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  1. barnaclebob

    No eggs....Are my hens too old?

    My 3 year old hens didn't lay very consistently last summer and quit during the winter even with supplemental light totaling 15 hours a day. The one old hen left will be culled in spring to make room for some better layers.
  2. barnaclebob

    Lost our first chicken...

    It looks like the attack started closer to the house and slightly uphill from where the body was found due to the presence of feathers there. She was ultimately found under some low hanging branches (~3ft off the ground) with most of one side ripped off and two areas of "feather explosion"...
  3. barnaclebob

    Help- Hens are roosting in the wrong spot!!!

    You'll need to post better pictures of the specific problem areas to get good recommendations.
  4. barnaclebob

    Litter Life

    probably not necessary at the backyard size
  5. barnaclebob

    Chickens in the rain

    Mine have had no issues when being allowed to free range during the worst storms we have had here. One in particular doesn't seem to mind getting wet. She'll be in the middle of the yard looking for loot while the rest are hunkered under a tree. We don't get hail or thunderstorms but I'd...
  6. barnaclebob

    pvc pipe feeder?

    Many of the feeder ideas i see here don't have any good way to deal with dust that will inevitably clog them unless you let the chickens eat all the food first or you empty it. Are you going to build a trough style? I detailed my improvements on many of the trough designs in a comment on this...
  7. barnaclebob

    Urban Chickens: Enclosed Run or Outdoor Space?

    My chickens have an automatic pop door that opens to the yard in the morning and closes at night. Hawks have only been an issue when they weren't full grown knock on wood. The crows do a pretty good job of keeping the hawks busy where I live. My yard also has a lot of cover for them. Every...
  8. barnaclebob

    Grain Free Chicken Feed?

    Where did you hear that cats should eat grain free chicken? Sounds like BS to me. I doubt there is a single cat in the country that hasn't eaten and animal that has eaten grains. Also seems like a really expensive way to get cat food...
  9. barnaclebob

    hybrid deep litter - newbie in Canberra

    It goes into the compost as well. You probably don't need to clean it completely out very often. As you scoop it will go down in level and you'll need to add a bag or so every several months.
  10. barnaclebob

    How can you tell if an egg is frozen?

    But then you would be ruining the good eggs too...
  11. barnaclebob

    I've never seen an egg do this!

    It was likely just frozen enough to crack the egg and slightly split the shell. When the egg thawed it shrunk and the shell went back together. The crack is still there, the sides are just touching now.
  12. barnaclebob

    No eggs, then one egg a day, then 2, and now eggs everywhere!

    Maybe try making it easier for them to get into the nest boxes. Mine wouldn't use the top one very much until I made a small perch for them to jump up onto. Think like a chicken, it would be annoying to have to land on that small lip while flapping your wings and having them hit the opening...
  13. barnaclebob

    How can you tell if an egg is frozen?

    I assume the same test for if an egg is hard boiled or not would work.
  14. barnaclebob

    hybrid deep litter - newbie in Canberra

    My coop is sand in the roost/coop area and shavings down below in the run. Poop gets scooped every other day or down into the shavings and the shavings are changed 3-4 times a year. The shavings get composted. I have tried shavings in the coop but that didnt work out well and I ended up with...
  15. barnaclebob

    Critique my coop design please.

    I personally would put the main door to the coop on the inside of the fenced area so that you can toss the poop down into the run. This assumes the coop isn't being placed in a larger unsecured run.
  16. barnaclebob

    Wiring Dia. using SPDT relays to operate Pop door

    A DPDT relay can do the job with a simpler wiring layout.
  17. barnaclebob

    Advice needed on first coop

    That size is fine. Make sure there is about 18" of roof overhang to keep everything nice and dry inside. Your coop will last longer too if it stays dry. The top designs are better because they are easy to get inside to maintain and clean out. You want to consider the "flow" of the poop. I...
  18. barnaclebob

    Comment by 'barnaclebob' in article 'Sashurlows Pvc Water Feeder'

    Just installed one of these and had to tweak it a little. There are some tricks to ensure it works right. I used 4" pipe for the hopper with a 4" to 3" reducing elbow and about 18" of 3" tube. First, when you fill it pour some feed in the bottom to keep the poured feed from hitting the bend...
  19. barnaclebob

    Comment by 'barnaclebob' in article 'Sashurlows Pvc Water Feeder'

    Just installed one of these and had to tweak it a little. There are some tricks to ensure it works right. First, when you fill it pour some feed in the bottom to keep it from hitting the bend and rocketing down the line. Second, don't expect the entire trough to be full all. Third, make...
  20. barnaclebob

    How do you keep your nipples from freezing?

    I used one of these to keep my bucket and water lines unfrozen. I also use drinker cups and had to make a makeshift heat pipe out of copper that dips down into the drinker cups to keep them from freezing. Tested down to the high teens but would work even better with nipples instead of drinker...
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