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  1. L

    Urgent - Has anyone on here successfully collected and used rainwater for their chickens/geese/guinea fowl/quail?

    I built my water system way back in 2013 and it works just as good now as it did then. It is not nearly as neat and clean as it was back then though. I very seldom have to add water and I have a drain in the bottom I flush it out with occasionally. Luckily here in Mid Ga we have very few...
  2. L

    Uses for 5 gal home depot buckets

    Around where I live, Firehouse Subs sells 5 gal buckets with lids for $2.50 each. They are what their pickles come in so they are food grade but they do smell like pickles for a while. I use them for all kinds of stuff, they make great nest boxes. I put them through a hole in the wall and put...
  3. L

    Something ripped a whole in my coop

    I've already repaired the fence. It was dug up at the bottom and pushed in just enough a coyote or dog could get in. This is way to much damage for a coon or possum and so much that I'm beginning to think it might have been the coyote family from down the hill. There really wasn't any...
  4. L

    Losing my chickens

    In my area of middle Ga the weasels are what eats the heads off of chickens. I have had that exact same thing and let me tell you weasels are hard to trap and get rid of. I searched out weasel trap on Youtube to find out what to build and caught two. The problem disappeared.
  5. L

    Something ripped a whole in my coop

    Boy Howdy, I am just about as mad and upset and confused as I have ever been in 20 years of raising chickens. Friday night some sort of animal ripped my fence up and got in my coop and killed 32 of my birds. Of the few left half of them are probably not going to make it. I took some pictures...
  6. L

    Stop my roo from mating

    That is just an old wives tale, no actual facts to back it up.
  7. L

    Stop my roo from mating

    I'm wondering how you decided that the egg was fertile to begin with. I have never heard of a way to tell if an egg is fertile or not until it has been incubated for a while.
  8. L

    What do you do with your chickens when they die?

    I buried a couple birds 20 years ago and the next morning a racoon had dug them up and left their half eaten carcasses on the ground. Ever since them I have been cremating my dead birds in my burn barrel along with the dead coon I caught in a trap a couple days later. 20 or 30 feed sacks...
  9. L

    Are fig trees fine to put in chicken coops?

    I know my birds love eating the busted open figs I give them from my bush. If I don't get a chance to harvest early in the morning the nice ripe figs will begin to bust open and then bugs and bees attack them. My chickens just love to eat these and will run around trying to protect their on...
  10. L

    how much do i feed chicken scratch?

    I have this huge fig bush that makes more figs than I can eat or make preserves out of. If I don't pick them early in the mornings when they are just ripe the bees and ants eat em all up. My chickens absolutely love these things and they don't even care if the bees and bugs have already had...
  11. L

    Horizontal Nipple Waterers... in your opinion, yes or no?

    I have a 55 gal drum attached to the back of my coop that fills with rainwater from the gutter, It is attached to a combination of plastic pipe and pvc which has horizontal nipples mounted in it. I very seldom have to worry about water at all. Here in Georgia we have very few freezing...
  12. L

    can you travel with 4 week old chicks?

    She is not being rude, She is telling you the facts!
  13. L

    Official BYC Poll: How Long Have You Been Raising Chickens?

    I moved into this house in 1996 and wondered for a few years what I should do with the chicken coop that had been modified into a dog kennel. Finally in 2003, I decided to get some chicks and a few months later started selling eggs to my neighbors and all the pretty girls that stopped by...
  14. L

    questions about selling eggs

    I sell my eggs for $3 a dozen or two for $5. I have 22 golden comets that lay 16 to 18 eggs a day and I sell them all. I have four regular customers who are neighbors and pretty girls can get a dozen or two anytime they want!
  15. L

    What just eats head / neck?

    How the heck do you get rid of these little guys????????????
  16. L

    What just eats head / neck?

    I lost 3 birds that looked exactly like this last night. In my 20years of raising birds I never saw a bird eaten like this until this year. In my experience a raccoon will get the bird and carry the whole thing off somewhere and you will never see anything except a few feathers. A possum will...
  17. L

    Please Help! Raccoon Problem!!! Click Here!!!!!!!!

    Those work excellent!
  18. L

    Rat Problem

    A friend of mine had a rat problem a few years ago and we took care of most of them one day with a couple golf clubs and a ball bat. A few squirts of gas in their hole and light a match and they come running out. Beat the heck out of them and nail them on a board for display. We pretty much...
  19. L

    Disappeared without a trace

    Every time I have lost birds in a similar way it has been Raccoons doing the dirty dead. I have also lost some to possums but it is easy to tell when a possum gets them, he will eat the guts and leave the carcass. Coons take your birds to a totally different location and sometimes leave no...
  20. L

    HELP automatic watering cups are not working!

    In my experience the birds never fill the cups with water. They peek at the nipple until they have enough and leave just a drop or two in the bottom of the cup. They never hold the nipple long enough for the cup to fill.
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