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  1. tifsunkip

    Comment by 'tifsunkip' in article 'Chicken FAQs - The Frequently Asked Questions Of Raising Chickens'

    My gals have lice and/or mites. Some are light tan and easy to see, others are white and small as salt. I cleaned everything out of coop and nesting boxes. Sprayed everywhere with something from t.s., put 1-3 drops of ivermectin on each neck or back, put a lot of new de down and wazine in h2o...
  2. tifsunkip

    Chicken lice.. I'm over it!!!

    I have cleaned coop and nesting boxes, sprayed everywhere with stuff from ts, put 1-2 drops ivermectin on each gal. Didn't know it went on nek so some are on back, but on ski.wazine in water, in case it hepls, de everywhere. This was just yesterday. They have tiny tan crawlies and white that...
  3. tifsunkip

    Swollen abdomen

    Thanks so much. I saw the videos after you told me. I will try this evening if i can stand to. Unfortunately my husband does the holding. :/
  4. tifsunkip

    Swollen abdomen

    After reading up on ascites it does sound like my gal. How do i drain the liquid tho?
  5. tifsunkip

    Swollen abdomen

    I have a silkie that has a swollen abdomen and has had it 3 days. She eats, drinks, waddles and poops. It feels like it is filled with liquid but heavy. I did the internal exam and felt no egg or blockage. I have read about draining it but have no clue how to. Also, would it do any harm...
  6. tifsunkip

    Swollen Abdomen???

    [/IMG]How would i go about draining a swollen abdomen? She eats, drinks and poops solid poop. Waddles because of the heavy abdomen. I checked internally for egg or blockage. Found nothing. Could draining be the wrong way to go? P.s.she is a silkie.
  7. tifsunkip

    New to backyard chicken raising...

    I am looking for 3-4 pullets, americauna, buff orpington and austrolorp. Any suggestions on breeders? Prefer pickup and don't even know if they do deliver pullets. Thanks!
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