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  1. pattyhen


    I love the gamebirds I've never had one before but I've always admired their pics. The only name I can think of is Legs of course because they have those long legs.
  2. pattyhen

    What breed of chicken is this

    We have went all summer long and have resisted the temptation to buy chicks. Now we are down to 1 rhode island red that was dumped in our yard. My 12 year old rooster died this summer. I felt sorry for her for being alone but we have 12 ducks and two guineas so she is not by herself. We...
  3. pattyhen

    What breed of chicken is this

    I just hope its not a cornishxrock.
  4. pattyhen

    What breed of chicken is this

    thanks for the replies I just have never seen a chick with the peach colors the way these have.
  5. pattyhen

    What breed of chicken is this

    It has a peach color on the head and the back?
  6. pattyhen

    Guinea talk.

    what cuties you have. I love the keeters.
  7. pattyhen

    A tribute to Coach

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. He will be missed.
  8. pattyhen

    A tribute to Coach

    yes please and thank you
  9. pattyhen

    A tribute to Coach

    Thank you Kathy.
  10. pattyhen

    A tribute to Coach

    We had Coach for 10 to 12 years I'm not for sure the date when we purchased him. He was a little ball of fluffy cochan. He never really fit in with the other chickens. In the morning when they were just getting used to the ouside world I would carry them out and put them in the side yard...
  11. pattyhen

    Help... failure to thrive?

    I'm so sorry for your losses. It does sound like your feeding them right and the temp is right. I wish I could help you but I don't have any answers.
  12. pattyhen

    Extremely Friendly Guinea Hen named Pudding Pops

    That is a pic of my Spiderman and Mary Jane. Spiderman passed away about a month ago. They have always been friendly and love to sit on the lap and be petted. Now that Spiderman has passed away Mary Jane has really become a loner. I have ducks and chickens but she doesn't hang around with...
  13. pattyhen

    BYC Member Interview - Debs Flock

    That was a great interview. Your such a sweet and special person to me. Thank you for being my friend.
  14. pattyhen

    How to delete messages

    How do I delete messages from my in box? Thank you.
  15. pattyhen

    Guinea talk.

    I saw Friday on facebook and he or she is precious. I hope you hatch more and good luck with that. Wow it's flying already none of ours has started flying yet. Let us know if you get anymore hatches and congrats.
  16. pattyhen

    Guinea talk.

    Josh wants to name one of the babies Spiderman II and Aubree said she wanted to name one baby and that leaves the 3rd one. Baby could be a girl or boy but Spiderman has to be a boy. I guess we wait and see what we have before the last one is named.
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