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  1. G Wiz Ranch

    Which variety is this Easter Egger?

    I have several solid white, black and blue EE's. All came from a hatchery. I have ordered and sold more than 500 EE's in the past year and I would say that solid white, is more common than black or blue. Right now, I have an order of 50 EE chicks and there are at least 5 solid whites. My older...
  2. G Wiz Ranch

    Ever wonder if you feed your flock too much??

    Too many treats!!!!! I don't give them treats daily for that very same reason. They won't eat the layer, they wait for the treats. Mix it up and dont have a treat routine.
  3. G Wiz Ranch

    what is going on with my chicks???

    Go to the feed store and buy BlueKote. Spray on the wounds twice a day if possible. Once one drop of blood shows on a chick, it is hard to get the others from stopping the picking. More impotant than space is food and water. Make sure you have enough feeder/water space for the amount of birds...
  4. G Wiz Ranch

    I haven't watered my chickens for months... makes the drink cups, I use them too. easy to clean.
  5. G Wiz Ranch

    Red Lake Earth (RLE)? or DE?

    The RLE can be added to feed, it is feed grade. I will occasionally dust a little over the food trough. I use both. I use the RLE on the floors in the brooders, coops, nest boxes, broody coops and runs. I like it because it is easy to spread, kind of like sand and not very dusty. I also use...
  6. G Wiz Ranch

    HELP ASAP my chicks are dying

    It happens sometimes. They may have had a bad trip. Do you have a thermometer in with them, try and keep the temp at 95. What state did they come from and what state are you in? The best thing to do is keep them warm and wait. Most hatcheries have a guarantee for the first so many hours. I would...
  7. G Wiz Ranch

    Is this a bad brooder?

    I set 96 eggs at a time, and I usually hatch over 90 of them. After hatching I usually put over 85 of them in one of my 5 levels in my GQF stack brooder. I think the brooders are aprox 30"x36". I keep them there for a week and then put half in another level and then at 2 weeks, I move them to...
  8. G Wiz Ranch

    best way to water chickens in cages?

    Quote: You can use a pressure reducing valve and attach it direct to a hose. Or you can use a gravity bucket. I use a bucket that I made and installed a toilet float valve in so that I can add ACV or whatever. Your bucket needs to be about 4ft higher than the drink cups. They sell both the...
  9. G Wiz Ranch

    Mod Question?! Now getting multiple chicken related spam........

    What search engine have you been using? I am getting spam based on my searches with my google tool bar.
  10. G Wiz Ranch

    best way to water chickens in cages?

    Try the GQF Drink cups. I use them in the coops and runs.
  11. G Wiz Ranch

    Automatic Coop Door - Simple and Cheap w/ VIDEO

    Quote: They are used in your garden fountains and are made to run 24/7. They are slow and low gph. They even sell solar powered ones, check out HaborFreight This uses only .18 amps and if my math is correct that is only...
  12. G Wiz Ranch

    Automatic Coop Door - Simple and Cheap w/ VIDEO

    Quote: Great ideas. Never thought of anti-freese out here, not cold enough. How heavy does a door have to be to prevent a coon from lifting it and being able to get under? What if you had a latch and the latch was attached to the string before the door, so that when the string is pulled up to...
  13. G Wiz Ranch

    Automatic Coop Door - Simple and Cheap w/ VIDEO

    I think it is. That is why I posted it here. I can't wait to install mine.
  14. G Wiz Ranch

    Hay or Straw in nesting boxes?

    I use pine shavings, over bremuda grass (cheap version of timothy grass). I don't want any hay or straw that is hallow, it may invite bugs to live in them.
  15. G Wiz Ranch

    Automatic Coop Door - Simple and Cheap w/ VIDEO

    A nice family came to our place to buy some chicks, we got to talking about coops, it came up that their son built an automatic coop door that was super cheap and easy. I thought I would share it with you folks, the son made this video of the door. Please share any feed back you might have, I...
  16. G Wiz Ranch

    Pure Barnevelder hatching eggs. Rare sweet, docile,and beautiful

    Pics of the parent stock would be nice.
  17. G Wiz Ranch

    What would you do?

    My order from Ideal of 250 chicks arrived on Wednesday, in all, I only lost 4. I got more extras than I lost. My order of 30 BLRW from MmcM arrived on Tuesday, I lost 14 in total, almost half. You just never know what the chicks expierence durring shipping. I don't think you can blame the bird...
  18. G Wiz Ranch

    Privett Hatchery

    Our feed stores around here use Privett. I bought 30 chicks, 10 each of 3 breeds, I ended up with 7 roosters. The feed store showed me the invoice showing they bought "pullets". Sad to see that Ideal uses them. Is that true? Why?
  19. G Wiz Ranch

    reviews from ideal hatchery

    Currently my order count with Ideal is over 800 chicks within the last 12 months, and I have had less deaths than they send extra. My main egg laying flock is ALL from Ideal, they are very healthy and lay great. None of the people that I re sold the chicks or pullets that I started have ever...
  20. G Wiz Ranch

    reviews from ideal hatchery

    Quote: To make it easier, this is the link you should have: I read your review and it seems fair, odd that you lost chicks days after receiving them, nice that they refunded you. How long ago was that...
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