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  1. gkeesling

    What kind of light timer do you use?

    i got my timer at Lowes. It is one that has a cover over it and has dual settings to turn on and off in the morning and on and off in the evening. But, I only use the morning settings. My lights turn on at 4:30 a.m. and go off at 8:00 a.m. I live in Indiana.
  2. gkeesling

    uh oh, Added more chickens to flock, PLEASE READ

    I've just thrown my new ones in with the old ones. There is one whale of a ruckus at first, but in a day or two, they are all one big happy family. I have found out that it's best if you only have one or two it's not a good idea to just throw them into the "lion's den", but if I had 4 or 5 then...
  3. gkeesling

    Bedding for brooding meat birds

    This is the first time I've done Meaties. We have a group of us who have gone in and gotten 150 chicks. After 2 weeks they have gotten bigger than I thought they would so I'm going to move them out of their 4 individual brooder boxes and put them into my 16' stock trailer. My question is what...
  4. gkeesling

    my meaty setup

    that is a great idea to use the stock trailer. I have a 16' stock trailer. I have 144 chicks. Do you think it would be pushing it if I put all 144 chicks in my 16' stock trailer?
  5. gkeesling

    how many chickens do you have and how big is your coop

    I have 20 standard laying hens and the coop is 8x10. My run is way bigger than I need for this many hens so I'm limited by the coop space. 20 is about as many as I can go. I think I could probably add a couple more hens but that would be pushing it.
  6. gkeesling

    Are Barred Rock or Rhode Island Reds any good as meat birds?

    I butchered some RIR at 15 weeks. They are good for stewing and to put in Chicken and Noodles, but they aren't good for roasting or frying. I tried roasting one and i was way to tough.
  7. gkeesling

    When to cull older slower egg laying hens?

    My hens are going into their 2nd year of egg laying. I've heard that hens start slowing down a lot in their 3rd or 4th year. I don't want to keep hens that have cut their egg laying by about 1/2 when that time occurs. What do you do with your hens that are 4 years old or so? At first I...
  8. gkeesling

    Prolapse while laying an egg

    thanks for the info. I can't take a picture because I threw the thing away. But, there wasn't anything attached to the chicken so this probably wasn't a prolapse. I did find one hen (leg band #7) thad had some wet feathers around her vent right after I found the egg with the stuff aound it, so...
  9. gkeesling

    Prolapse while laying an egg

    I went to get an egg out of the box today and it looked like the inside of a chicken came out with the egg and the egg was wrapped in it. I think that means one my chickens prolapsed when she layed the egg. Does this sound like that's what it was? I think I know which one it was. She had droopy...
  10. gkeesling

    Proper height of roost?

    I've heard the correct height is one that's higher than the nest boxes. The chickens will roost at the highest point they can get to. I have roosts at 4 ft., 5 ft, and then there are the rafters to the coop that are more like 9 feet. half of my flock of 20 will go to the coop rafters. The...
  11. gkeesling

    What's the best way to get rid of moles?

    I tried all of the poisons and traps and nothing seemed to work. My barn cat is so fat and lazy he's useless for mole killing. I had a friend tell me about these new traps called NoMol. I ordered 4 of them and did catch a big mole the first time I tried them. Jury is still out on their total...
  12. gkeesling

    Prolapse laying an egg

    I went to get an egg out of the box today and it looked like the inside of a chicken came out with the egg and the egg was wrapped in it. I think that means one my chickens prolapsed when she layed the egg. Does this sound like that's what it was? I think I know which one it was. She had droopy...
  13. gkeesling

    I think I did a bad thing

    if you are getting 14 hours of day light I can't figure out why you had another light in their coop. Are there no windows for the coop and that's why you had lights? They don't need lights in their coop at night when they are roosting. If they have 14 hours of day light then that's what they...
  14. gkeesling

    First time with meaties. Advice?

    I'm getting ready to do my first meaties as well. since they grow faster than dual purpose birds, do they feather quicker too? I'm wondering if the meaties will need less heat quicker and, since they will be ready to butcher at about 8 weeks, if they will feather quicker, and I can put them out...
  15. gkeesling

    Feed for Laying Hens

    Did you compare the ingredients listed on the bags? They should be listed on the back of each bag.
  16. gkeesling

    Feeding Scraps To Chickens

    we have put cooked chicken, turkey, rabbit, and squirrel carcasses out for our chickens after we were done with them. They picked them clean. It is amazing. We also put our steak bones out for the chickens. They love it. Of course we put about everthing else that's edible that we'd put in the...
  17. gkeesling

    Stressed at Work, Stressed At Home, Stressed At College - UGH!

    Every now and again, when I'm having a bad day(s) I go to Mathew 11:28-30 and some reflection. Check it out.
  18. gkeesling

    Things only country kids would say:

    papaw, I wanna go out and feed the cows. Can I pet the little one? ( 4 yr. old grandson)
  19. gkeesling

    How Often Should Chickens Be Offered Scratch?

    i dont think some scratch is wrong daily as long as their primary food source is the layer feed or something similar - unless the free range all the time - then they will get what ever they want off the ground. I suggest just feeding scratch as a treat. I have 20 laying hens and give them a 1...
  20. gkeesling

    First time chick owner.... 2 questions

    I'd say to let them go outside when ever the weather is warm enough for them - supervised of course. I put my first chicks out in the coop when they were feathered - I think I remember that being at 5 weeks. I can't really answer the question about table scraps. My new chicks ate chicken feed...
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