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  1. bbyblueyes3

    New babies!!!

    She is an EE/polish mix.. From what I was told. I am still new at this... Have had her and my two other girls for almost a year now... She kept getting broody, so we thought we would give her some eggs and see what happened. So happy we did!!!!
  2. bbyblueyes3

    New babies!!!

    I put 5 eggs from a friend under a broody hen... 4 showed development when they were candled... This morning I had pipping.... And tonight I have chicks!!!
  3. bbyblueyes3

    *CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

    I had pipping earlier today... Now I have chicks!!!
  4. bbyblueyes3

    Girls or boys? Anyone have an idea?

    Thank you for your help! No crowing yet... But no eggs yet either...
  5. bbyblueyes3

    Girls or boys? Anyone have an idea?

    Trying to get a better pick... Is one row a roo or hen?
  6. bbyblueyes3

    anybody raise sprouts to feed the chickens?

    Thank you! Very helpful!!! Got to try!
  7. bbyblueyes3

    Amounts for fodder/sprouts

    Thanks for the info and pic... Have been thinking about doing this
  8. bbyblueyes3

    Girls or boys? Anyone have an idea?

    I will also try and get better pics tomorrow.
  9. bbyblueyes3

    Girls or boys? Anyone have an idea?

    Guessing on the age...... 5 or 6 months. I'll have to ask my mom to be sure. I got them from her. She was given them and didn't know for sure.
  10. bbyblueyes3

    Girls or boys? Anyone have an idea?

    Any ideas on sex and breed?
  11. bbyblueyes3

    What to do after a broody hen hatches eggs?

    I have one of the ware chicken nests (sold at tractor supply) I can put in the floor, in the corner....
  12. bbyblueyes3

    What to do after a broody hen hatches eggs?

    This is my first time having any hatch out. I hope she will be a good momma. This is her first time too.... Will the babies need to be able to get back in the nest? Or will they stay in it for a few days. I may have to get my hubby to build a ramp or something.
  13. bbyblueyes3

    What to do after a broody hen hatches eggs?

    Thank you!!! I have been wondering what to do... I have a hen sitting 4 eggs... They are scheduled to hatch during a time when I am supposed to be out of town. I am hoping they will before I leave. Anyway, I was worried about the other chickens. I have one that is "moody". When we added a...
  14. bbyblueyes3

    *CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

    I have one that I couldn't get a good pic of... It had an air cell. Started at same time as the others... But it is really dark inside. It is a "blue" shell... These others are cream color. I can't see veins, but everything else looks the same.
  15. bbyblueyes3

    *CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

    First try at candling.... I noticed her sitting them for the first time on Feb 19th
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