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  1. LivingLocal

    Leftover quiche?

    Thank you! (Chickens would say thanks also!)
  2. LivingLocal

    Leftover quiche?

    I made a crustless asparagus, bacon, onion cheddar quiche. Well, I used canned asparagus and I don't really like the taste. Can I feed this quiche to my chickens? Do I just throw them out the quiche in the pie pan or crumble it up? Thoughts? (Silly, I know!)
  3. LivingLocal

    Woot! First egg!

    I'm sure there are a TON of these posts, but...I found my first egg!! My Ancona hens are 21 weeks and today I found my first egg in the coop! Yay! From one these lovely ladies:
  4. LivingLocal

    First hawk scare!

    Sadly can't have any roosters. Being in a subdivision etc, not sure if after this attack it's worth it to free range right now. Maybe I should take up sprouting and give that a go. Argh! The chickens really loved getting out for that hour (and they were quite vocal that it was time for me to...
  5. LivingLocal

    First hawk scare!

    We're raising 5 Ancona hens (20 weeks now) in a suburban subdivision of sorts that is surrounded by woods. My husband was out working in the garage ~15 ft. from the free ranging chickens (I let them out for 1-2 hours before sunset). He said a small hawk swooped in on the flock. (We have 10...
  6. LivingLocal

    New Hampshire!!

    Hello from the Barrington area! Check out Yellow House Farm for started pullets. May not have any now though. They raise heritage breeds.
  7. LivingLocal

    Ancona Chicken Thread

    My pullets will be 20 weeks on Friday...anxiously awaiting the first eggs!
  8. LivingLocal

    Heritage Meat Rabbit

    Very pretty doe! Congrats on the GC!
  9. LivingLocal

    Heritage Meat Rabbit

    Well today marks 32 days after we bred Sally. We thought we got a good breeding, but now I'm not so sure. She hasn't pulled any fur yet either. We'll see what is or isn't in the nesting box in the morning and proceed from there...
  10. LivingLocal

    Heritage Meat Rabbit

    I honestly don't know how these compare to other meat rabbit breads. I appreciate the creme for their coloring and their heritage breed status. They grew fast for me and were very meaty and tasty once on the table! Good luck in your search!
  11. LivingLocal

    Ancona Chicken Thread

    Is there any tricks to get these Ancona to roost? They currently sit in their coop at night instead of roosting! I have to check how old they are.
  12. LivingLocal

    Heritage Meat Rabbit

    BarbK- simply curious, what was your reasoning for silvers over creams? I raise creams because they're what my other rabbit friends have in my area and we are strengthening the breed for meat. Akane - we're in NH, sorry too far!
  13. LivingLocal

    Ancona Chicken Thread

    Picked up my flock of five Ancona hens. They've been fun so far!
  14. LivingLocal

    Heritage Meat Rabbit

    We are raising Creme D'Argent rabbits for meat. Our breeding doe had her first litter in early June. We have since butchered three rabbits and kept a doe and a buck. The doe will be our 2nd breeding doe and we'll swap the buck with a friend of mine's buck so we can get an unrelated buck to...
  15. LivingLocal

    My rabbit hutch turning coop

    They'll be locked in the "coop" at night. Is chicken wire ok then for the run? Don't really have the funds for that much hardware cloth! Ah! Now thinking about how to make a sandy bottom run also...
  16. LivingLocal

    My rabbit hutch turning coop

    We do plan on fencing below the privacy fence and putting up bird netting over the top of the run.
  17. LivingLocal

    My rabbit hutch turning coop

    Are you expanding due to adding more birds or other reasons? We really can only do 5 no matter how many I want! We live in a fairly snug subdivision!
  18. LivingLocal

    My rabbit hutch turning coop

    Oh great tip! I didn't even think of that! So I'd cut out a hatch for them attached with hinges I suppose. The Ancona's are a flighty bird I heard and will fly in and out with no problems.
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