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  1. UThobbyfarmer

    Hoover's hatchery legbar Easter Eggers

    I ended up keeping just one. I’m 90% sure she lays a speckled brown egg. She started laying at about 7 months and has been a solid layer. Not a bad bird at all unless you were really hoping for a colored egg. The 3 Hoover’s chicks of Ameraucana type I kept, from the last order, lay a blue or...
  2. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    13 eggs today from 17 hens! I believe 2 BC Marans have not started not laying. This means only 2 more hens I don’t know an egg color on yet. It also means almost every hen, from breeder or hatchery, who should lay a colored egg has. Plus lots of heavy bloom and speckles. Egg-citing! Still lots...
  3. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    Coldest temps of the winter thus far, -4, and these girls are still laying strong. Plenty of frozen eggs but I’m still thrilled they’re laying consistently. I also might have a new colored layer with a pale grey-blue egg. Wouldn’t that be cool?
  4. UThobbyfarmer

    Yes, send me a message with your email. Unfortunately, I can’t send .skp files through BYC...

    Yes, send me a message with your email. Unfortunately, I can’t send .skp files through BYC messenger.
  5. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    Maybe you shouldn’t put too much weight on what I said. I can’t even keep my own birds straight! :lau (Read post #294).
  6. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    Remember how yesterday I said my green speckled egg definitely wasn’t one of my Legbars? Guess who I saw making a nest in an empty corner then found the mystery green egg a little bit later? One of the “Legbars”. It was then I remembered I also hatched a sexlinked backcross Olive egger female...
  7. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    That looks like a pretty large egg for a bantam. It guess it’s something else. That’s based on my handful of bantam Cochins and Silkies I’ve had over the years. Their eggs were always very small.
  8. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    I think it’s from a July hatch-a-long Legbar. I got my hatching eggs from a breeder who emphasizes blue egg color. This picture shows it a bit better. It’s a lovely shade of blue in person. I have 3 hens and rooster from those Legbar eggs. Unfortunately, the rooster I kept, based on his chick...
  9. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    I got another mint chip egg! 😍 I know it’s not the Marans or Legbars but everyone else is a possibility. If I took a guess I’d say it’s my only Silverudd’s hen. Since she’s the only bird I expected a medium green egg from. It seems a bit too fancy for a Hoover’s Easter Egger or my local barnyard...
  10. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    Nice! That’s a day to celebrate.
  11. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    Congrats! Love that color. :love
  12. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    I'm not sure which of mine are laying exactly. Checking my Flockstar app records it looks like I'm getting 3 dark brown (Marans), 4 regular brown, and 3 colored eggs. The colored eggs almost certainly come from July chicks. Unfortunately I haven't pinned down if they are from the Legbars or...
  13. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    What am I looking at here? Is it hard, soft, frozen? Its been a few days now. Any more oddballs? Lash eggs can get pretty funky looking. Yours looks like a hard boiled egg.😆
  14. UThobbyfarmer

    plans similar to Carolina Coop

    This thread pops up now and then with people inquiring about Crowber's SketchUp plans. If you'd like these please message me with your email address. I can't send the original .skp file through BYC messenger. Keep in mind this will just gets you the 3D renderings (you'll need a SketchUp account...
  15. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    Today’s eggs. We missed picking up last night which is why we got so many today. The blue egg is new. Some of my favorite eggs: pink and speckled.
  16. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    First colored egg! This bring our total to 6 layers. All started within the last 3 weeks. The colored egg is almost certainly from my July chicks. Making this hen 25 weeks old. If I had to guess I’d say it was one of the Legbars.
  17. UThobbyfarmer

    Countdown To Eggs! For June hatches 😊

    Beautiful egg and hen! Where was she from?
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