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  1. Rocky Rhodes

    Raising Chicks in the summer

    You should not let your brooder temp top 90 degrees at night. I agree that you may not even need heat at this point.
  2. Rocky Rhodes

    Can't sell homegrown eggs?

    OH! By the Way, :welcome I do wish you the best of luck with your egg sales.
  3. Rocky Rhodes

    Can't sell homegrown eggs?

    In my state you are required to take an egg candling class, and upon completion you can sell your backyard eggs at flea markets, farmers markets or right out of the backyard. Restaurants and grocery stores operate under different regulations. You should know these laws and regulations before you...
  4. Rocky Rhodes

    What took my hens?????!!!!!!

    My point is, it was not a cat. Everything else is irrelevant.
  5. Rocky Rhodes

    What took my hens?????!!!!!!

    Don't forget about MS-13. For cat's sport killing is common, ALL cats do it.
  6. Rocky Rhodes

    What took my hens?????!!!!!!

    Cats like for their prey to put up a chase. A cat is the only other animal besides humans that kill for sport. There's no sport in a roosted hen. It's not starving, I assume, so probably not looking for food. I seriously doubt the cat's the killer. But keep coming with the updates, you've got my...
  7. Rocky Rhodes

    Runt Chick... Help!

    I don't think there's anything to worry about, unless it is being trampled. I would just keep an eye on it to make sure it's not be picked on. It will probably catch up soon. Good luck.
  8. Rocky Rhodes

    What took my hens?????!!!!!!

    I guess it is possible, but I personally have never had a domestic cat bother chickens. Never even heard of it happening to anyone else. I would keep the cameras running.
  9. Rocky Rhodes

    Adopted by Peafowl

    :welcomeGlad you joined the flock.:frow How lucky can you get? Peafowl just showed up? Are they peahens or peacocks? I would be like:ya:wee:yesss:
  10. Rocky Rhodes


    A word or two about that. We have a tall chain-linked fence topped with razor wire around the entire poultry processing plant, the entire property. They have one entrance and a guard shack. They have armed guards on the premises. ANYONE can drive up to the high school and walk right in. WHY...
  11. Rocky Rhodes

    Crossing laced polish

    What does incompletely dominant mean. Isn't this an oxymoron. I've heard of dominant genes. Correct me if I am wrong but, isn't it impossible to get a silver laced from a gold laced x silver laced cross?
  12. Rocky Rhodes

    Crossing laced polish

    I don't believe they will be sex linked at hatch. They will be "sex linked" as they feather out. The pullets will be gold laced and the cockerels will be yellow/gold laced. Yellow/gold laced and lemon are the same. You say Tomato... I say heartburn.:lol:
  13. Rocky Rhodes


    I came here to escape the royal wedding coverage. I don't understand why Americans are so obsessed with these snobby over-privileged royals. The word "Royal" makes me want to puke.:sick A pale privileged balding red- headed silver spoon sucking wimp, and a 3rd rate actress who was another man's...
  14. Rocky Rhodes

    What took my hens?????!!!!!!

    I don't think anyone has suggested that you kill or capture a hawk or owl. They are federally protected. I think, however, this is ridiculous. Hawks are not endangered. There were 3 large red tailed hawks on the power lines between my house and the main road, which is about 1/2 mile. There are...
  15. Rocky Rhodes

    Topic of the Week - What do/can you do with unwanted roosters?

    I sell my surplus birds long before they are grown out. I do eat chicken, but not every meal. I sell my birds for their market value. Most of the birds that I raise are for my enjoyment, not my pot. I have raised chickens for the freezer, and that was some expensive meat.
  16. Rocky Rhodes

    Ordinance Violation

    I think that for now it's a no win situation for you, unfortunately. This is why everyone has to take interest in what their elected officials are up to. You should try to start a local movement to change the ordinance, maybe you could have some success that way. Good luck.
  17. Rocky Rhodes

    What took my hens?????!!!!!!

    Possums are ravenous predators, and yes they will take an adult hen. They are relentless once they find a food source. I would set a live catch trap baited with a can of sardines. If it is a possum or a raccoon you will probably catch it the first night. Once you have caught it, I would suggest...
  18. Rocky Rhodes

    What took my hens?????!!!!!!

    The trail camera should answer the question. Keep us updated. I'm guessing possum.:pop
  19. Rocky Rhodes


    A very warm welcome from the Majestic North Georgia Mountains.:frow
  20. Rocky Rhodes

    Once and for all Coon Deterrents PLEASE

    :yuckyuck I love the way you picked right up on my train of thought. You got it.:thumbsup
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