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  1. Indyrun

    Duck Pond/pool pictures

    Do you have a photo? Would love to see what you have described.
  2. Indyrun

    Duck Pond/pool pictures

  3. Indyrun

    Introducing a pair to an established runner flock?

    Thanks guys, that helps. I will ask those questions Amiga, good advice
  4. Indyrun

    Introducing a pair to an established runner flock?

    Need more advice. I haves drake and duck pair that I may have to give away. I have two people interested but they have an established flock and some chickens. What will the established flock and chickens do/ react to my pair? I don't want to give them to these people if my pair will be beat...
  5. Indyrun

    Heartbreaking but have to sell my pair. Is it ok for them?

    I have to most likely sell my drake and duck pair who have been inseparable since they were born and are now just over a year old. Someone is very keen to buy them off me, but he has quite a few of his own. I'm concerned my pair will get picked on or beaten up. Is it ok to introduce a pair that...
  6. Indyrun

    Over 28 days... Unmatched eggs.

    Sadly all the eggs died. We have been having extreme heat here in Brisbane. I think they were over cooked
  7. Indyrun

    Over 28 days... Unmatched eggs.

    Checked her nest this morning. Rain came through the coop and her nest was soaked. I found a dead ducking in a deflated egg.
  8. Indyrun

    Over 28 days... Unmatched eggs.

    I attempted candling them. I couldn't really see anything other tha dark shadows, not resembling a duckling. I cleaned and changed her nest, she seems fine with the changes. The eggs smell, they smell like a bunch of rotten eggs ready to explode. Is it normal? I'm such a novice, I wish I had...
  9. Indyrun

    Over 28 days... Unmatched eggs.

    I'll let you know the circles. Also one of the eggs has a crack in it. Should I toss it? The stink is bringing so many flies to her nest. I'll give it a good clean today. I hope she doesn't abandon the nest. She lets me pat her while she is sitting on it, so hopefully she'll be ok with my...
  10. Indyrun

    Over 28 days... Unmatched eggs.

    Thanks, will do
  11. Indyrun

    Over 28 days... Unmatched eggs.

    Hi guys, My indian runner girl has been broody and tirelessly sitting on her nest. It's now a couple of days over 28. 2 eggs thus far have been broken, one look deflated and the smell horrendous! I've checked (not candled) and there doesn't appear to be any sign of a duckling. I have a drake...
  12. Indyrun

    15 eggs, 3 weeks, not broody!

    Thanks guys... I'll go and count them this morning. So if there is still the same number of eggs and she's not sitting on them I guess I better either throw them or attempt incubator. Someone also mentioned to put plastic eggs in place... ???
  13. Indyrun

    15 eggs, 3 weeks, not broody!

    Ok my girl has laid 15 eggs. She tends to her nest only at night when she is forcefully locked in. It's been 3 weeks and she is not broody. What am I going to do with these eggs! Someone told me they are viable for up to 3 weeks. Tomorrow is 3 weeks.
  14. Indyrun

    My girl laid her first egg! Now what?

    So, 8 days later 8 eggs. She is not broody yet, but fairly protective of her nest, when I clean out their house, she keeps an eye on me. The drake doesn't like me going in there at all. Next question: if she sits on the nest and her babies hatch, should I seperate them? I'm not home all the...
  15. Indyrun

    My girl laid her first egg! Now what?

    Ok, she is laying daily now. If in 8/10 days she doesn't sit on them, will the eggs have gone off to eat, or shoukd I put the eggs in an incubator after this time?
  16. Indyrun

    My girl laid her first egg! Now what?

    Oh no... She laid her second today in the same spot. How many days are the eggs viable? When and if I should move them? The drake is even more protective of their coop now.
  17. Indyrun

    My girl laid her first egg! Now what?

    Help! Novice here... What do I do with the egg? She laid it right next to her bed. I didn't touch it. She hasn't been sitting on it today as far as I know... It's been a warm day. Do I leave it? Go buy an incubator or is it too late. The drake has been mating with her for months.
  18. Indyrun

    Advice: bleeding gash from beak

    Thank you for advice. I took him to the vet (non avian) and they have given me tablets to give him. I'm supposed to try and put them in his mouth! How I'm going to do this is beyond me!
  19. Indyrun

    Advice: bleeding gash from beak

    I've just come home to find my drake has a gash in his beak and a small amount of blood. What should I do? Should I clean and use a waterproof bandage? Or take to vet? I'm concerned about infection.
  20. Indyrun

    The Broody Duck Thread for 2014

    Thanks. A women at the pet shop freaked me out. She said if she doesn't lay, she could be egg bound and die! My girl seems happy, healthy and fine.
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