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  1. PearlGrey

    Will horse wormer hurt hens when they scratch through the manure?

    Yes - moxidectin in spring and ivermectin/praziquantel in fall. Do you know if either of those will hurt my chickens when they peck through the manure after worming?
  2. PearlGrey

    Will horse wormer hurt hens when they scratch through the manure?

    Thanks, y'all. I have border collies, and knew of dogs having been poisoned by ingesting manure from stock wormed with ivermectin. Even dogs who don't have the mutation can still overdose if they've been treated with ivermectin and then ingest more ivermectin via eating manure. Mini Meat -...
  3. PearlGrey

    Will horse wormer hurt hens when they scratch through the manure?

    My hens free range all day in my horse pasture. It's partly why I have chickens - they help a lot with keeping the fly population under control! My vet recently told me to go back to worming the horses seasonally - before this, I've just been doing fecal egg counts instead. My hens scratch...
  4. PearlGrey

    1 dead hen, 1 injured - think it's other chickens help please

    That might be it, all right. We've had some bad storms at night lately. The more I thought about it, the more I realized if one of the other chickens had attacked her there would've been blood and feathers around. Sadly the fire ants are a fact of life around here. I don't know what to do...
  5. PearlGrey

    1 dead hen, 1 injured - think it's other chickens help please

    I found a 16 month old RIR hen dead in the chicken house this morning. Covered in fire ants so she'd been there awhile. There wasn't a mark on her but her neck may have been broken. I couldn't do a very thorough post-mortem because of the ants. Earlier this week, I found one of my BR hens...
  6. PearlGrey

    Pullet or Cockerel? Black Sex Link

    Thanks for asking! I got four BSL chicks, and have one - and only one! - who looks almost exactly like your picture. She's also quite bold and assertive, so I was wondering the same thing. I also didn't know BSLs were crosses between Barred Rock and RIR - so I'm really glad you asked!
  7. PearlGrey

    Pavers- can skunks dig under them?

    "Free" stuff is always better! This is why I"m brooding chicks in a dog crate and my younger border collie now has the run of the house during the day. I will keep everyone updated - I've been taking pictures of the construction as I go just so I can share with BYC when I get finished. I...
  8. PearlGrey

    Pavers- can skunks dig under them?

    I decided to bury hardware cloth instead of using pavers. Mostly because it's cheaper - my coop has a 50' perimeter, so I'd need fifty square foot pavers. Which is about 75.50. I got fifty feet of 24" hardware cloth for $50. And also because post-hole diggers give me awesome toned upper...
  9. PearlGrey

    Understanding Chicken Math

    Oh, yeah, I can do chicken math. My brother and SIL got a straight run of 21 chicks, but they live in town and can't have roosters. Since I live on a farm, I said I'd take their cockerels. But of course, if n=number of possible cockerels one might have in the future, then obviously...
  10. PearlGrey

    Pavers- can skunks dig under them?

    I wondered this too. Not so much about skunks, but coons, possums and fox.
  11. PearlGrey

    When can I introduce new chicks to older chicks?

    I don't know, but I'm bumping your thread in hopes someone will answer. I have a dozen two week old chicks now that I will send out to the chicken house when it's finished - hopefully in 4 weeks! Then I want to start another brood since I didn't get any EEs in this batch. But eventually...
  12. PearlGrey

    Official BYC Poll: Why Do You Have Chickens - Select All That Apply

    I have horses, so I wanted bug control - I guess, the bugs are beginning to control themselves now that I stopped using pesticides and have praying mantis and dragonflies and bats and all. And I wanted eggs. And I wanted chickens because my grandmother always had chickens.
  13. PearlGrey

    Pine shavings

    donrae - I thought about what you said, about chicks needing a temperature gradient, so we turned on the AC today. Now they can choose between being under the heat lamp at one end or going to the other end.
  14. PearlGrey

    Introducing different aged chicks

    Thanks for asking this. I'm raising a dozen chicks right now. I just moved them from the little chick brooder to the dog crate brooder. So now I want more chicks! This is my first time raising chickens, and I can't believe how much I enjoy them. But since eventually all of them must flock...
  15. PearlGrey

    When to add grit to their diet

    carl, I'm no expert! This is my first time. But one - just one! - of my RIR chicks had pasty bottom, so I bought some chick grit because the Chicken Bible (aka the Gail Damerow book, Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens) said that was the thing to do for pasty bottom. I mixed one pound of...
  16. PearlGrey

    When can I switch starter feed from med to unmed?

    Yeah, being a horse person I'm always scared to switch feed suddenly, so I understand your concern. Also I love your sig line. My suggestion: get border collies! They will eat up your sheep poo (we call it yard m&ms on my farm).
  17. PearlGrey

    Week by week chick growth! Helpful if you're unsure of age :)

    Thank you! This is my first time raising chicks, and I was looking around the internet for a chick growth chart. Unsuccessfully. But now we haz one!
  18. PearlGrey

    When can I switch starter feed from med to unmed?

    I don't know what happens if you switch from medicated to un-medicated. This is my first rodeo raising chicks - but I started with unmedicated because that's what my feed store guys (with whom I have developed a trusting relationship ) sold me. They're doing well, knock wood. They outgrew...
  19. PearlGrey

    Pine shavings

    I'm not trying to keep it that warm. That's just the temperature it is - actually it's probably closer to 82F. I hung my heat lamp at one end of the brooder, clamped to a mike stand, and raised/lowered it until the chicks were moving around normally.
  20. PearlGrey

    Pine shavings

    Koniucha - I let my LGD see the baby chicks when I brought them home. Big mistake! Now he wants to watch them all the time. But their room has to be kept at 85 degrees F, which is way too warm for a Great Pyrenees.
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