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  1. hillfloweranch

    The Rhodebar thread!

    My rhodebar roo. The lone survivor of the gff chicks. His pose worthy of any runway model! LOL
  2. hillfloweranch

    The Rhodebar thread!

    Well said and not snotty at all. Your efforts are truly appreciated by those of us that want the correct genetics. Keep up the good work.
  3. hillfloweranch

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    Oz I need piggies update??? waiting to hear if they delivered
  4. hillfloweranch

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    This is the mom and she has big litters 12 so hoping I get same.
  5. hillfloweranch

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    My first pig adventures...nothing like oz adventure but should be fun.
  6. hillfloweranch

    Raising Pigs for the first time

    Meet Sweet and additions to Hillflower ranch
  7. hillfloweranch

    Raising Pigs for the first time

    Well I never ended up getting pigs. 2014 was depressing but I press on and think I will try a couple this year.
  8. hillfloweranch

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    Catching oz full fledged chickeness going on. So happy for you. Be well my friend. Have had a most trying year but getting back in to the swing of chickens and turkeys. My Thoroughbred is due this summer will keep you posted
  9. hillfloweranch

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    still here...raising meat chickens and turkeys..layers just for me..just saying hi I've been off for awhile but still doing chickens and turkey's - hope all is well talk with you soon, still sorting out some personal stuff but miss ya my chicken friends.
  10. hillfloweranch

    The Rhodebar thread!

    Well I would say yes. I purchased chicks from an auction from GFF and so far half the flock has died off. Not sure why all my other birds are healthy and the RB are in a pen by themselves. But I'm slowly losing a bird like 2 a month they are only 4 months old.
  11. hillfloweranch

    Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

    Honey mustard roasted chicken oh and with a lemon bundt cake
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