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  1. chookchik

    do chickens ever recover from Merick's disease?

    Hello, I have a 6 week old chick that I found looking like this yesterday morning. She was actually flat on her back and her feet were twitching, here I had separated her from the other chicks and she lay on her side twitching. Today she is much better: she is upright, she slept...
  2. chookchik

    what's wrong with my chick????

    The chick is doing better, she has stopped lying on her back and is no longer twitching. She's eating and is sitting, she has trouble walking because her left foot seems like it doesn't work at all. Here is a picture that I took a few minutes ago. Anyone have any ideas what is going on?
  3. chookchik

    what's wrong with my chick????

    The chick is actually twitching, I couldn't upload a video. It looks dead but it's alive and moving. :(
  4. chookchik

    what's wrong with my chick????

    i think it's a head injury, the other day I was moving the chicks to a different pen and one of them ran right into the corner and got her head caught in the chicken wire, at the time I thought she might be hurt but then for two days she was fine, until today. I had forgotten about it until...
  5. chookchik

    what's wrong with my chick????

    My chick is about 6 weeks, the others are fine, maybe it's mold, we live in the PNW and it's been raining non stop since fall everywhere is cold and damp, and moss growing like crazy everywhere because it's been so dark with the cloud cover. The poor thing is lying on her side now and is...
  6. chookchik

    what's wrong with my chick????

    This morning when I went out to feed and water the chicks one of them was lying on her back with her legs in the air twitching. She seems to be week on her left side. She is obviously very sick. Does anyone know what this is? She is on her feet now because I moved her into the house to keep an...
  7. chookchik

    male? female? I have no idea

    The mother hen is a production red, the rooster (dad) is a silkie/cochin.
  8. chookchik

    male? female? I have no idea

    That's what I thought too. Are they ready to join the rest of the flock?
  9. chookchik

    male? female? I have no idea

    these guys hatched on February 22nd. Any ideas? Thanks!
  10. chookchik

    early signs of aggression

    HI, I have a 3 month old roo, it was obvious from the moment he hatched that he was male. He's big and he is already showing signs of aggression. Isn't that a bit young? He clucks and finds food for the other pullet, and he attacks my hand when I put food and water in the pen. He is going to...
  11. chookchik

    when do introduce to the rest of the flock

    Hello, I have two pullets (well, one is a roo) anyhoo, they need to get out in the world and I was not sure when or how I should introduce them to the rest of the flock. I have 4 hens and a roo. Is there any advice about the best way to introduce them? Stuff to avoid? Should I just shove them...
  12. chookchik

    muddy chicken

    She looks a lot worse than this picture shows, her whole back end is muddy and her tail is droopy, normally the feathers on her head are black and shiny, you can kind of see the mud on her left side. I'm worried she'll get sick, it's not going to stop raining any time soon and I don't see how...
  13. chookchik

    muddy chicken

    Hello, I live in the Pacific North WET, it has rained so much this year. Anyway my run is completely muddy and has puddles in it, it's getting stinky and I have one chicken (silkie/cochin) that is completely muddy, like she was rolling around in the muck or something. Her feathers are droopy...
  14. chookchik

    when should I give up?

    should I turn the temperature down in the incubator? I've been waiting for their feathers to fluff out but it seems hot in there. SHould I move them to the brooder now? It's not even 24 hours since they hatched. The temp in the bator is 99.5
  15. chookchik

    when should I give up?

    Are you going to post pictures when they hatch? I'd love to see them!
  16. chookchik

    when should I give up?

    Here is an update. We now have two!!!! THEY BOTH HATCHED!!!! YAY!!!!! Curly is the one in the top photo and this is Mo a little more fluffy than when I left. We went out and 6 hours later came home to find Curly. She's smaller and has black skin whereas Mo has pink skin. They're totally...
  17. chookchik

    when should I give up?

    TA DAH!!!!!!!! There he is! "Mo" because of the mohawk (the three little spikes on his head) also I think it's a he because on the back of his leg are little white spots that look like future spurs. Or is that normal in all chicks? I didn't sing them a song but I would "cheep cheep...
  18. chookchik

    when should I give up?

    The other egg is hatching too!! Yay! and there was a little bit more progress on the first egg. How long does it take for them to hatch out completely? Should I be worried if I get home today and they aren't out of the egg yet? This is my first hatch and my husband says I worry too much...
  19. chookchik

    when should I give up?

    It's 11:50pm and I checked on the eggs... and there is life!! One of the eggs been cracked!! Only 2 out of 7 made it this far (there is a reason 5 of them were from my chochin/silkie's and the temp was wrong for them. They didn't take at all). Hopefully I'll be able to post chick pics in the...
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