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  1. Jen1979

    18 week old SLW

    Is this a rooster? It’s 18 weeks old and I’m assuming the long feathers at the back are saddle feathers and the greenish tail mean rooster. 🙈 Not crowing yet
  2. Jen1979

    My drakes almost drowned one of my girls - not sure what to do next

    Thanks @Amiga that's great advice. I'll keep the boys in the enclosure during the day and let the girls free-range as normal. Then at night I'll lock the boys in a separate area and put the girls away where they usually sleep. I'd like to rotate them so the boys can have free-range time one...
  3. Jen1979

    My drakes almost drowned one of my girls - not sure what to do next

    Thanks @Amiga Do you mean separate the drakes together away from the girls? I think I could make that work short term at least. Hopefully the drakes will be ok together for now (and not fight) since they seem to have become best buddies. @StephMagee That's why I've tried to have a ratio...
  4. Jen1979

    My drakes almost drowned one of my girls - not sure what to do next

    We have 7 ducks - 2 male pekin x runners, 3 female pekin x runners and 2 female cayugas. Yesterday when I got home from work and went to put the ducks away, I noticed Cleo, one of our cayuga girls was missing. I found her in the duck pool, completely water logged, half drowned, missing 2/3...
  5. Jen1979

    Drakes....not exactly fighting...but should I intervene?

    Thanks @Virus :) Thankfully they haven't had any bad fights yet. The older drake doesn't actually seem at all interested in fighting him. It seems like it's starting to tone down over the last couple of days. At first he was chasing him and pulling his feather out, then it became just...
  6. Jen1979

    Drakes....not exactly fighting...but should I intervene?

    We have 2 drakes (in with 5 females), one is the father (Duck Norris) of the other (Quackmire). Norris is a year old and Quack is just over 5 months old. They're the same size. We originally had Norris and 3 of the females. We then hatched Quack and got him 2 females of his own. Usually the...
  7. Jen1979

    Dirty Duck Thread - Add your own pics!

    Thanks for the video tip @gentila! I've never seen that before :D She is actually an Indian Runner x Pekin :) She is a gorgeous girl. This is her too:
  8. Jen1979

    Dirty Duck Thread - Add your own pics!

    We laid some new lawn on the weekend and had some spare so we've put it down in the backyard. We emptied the ducks big paddling pool onto it (we thought their filthy water would be quite good for the grass!) and they had THE BEST TIME EVER. I only got a picture of them discovering the lawn, so...
  9. Jen1979

    Going to try putting new ducks together this weekend - freaking out a little!

    Well, it seems to be going just fine! Our older drake has chased the younger away a couple of times but only for a couple of seconds and hasn't actually made contact with him or tried to fight. They seem to be hanging out as little separate groups some of the time and all together other times...
  10. Jen1979

    Which plants will your ducks not eat? :)

    Thanks so much @jennifleur and @needlessjunk ! That gives me some great ideas for what to plant too. I'm going to head to the nursery with my "outsmart the ducks" list!
  11. Jen1979

    Which plants will your ducks not eat? :)

    Thank you so much @LondonMcKNight ! and your raised garden beds are stunning! (My husband is going to want to build some exactly the same as those when I show him these pictures, I can tell! We have some raised garden beds at the moment, but we might need to make them higher, or put the...
  12. Jen1979

    Which plants will your ducks not eat? :)

    Ok, so we've completely resigned ourselves to the fact that we can plant anything we like in the front garden (where ducks don't go), we have made a big fenced area in the back garden for "no ducks allowed vegetables", but the rest of the quite large yard where the ducks free range is looking...
  13. Jen1979

    We think our Drake just killed our first Duckling :-(

    I'm so sorry for your loss :( I experienced something similar only a few months ago. We think two of our female ducks squabbled over a nest and killed the duckling that had hatched. It was heartbreaking. Our one duckling that we did get to keep we are only introducing to the rest of the...
  14. Jen1979

    Going to try putting new ducks together this weekend - freaking out a little!

    Thank you @sourland :) fantastic, if it doesn't seem to be going well introducing them all we'll separate our drake and try again. I have a feeling one of the new girls and Coco might have an issue, they seem none too pleased with each other through their fence, but hopefully by the weekend...
  15. Jen1979

    Dirty Duck Thread - Add your own pics!

    Aww he is concentrating so hard on that mud hole! haha! I love trying to figure out what their sounds mean. My boy has a noise that I'm pretty sure means "Did you bring any peas out? No, seriously, DO YOU HAVE ANY PEAS? Don't walk away from me! OMG I don't think she's got any peas...
  16. Jen1979

    Going to try putting new ducks together this weekend - freaking out a little!

    At the moment we have ducks separated into 3 sections: 1) Male Duck Norris and his 2 girls Marshmallow & Princess free-ranging in the backyard (all 8 months old) 2) Female Coco (8 months old) and her male "baby" Quackmire (9 weeks old) in the duck enclosure (at night they go into a smaller...
  17. Jen1979

    What is the fate of your ducks?

    All our ducks and chickens are pets. We appreciate the eggs they give us, but when they stop laying, they'll live out their life with the same amount of love and comfort as they do now. After watching chickens and ducks interact in their flocks I actually can't eat either meat at all. It...
  18. Jen1979

    A couple of today's pics I thought were kind of funny...

    Ha! So cute and funny! :D
  19. Jen1979

    Is head bobbing always courtship or can it be aggression?

    Haha, yep, we've got one neighbour that plays really loud music, 2 that have chickens, one who has a rooster and one who plays bagpipes at all hours of the day! None of them are allowed to complain about our ducks ;) There's only one neighbour who doesn't have any animals, but I've overheard...
  20. Jen1979

    cayuga duck thread

    Hi all :) We have Indian Runner x Pekins, but on the weekend we picked up our first Cayuga ducks! They are incredibly beautiful, just love them. They are both female and are 5 months old. This is them - We have Cleoquacktra at the front and Morticia Flapems at the back! :D And...
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