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  1. Jsnick

    introducing chicks to one Hen

  2. Jsnick

    introducing chicks to one Hen

    Definitely not ready to sneak them in at night,lol . Yes, they are not stupid birds. Thanks, I will see how things go.🤞🙏
  3. Jsnick

    introducing chicks to one Hen

    Hmm, I do let them in the run later in the day when I let the hen out to free range. So they get use to the space, water and food. I might be able to figure something out with a crate for the bigger hen and see how that goes. She loses her shit when she's free ranging and sees them in the run...
  4. Jsnick

    introducing chicks to one Hen

    The chicks are in the run all day with the hen in a 3x4 area and she has the rest of the run aprox 4x10 at night I bring them in. The coop cant hold a crate, my crate is to big and a small one would be to tight for them. I have been keeping them with her everyday for a week and a half.
  5. Jsnick

    introducing chicks to one Hen

    I have one Polish hen that is a year old and she has been alone for 3 months due to the other hens attacking her. I rehomed them to a farm. I have 3 chicks about 8 weeks old now and I have been letting them see each other when they were young thru the run when they were about 3 weeks old as...
  6. Jsnick

    One of two 4 year old heirloom hens just died yesterday, can I integrate 5 week old babies I have now?

    I am kind of in the same situation, I have one hen that was scalped by my two other hens. They have been rehomed after several attempts to fix the bullying. She was alone to heal and babies were not big enough to integrate. Babies are almost 8 weeks and I have been putting them in the run with...
  7. Jsnick

    EE cockerel or pullet

    Thanks I’ll repost in a month.
  8. Jsnick

    EE cockerel or pullet

    Hello, I have an EE that I’m trying to guess if it’s a pullet or too. They are 6 weeks old. She is the only one I’m not sure of. These are the best pics I have. She’s always moving. 😂
  9. Jsnick

    watery poop 5 week old chick

    Thank you, I will have to do a sample as I've already tried the corid when I first noticed it. Thanks again
  10. Jsnick

    watery poop 5 week old chick

    Yes they get grit and all other poop is normal. I have 2 Easter eggers and 1 polish. It’s one of my Easter Eggers that has watery poop.She’s very active but does drink lots of water.
  11. Jsnick

    watery poop 5 week old chick

    Hello, I have a 5-week-old Easter Egger that has had watery poop since week 2.She eats, drinks, plays and is very active. I've given the probiotics in water when I purchased them, and I also started giving it to them again. I also have given her recently egg yolk and plain yogurt. Is this...
  12. Jsnick

    High Humidity Low Temps

    I'm also interested in this, what do you put it in and about how much do you use?
  13. Jsnick

    Polish chicken getting picked on.

    Thank you, I hope I wont have to seperate her. They never have pecked at her crest before. I might try to trim her crest and see if it helps.
  14. Jsnick

    Polish chicken getting picked on.

    Hi, I have a 6-month-old Polish who is so sweet. I also have 2 Wyandotte's same age. One Wyandotte is laying, and the other is very close. Since the weather here in Illionois has changed and its colder. It seems one of the hens' pecks at the Polish's head or her back. They have plenty of room...
  15. Jsnick

    how often do they lay?

    Thank you, I forgot to mention they are aprox. 6 months old and its fall in near chicago. They have not gone thru a molt. All seem perfectly fine, no health issues. 🙏 for another egg soon:)
  16. Jsnick

    how often do they lay?

    Hi, I have a Wyandotte that laid her first egg, two days in a row. I haven't had another egg since. She's? the only one laying right now, is this normal to not have her lay another? Today will be 4 days so far no egg in box or anywhere else in run. I'm new to this.
  17. Jsnick

    ~The Broody Thread~

    I'm new to raising chickens and was wondering what you give a broody hen if you don't have eggs to hatch? We aren't planning on hatching eggs.
  18. Jsnick

    Feathers in run

    Thank you!
  19. Jsnick

    Feathers in run

    Hi, I have 1 polish and two wyandottes and recently when I go to the run during the day I see a lot of feathers on ground. It’s a mix of all of their feathers not really sure what’s going on. They don’t look like they’re molting. They are about 4 1/2 months old almost 5. There are not many...
  20. Jsnick

    Polish chicken getting bullied

    I have a polish and she's doing ok with my other hens. But I was wondering about trimming her crest. Not sure how to go about it. Any suggestions? Have you done this .
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