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  1. masschickvet

    Pop! Squish! Uh-oh... :(

    Should have heeded the advice of whomever and relocated Momma Easter earlier in the process (she is sitting on 4 eggs that I "borrowed" from a neighbor with a rooster). One of the other hens (I assume) stomped one of the eggs and crushed it, and the 19 day old peeper inside :( I was devastated...
  2. masschickvet

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I have a broody Easter Egger of all things. I threw her out morning and night diligently for a week (no roosters here) before I broke down and got 4 hopefully fertile eggs from a friend. They are "mixed bag birds" RIR with EE and goodness knows what but there is no such thing as an ugly chick...
  3. masschickvet

    Day 23 now. Cracked egg from under broody hen. What to do? Advice appreciated.

    I have no advice but this is like watching a soap opera. What's going to happen? Will the chick be OK? I'm on tenterhooks here!!!
  4. masschickvet

    Suffering from withdrawal/ separation anxiety

    I sold 14 of my "babies" today (they are just over 6 weeks old) to a lovely garden center down the road from my work. They will be on public display for all to see and admire, and have a very nice coop and run. The owner is also going to build chicken tractors so that they can get moved around...
  5. masschickvet

    2 chickens, 2 bloody butts, need help - graphic photos inside

    If they are laying birds and they prolapse their cloacas (which can have many underlying causes, including obesity, large eggs, poor muscle tone, inflammation etc etc), then that prolapsed tissue looks especially tasty to other birds and they will go after it to the point of massacre and...
  6. masschickvet

    3 month old chicks died suddenly

    I would not rule out Coccidiosis. It can kill large numbers of birds very suddenly with no clinical signs. This is the right age, too. The only way to know is to do a necropsy and look for thickened mottled intestines, particularly in the proximal small intestine, ceca and colon. A fecal exam...
  7. masschickvet

    "Fuzzy foots" of some type or another

    I ordered 15 "mixed brown egg layers" from McMurray Hatchery. The only breed that has fuzzy feet in this assortment (according to the description) are the Light Brahmas. These two birds look nothing alike! They did when they were little peeps...but now?? and neither looks like it is feathering...
  8. masschickvet

    I just watched 5 of my day old chicks suddenly act strange and then die in ten minutes!!!Please Help

    Is it medicated feed? Sometimes there are formulation problems and there is too much medication in there. The larger birds can tolerate it but the little ones cannot because they are so much smaller. It might be worth contacting the feed store or maker to see if any other problems have been...
  9. masschickvet

    Beak Problem

    There are many causes of "fragile beaks", including yeast infections, bacterial infections, and impaired keratinization (the making of the beak) that is either idiopathic (no cause can be identified), or from nutritional causes, and even some viruses. Sometimes the infections are secondary, but...
  10. masschickvet

    Great wound product - Aluspray

    It's like the best kept secret for wound treatment! Also keeps the flies away so you don't have to deal with a maggot-tastrophe while the wounds are healing. Is there anything more gross than maggots????
  11. masschickvet

    Great wound product - Aluspray

    I just wanted to pass along a really good product to use on superficial (and not so superficial) wounds and injuries on chickens (and horses, goats, etc). It is called "Aluspray". It's in a spray can so it's easy to apply. It's a silver color that the chickens don't seem to want to peck at after...
  12. masschickvet

    Review by '' on item 'Naked Neck-turken'

    This breed is described as "cold hearty" but I can't believe her crop contents won't freeze come a NE winter. We'll see. I can knit a neck tube thing if need be. I am excited that they get such great reviews for personality and egg-laying, because I don't think anyone is going to buy this one...
  13. masschickvet

    Keeping chickens OFF the porch but letting the dog out into the yard

    Yes, I like that idea! You're right, the one smart one will fly over and the other dumb ones, who would have never figured that out on their own, will follow shortly. Well, it may work for a while anyway...great idea!!
  14. masschickvet

    Keeping chickens OFF the porch but letting the dog out into the yard

    Alright smart people. I have 8 chickens and one dog. I have one deck, level with the yard (one small step down) that I DO NOT want the chickens to have access to, because let's face it, they crap a lot and it's gross to have a deck full of poo. Also, they peck the paint off the wooden siding...
  15. masschickvet

    Oxord, MA Silver Spangled Hamburg Rooster

    That would be OK, if you promise to give him a nice home and send me a picture every now and again. I really like him. Let me know when you are ready, thanks. M.
  16. masschickvet

    Oxord, MA Silver Spangled Hamburg Rooster

    My elderly neighbors are not impressed by the 5:30am crowing, and he's starting to go after my kids when they want to pick up the hens. New home needed ASAP. I can pick him up and handle him easily. He was a "freebie" in a McMurray order of pullets.
  17. masschickvet

    Two-fer: What breed is this pullet?? And is my silver spangled Hamburg Eve or Evan??

    I did end up with quite a few EEs, and I thought this one might be, but she has no muff, beard, or anything like that. Her face is smoothly feathered.
  18. masschickvet

    Two-fer: What breed is this pullet?? And is my silver spangled Hamburg Eve or Evan??

    She looks like a partridge something, but with a black head/neck instead of an orange one. This is one from McMurray's Rainbow assortment. They are 8 or 9 weeks old now. And the SSH is my "freebie" rare chick, and, I fear, a rooster :(
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