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  • Users: Lelilamom
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  1. Lelilamom

    2 yr old Roo Injured or Sick?

    My 2 year old roo started hunching over with his head down in the corner of the yard two days ago. I put him in a crate, gave him yogurt and olive oil and raw egg mixed with water. He took everything I offered but I had to hold his head and put the food in his mouth. He wasn't injured, didn't...
  2. Lelilamom

    Your experiences with Elector PSP

    I am interested in hearing your experiences with Elector PSP. I wanted to share my experience and hopefully others will chime in and help those who come along in the future. We are in week 3 of battling Northern Fowl Mites. I have been dusting with Garden and Poultry Dust (Permethrin) every...
  3. Lelilamom

    Mites Mites Mites!

    Day 13 of the Northern Fowl Mite Invasion. Or is it? I found five or six crawling on the eggs when I got them this evening and took a few pics, magnified 128X to see the details. Two looked like Red Mites, but when I smooshed them, no red streak. Only gray. I check the birds during the day as...
  4. Lelilamom

    Ocular Marek's vs the other kind? Could be both?

    Three weeks ago I noticed one of my barnyard mixes with a closed eye. I figured she got dinged by another hen. I kept an eye on her (no pun intended) and after about 7 days, the eye was open, normal and she appeared to have full vision. Last week my bantam roo got the snot kicked out of him...
  5. Lelilamom

    Do genetics play a part in Hatch Rate?

    I have an easter egger mix that brooded 9 eggs. Nearly all of my layers are first or second generation hatches from the same rooster. Her first hatch was 8/9. Her second hatch was 4/7. Her third hatch, the current one is 2/9. She is a devoted brooder and sat faithfully for 21 days, so I...
  6. Lelilamom

    Processing Turkeys at 36 Wks? Too Old?

    With the Avian flu hitting turkey houses earlier this year, I panicked and got two BBW turkeys in March instead of May. They are already HUGE even though they have feed for only half the day. Tonight I went to lock them up and both, who are hens, squatted down and coo'd at me. They're getting...
  7. Lelilamom

    More on Avian Flu

    A big HUG to all you flock raisers out there who are losing your flocks. I'm devastated for you.
  8. Lelilamom

    The End of an Era. We lost Old Heidi.

    My sweet Heidi girl passed away today after suffering a stroke. She was one of the first six chickens I purchased when I started raising chickens. She was 10 Years Old. Super sweet, knew her name, loved bananas and banana bread; she was always the constant in the coop and was respected by all...
  9. Lelilamom

    Raccoon attack, did hen lose both eyes? Graphic Pics

    After a devastating raccoon attack that took 12 hens, my trusty Rooster and a pullet, I fear one of my injured hens hanging on for dear life is blinded. What is behind the lids of a chicken? Just the eye ball or other stuff? One of her eyes is still closed tight but the other is open and is...
  10. Lelilamom

    Fly Strike between skin and skull- how to treat?

    I have a Wyandotte that was injured by a raccoon and has a significant injury on her head. Both eyes are closed and she has a gash on her head. I've been treating her every day and keeping it clean and dry. I had her coated in blukote. This morning I discovered a fly strike under the skin of...
  11. Lelilamom

    Devastating Raccoon Attack

    We went away on vacation and secured our 40+ chickens in their large Coop and Run we built for them last year. We came home to 13 slaughtered hens along with our incredibly brave rooster, who looks like he fought valiantly. Some quick investigation work along with an examination of the...
  12. Lelilamom

    EE mix hatched her first brood Poor hatch rate

    I have a EE mix hen that is hatching her first brood. She started with 9 eggs all marked on the same day, three got smooshed during her brood. She sat with 6 till the end and was surprisingly dedicated for a hen not quite 12 mos. I did find her off her nest on day 19 and her eggs mostly cold...
  13. Lelilamom

    New to Bantams, Breeding pair had chicks!

    We adopted a Bantam roo last fall to pair to our two bantam hens. I love the ornamentals around the farm and thought having chicks would be fun. I thought they were old english hens but was told that my hens were Japanese bantams and so was the Bantam roo we adopted. One of the hens hatched 7...
  14. Lelilamom

    Introducing Bantam rooster to Standard Rooster

    We have a 3yr old Standard EE Rooster that has been great with other roosters. We adopted an Old English bantam rooster that is all of 8 inches tall. We kept him quarantined for 10 days, face to face in the coop so he and the rooster and all the hens could see eachother but not mix. Today we...
  15. Lelilamom

    Bossy hens kicking Broodies out of nest

    I have 3 broodies sitting on eggs and I have a very bossy Wyandotte that is beating up the broodies and chasing them out of their nests and then guarding the nests so no one can sit in them. I found one nest cold two mornings ago. What is going on? All three broodies were sitting on...
  16. Lelilamom

    Is my rooster sterile?

    I had three roosters and 26 hens last fall and had 24 chicks hatch. I'm down to one rooster now and 7 new hens (the rest were roosters from the fall that I gave away) and he doesn't mate with everyone, but DOES mate with most of the hens including one that I believe is his offspring. I have...
  17. Lelilamom

    Beta Rooster Challenged Alpha and won

    Both my Alpha (Renegade) and Beta (Thunder) Roosters are ~ 2.5 years old. Both EEs. They grew up together and have always had a harmonious relationship. This spring two more roos hatched. The Alpha injured both and one was so severely injured he had to be put down. The other had a leg...
  18. Lelilamom

    6mos old Buff Orp Roo dying - can't figure out why

    This past Tuesday I found my 6 mos old Buff Orp roo sitting on the roosting bar with one eye closed. He wouldn't move or crow so I took him off the bar and he walked around slowly with the one eye closed. He wouldn't eat but he drank water. Upon further examination it looked like the eye was...
  19. Lelilamom

    Anyone with experience sexing Buffs Orps and Silkies?

    I've only ever had Buff Orpingtons pullets and I've never had Silkies. I picked up 16 pullets on March 3 to add to my geriatric flock. All of these pullets are the same age, within a few days. They were all supposed to be pullets. One Silkie started crowing this morning, but I can't tell...
  20. Lelilamom

    Severe Prolapse that never healed. Permanent damage?

    My 7 yr old Buff developed severe prolapse after trying to hatch eggs this spring. I bathed her every day for a week and pushed her back in a few times but she popped back out every time. She laid eggs regularly despite the prolapse and had such messy feathers I ended up clipping them so she...
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