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  1. DStewart PDX

    Comment by 'DStewart PDX' in item 'Cayuga'

    Yes, the muscovies are a goose relative. I love their meat! In fact, I don't care for white meat, be it a turkey or chicken, so the muscovy being all dark meat is a huge plus in my kitchen. As for threats to native populations, well, you could say the same for any non-native species. I've read...
  2. DStewart PDX

    Is there a place for duck breed reviews?

    Exactly what I was looking for, thank you!
  3. DStewart PDX

    Review by '' on item 'Cayuga'

    I kept my cayugas for only three months, but was dissatisfied enough to get rid of them. My first ducks, after doing research, were muscovies, so I was used to those. I decided to try cayugas based on a strong recommendation from BYC. I ordered eight ducklings from Holderread's. All of my...
  4. DStewart PDX

    Is there a place for duck breed reviews?

    Is there a place for duck breed reviews other than in forum threads? The chicken breed reviews are so helpful, I thought it would be a good resource for ducks, too.
  5. DStewart PDX

    treadle chicken feeder

    I for one am grateful for your hobby! I am still happy with my treadle feeder. Muscovy ducks use it, too. And I'm not feeding every darn critter in the whole neighborhood!
  6. DStewart PDX

    Best time to relocate muscovy nest?

    Well, that's one way to solve the problem. I went out to move Becky's nest and a predator had destroyed it. This morning she is laying her egg in the chicken coop.
  7. DStewart PDX

    Best time to relocate muscovy nest?

    Miss Lydia, should I wait until she is setting, or should I move it now while she is still loading it? Thanks.
  8. DStewart PDX

    Best time to relocate muscovy nest?

    Greetings! My muscovy mama Becky is starting her second nest. Her first nest she made in the chicken coop, which is very secure. She has instead chosen a spot under a tree, which has no security. I have a secure place for her, an adapted doghouse. When is the best time to move the nest? She is...
  9. DStewart PDX

    muscovy won't go broody?

    Finally today one of the muscovies began setting on the nest! Fingers crossed!
  10. DStewart PDX

    muscovy won't go broody?

    Thanks. I guess I assumed they would go broody after several weeks of laying. I will relax, put some of these in a friend's incubator, and see what they do.
  11. DStewart PDX

    muscovy won't go broody?

    Hi, all - I have three muscovy ducks all a year old and all laying for a few weeks now. The drake is a pretty good guy and easy to get along with. Plenty of eggs are accumulating on the nest they all share, but no one is going broody! How long should I wait before I give up and throw them in the...
  12. DStewart PDX

    Handling muscovy social relationships?

    Thanks, all. I examined Rhonda, and she looks just fine. Feathers and feet in good repair, same size as the other girls, no obvious wounds, etc. The scovies are all about nine months, having hatched about four days apart. They've been together since they were less than a week old. They are in a...
  13. DStewart PDX

    Handling muscovy social relationships?

    I will check her out. Thanks!
  14. DStewart PDX

    Handling muscovy social relationships?

    I do not have vitamins. What should I look for when I examine her?
  15. DStewart PDX

    Handling muscovy social relationships?

    Greetings! I have one muscovy drake and three scovy ducks. The drake and two ducks get along well, hang out together. The third duck seems to be increasingly isolated from the others, keeping her distance. This morning, she didn't even come for treats when everyone else was there, she just hung...
  16. DStewart PDX

    Very aggressive birds

    This is bad bird behavior and should be curbed. I don't know enough to give you expert advice, but I can tell you that just as you need to be alpha dog as a dog owner, you must be number one bird with your birds. Your conures clearly do not respect you as above them in status, and that will...
  17. DStewart PDX

    Question for those of you w/chicken tractors...

    I could never have moved my tractor by myself with skids. The yard was way too lumpy.
  18. DStewart PDX

    Question for those of you w/chicken tractors...

    Something to remember about chicken tractors is they are open on the bottom. If you set your wheels high enough to make the tractor easy to move, you will create a gap underneath that makes it easier for predators to get into the tractor. I set mine low to minimize the gap. I didn't have them at...
  19. DStewart PDX

    gaping wounds, maybe a hawk

    Hopefully someone with more experience will weigh in very soon. You should separate a sick or injured hen. She may be lonely, but the other hens could peck her to death. If you want to take care of her and not leave it to fate, then you have to get a hold of your bird and put her in confinement...
  20. DStewart PDX

    Question for those of you w/chicken tractors...

    I started with a tractor years ago and no longer use one. I got one so the chickens would kill all the grass, eat all the bugs, and poop. Then I could move the tractor, let the bare patch sit for a bit, dig and plant with vegetables. It worked pretty well. I can tell you, if you *don't* want...
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