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  1. ViKulik

    Chicken stressed in lock-up because of alligator in yard

    Similar happenings here in coastal SC. When my daughter was about 7 she was on grandmas laptop, she turned and asked "Where are our Alligator pictures, oh nevermind I know... " She's 26 now and we still laugh about that.
  2. ViKulik

    Chicken stressed in lock-up because of alligator in yard

    I understand that you can't harass wildlife, and I'd be nervous going near the pool, but if I had one in my pool for more than a day I give the pool a good shock treatment of chlorine. That's not harassment it's normal "pool maintenance". I'm sure it needs it if there's a coon floating in...
  3. ViKulik

    Cayenne Pepper and Scaring Raccoons

    Hopefully he found something easier somewhere else and lost interest. If not then You are on his nightly patrol and he will keep coming and testing the wire and latches until there are no more chickens, he gets run over, pushed out or killed by a more dominant animal, possibly one of your human...
  4. ViKulik

    Comment by 'ViKulik' in album 'Cream Legbar'

    Yep, they came in a fried chicken box and we had a severe thunderstorm so I had no power in the brooder. I was keeping them warm with the kerosene lamp.
  5. ViKulik

    Hello New from SC

    Welcome Jamie, I'm south of you in Beaufort during the week and Charleston most weekends. I have Cream Legbars, and I 3D printed some chicken arms the other day. Coincidence...I don't think so 🤓
  6. ViKulik

    Rat problem need more advice

    Mix baking soda with corn meal add to crumbles and put it out in your old chicken feeder, the one the rats are accustomed to eating from. The baking soda won't hurt the chickens but will kill the rats
  7. ViKulik

    Gotta get rid of my chickens, lease not renewed, owner renovating and probably selling. Gotta...

    Gotta get rid of my chickens, lease not renewed, owner renovating and probably selling. Gotta move out by Oct 1st Arg!!!
  8. ViKulik

    Can chickens lay eggs without calcium?

    I know people who never supplement calcium, it's in the layer pellets and if their egg shells aren't thin then they probably have enough. It's not something running out of for a few weeks or a even month matters as far as I can tell
  9. ViKulik

    Eggshells as calcium additive

    I save and bake my egg shells and crush them up to put in their feed but not instead of supplying oyster shells. I have never known my chickens to supplement with the oyster. Every now and then when the container ( a small galvanized poultry drinker) gets too much rain water in it I dump it...
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  13. ViKulik


    Of the Black Copper Marans I ordered some are solid black, some have copper feathering coming in and 2 are dilute and look powdery bluish. More likely genetic variation rather than some sort of mix up.
  14. ViKulik

    Black / Blue Copper Marans Cockerels ??

    I have been pretty sure I had four cockerels ever since I picked them up from the Post Office. The second from the left looks to be the maybe cockerel #5
  15. ViKulik

    New Chic Pix

    Ok, bought 4 Cream Legbar at Tractor Supply on Sunday on the way home from my Mom's house in Charleston, gotta stop using them as my rest stop. Bathroom breaks and chicken math don't add up.
  16. ViKulik

    Black / Blue Copper Marans Cockerels ??

    Of course they won't hold still for pictures. One of my mayby's won't hold still but is developing a lot of copper aon the neck but has a smallish yellow pink comb. I'll try for a better picture in the morning.
  17. ViKulik

    Black / Blue Copper Marans Cockerels ??

    So my ten French Black Copper Marans are eight weeks old, got them in the mail on June 1st. I have two Cockerels with large red combs and copper feathering coming in and one started crowing. Now there are these to others that are looking like Cockerels, but have no copper in them yet. Is the...
  18. Cream Legbar

    Cream Legbar

    2023 Cream Legbar Chickens
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    Got home from Tractor Supply and the power is out for thunderstorm, chicks are warming by the oil lamp
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