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  1. JillsChicks

    Jillschickss Page

    Windy Meadow Farm and Jill's Chicks say, "Hello!" Jill is our adopted daughter who has been begging for chickens. Given her learning disabilities, we have tried to find many hands-on homeschool projects for her to enjoy. Caring for chickens and collecting eggs seemed like a great idea...
  2. JillsChicks

    Barred Rock Chicks Need Sexing

    Well, thanks for all your replies. I can now see in Rooster Red's photos that his roosters have almost no tail feathering while his pullet's tail started to feather out sooner. This is what I'm seeing in my chicks. I'm actually excited to get a barred rock rooster - I've read they are very...
  3. JillsChicks

    Bulging crops in 2-week-old chicks a concern

    Thank you! You were all exactly right. All the crops were shrunken this morning. This batch of chicks is much more active than my last batch and perhaps they compete for the feed. They get along famously, so I don't think anyone is being picked on or not getting her share. Thank you for...
  4. JillsChicks

    Can't tell Golden Comet & B. Orpington apart...

    I was told that I received one golden comet and one buff orpington chick. The one labeled golden comet is feathering out a very creamy white color while the buff orpington has some colored barring on its golden feathers. When I look up photos of Golden Comets, none are fair like my chick...
  5. JillsChicks

    Bulging crops in 2-week-old chicks a concern

    I've been feeding my chickies starter crumbles - nothing else. They all have developed large crops - I'd say large marble sized. They are noticeable and odd looking. My girlfriend told me to give them a little sandy grit from outside. They gobbled it up, but have not shown any difference...
  6. JillsChicks

    Stolen heat lamp! Chilly chicks?

    Just checking emails after lunch... You are all deeply caring folks. I've had many of the thoughts and feelings you are expressing and know what directions to go in as far as working these things out. I really didn't mean to raise such a fuss and concern (you can tell I'm a people-pleaser...
  7. JillsChicks

    Stolen heat lamp! Chilly chicks?

    You are so kind to offer $ help. It is not needed and would only make matters worse, I'm afraid. It is hard to speak and write on this very public forum - it's out there in cyberspace for good. But those most in need of control have, I believe, been hurt by controllers in the past and need...
  8. JillsChicks

    Barred Rock Chicks Need Sexing

    Dear Rooster Red - Thanks for the great photos. You look a little like Bruce Willis holding that opossum! What pics! I thought on your chick pics that the chick in the lower right corner would be a female... She has the white head spot and pretty quick feathering - but she turned out to...
  9. JillsChicks

    Stolen heat lamp! Chilly chicks?

    I appreciate all your posts. "Stolen" was a word I used in hopes that people would choose to read the post and respond. When the heat lamp was taken, I knew I could respond my putting my foot down, but I guess because I know there are larger issues, I choose my battles. I'm hoping that my...
  10. JillsChicks

    Barred Rock Chicks Need Sexing

    Can everyone agree on how to tell Plymouth barred rock chicks apart? Here's what I've read on pullets - - will have black on fronts of legs and feet - will feather out more quickly - will have distinct spot on their heads - the head spot will be white? On roos, I've read - - slower...
  11. JillsChicks

    Stolen heat lamp! Chilly chicks?

    My chicks are now two weeks old, but the person who pays the electric bills and does not love chickens snitched my brooder light! :mad: He says chicks don't stay at 90 degrees when they are raised by a hen - our 65 degree house should be fine! I have to admit, they seem to be ok - (they LOVE to...
  12. JillsChicks

    sex that chick!

    Thanks for the replies, everyone. My "shy" chick is only shy with people. I've not caught any of the chicks picking on each other; they all seem to eat, sleep, drink and play well together. I just read a little more on the Barred Rock Club of America website and someone said that a...
  13. JillsChicks

    sex that chick!

    I'm having trouble sexing my Plymouth Barred Rock chicks too. They are two weeks old. They are all supposed to be pullets, but of thefour, three are more advanced in their feathering. Could I have a roo in the one that is feathering more slowly? Behaviors have been a different thing. One of...
  14. JillsChicks

    Barred Rock question...

    I'm struggling to identify the gender of barred rock chicks at 2 weeks old. I know I'm crazy to try, but I'm sharing the order with a friend who will pick up her chicks at 4 weeks old. Three of the four chicks have quite a bit of feathering, but the fourth is still quite downy. Also, my...
  15. JillsChicks

    Should I put a weak chick with a broody hen?

    We picked up our spring chicks yesterday and got one little Araucana bantam with the lot. I think my kids may have roughed it up a bit - I don't know, but it's not eating and running around like the others. It sleeps and sleeps, hardly moving if another chick steps on it in the brooder. I put...
  16. JillsChicks

    tips of comb

    I am aching for my pet rooster who has frostbite.on his comb and wattles... He is part white leghorn and about 8 months old. We have had a crazy winter here in western New York. Very cold - sub freezing temps followed by thaws. A week ago it was bitter cold - I was changing frozen water in...
  17. JillsChicks

    Blood streaks on outside of an egg... Spotty eggs...

    My White Leghorn pullets are finally laying! They are the only ones who fly over the top of the barn stall coop (it's not yet fenced all the way to the ceiling). DH found a stash of frozen eggs outside under a pile of fence posts. Then I found a nest up in the hay mow (several eggs where...
  18. JillsChicks

    Can Two Roosters Ever Get Along Well?

    It's nice to know that other people are "sweet" on roosters too! In answer to the last post, all my birds came from a free-ranging flock so they are mixed breeds. I think my white rooster, Buck Buck, is mostly White Rock, but there could be some Araucana in there or white leghorn, and my...
  19. JillsChicks

    Great Christmas gift art print for chicken lovers

    Yes, pattycake, that's it! I loved the colors too. Thanks, twin creek farm, for the link at all posters. I'll be redoing my kitchen soon and now I know where to go to get more chick pics if my serbian lady and chickens print isn't enough for me.
  20. JillsChicks

    Great Christmas gift art print for chicken lovers

    I found and bought a terrific framed photographic print on and thought I'd mention it to those who'd like to buy the chicken lover in their lives something nice for the holidays. It's called "Woman feeding chickens through the window of a barn..." The smile on the woman's face...
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