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  1. aim30

    Any math lovers here?

    To find the area of a pentagon, I would split the figure in 2. Find the area of the base (trapezoid) with A=1/2 (b1 + b2) × h, and add the area of the top (triangle) with A=1/2 b x h.
  2. aim30

    Help me identify the breeds in my flock!

    1st pic: Top: Brown Leghorn (white earlobes?) Right: Rhode Island Red or production red Middle: Silver Laced Wyandotte Second to bottom: either a New Hampshire or rhode island red Bottom: black sex link Black ones are probably Australorps (pink/black legs) or Jersey Giants (yellow/black legs).
  3. aim30

    Buff Orpington Hen?

    She is not a Buff Orpington with those yellow legs. Maybe a Buff Rock or Chantecler?
  4. aim30

    Plymouth white rock cockerel or pullet??

    I'm not sure it's a cockerel. It could just be a pullet that matures earlier than the others. I have had some of those. Plus I don't see any male saddle feathers yet. I would wait a few weeks to see how it matures. Edited to ask: How long has it been red? Since it was young or just in the...
  5. aim30

    is this a rooster?

    Yes, that is a rooster because it has male saddle feathers. My first guess on breed would be white leghorn because of the white earlobes.
  6. aim30

    4 Month old Orpington.....Boy or girl? *UPDATED* New pictures!

    If you are sure about age it just means she is getting close to laying. Orpington roosters usually have double the comb and wattle of yours at that age. Plus add to the fact that your chicken has rounded saddle feathers, I vote pullet.
  7. aim30

    Barred Plymouth Rocks - 5 weeks - please be girls!

    They all look like pullets to me. At 5 weeks most barred rock cockerels are redder in the comb area.
  8. aim30

    Sold Salmon Faverolles by MPC, but they don't look like SFs to me

    Google pics of buff chanteclers - they look just like what you have. Meyers only have buff chanteclers and buff orpingtons. They don't have buff wyandottes or buff rocks. So my guess is buff chantecler.
  9. aim30

    Guess the gender...

    She looks like a pullet to me!
  10. aim30

    Help sex my supposed already sexed chickens!

    I'd give it a few weeks to see how they progress.
  11. aim30

    Help sex my supposed already sexed chickens!

    Your silver laced Wyandotte looks like a cockerel to me. I'm on the fence about your easter egger though. Could you get a comb/head shot like you did with you're Wyandotte?
  12. aim30

    They are bigger now, roos or pullets?

    The only ones that look like easter eggers to me are the orange ones. The others look just like my blue and black ameraucanas (pure). But I could be wrong.
  13. aim30

    Black Australorp pullet?

    It looks just like my pullets at 6 weeks. I would expect a cockerel to have way more comb color and development.
  14. aim30

    Welsummer sexing

    I say roo as well. Mine was sexed as female but he was lacking the black edging on his back that the females had. He looked exactly like yours and also feathered in just as fast as the females.
  15. aim30

    Beginner: What Chickens should I get?

    IMO if you are looking strictly for eggs you may want to stick to red sex links or black sex links. Baby chicks are nice because they get used to you but several hatcheries sell started pullets, I know McMurray does:
  16. aim30

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    So here is my only adult EE. I think about getting rid of him on a constant basis because he crows literally every 10 seconds in the AM but then I always change my mind because he is so beautiful :)
  17. aim30

    Breed/Gender ID help appreciated

    With that red of a comb at 6-7 weeks old I would say it is an EE cockerel.
  18. aim30

    What breed are my chickens?

    I'm going to say that number 3 is a jersey giant because it seems to have yellow feet bottoms. Australorps should have pink bottoms.
  19. aim30

    Please help me identify these beautiful chicks. Thank You!

    A Easter Egger B Speckled Sussex C Cream Legbar D Easter Egger
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