds as most that are called Barred Rocks here...
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    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I too, have some of the Good Shepherd line of Barred these beautifully barred huge birds. I felt blessed to get my 3 girls and roo last fall when we passed thru Kansas! Getting peeps now. Mr. Frank Reese is a nice guy to deal with and his birds are lovely!
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    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Hello, fellow Louisian-ians
  17. M

    Fermenting feed for layers?

    I think I will also try a larger tote or one of our empty cattle syrup tubs for my next mix too! I also have found that excess water is not needed.... Less for me to do too!
  18. M

    Comment by 'Meadowchick' in article 'The Insulated & Detachable Chicken Coop'

    Enjoyed reading your post! Awesome looking Chicken Kingdom! :-D
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