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  1. sagenhoney

    Do chickens eat ants?

    I have had Reds & Barred Rocks....and none of them have ever eaten ants. I was a little surprised by that myself, but raising chickens have so many other advantages. I often joke about getting an anteater I have heard guineas eat a lot more than chickens do....anyone out there know of guineas...
  2. sagenhoney

    Chicken Mama to Be... Looking for insight

    Thanks for the link.
  3. sagenhoney

    Chicken Mama to Be... Looking for insight

    Thanks for responding. It's always good to hear about others experiences....and yes, everyone has their own way or solutions that have worked for them, but even after years, even decades of beekeeping no one person has the answers to all. It is ever-changing in the bee world, but they are such...
  4. sagenhoney

    Chicken Mama to Be... Looking for insight

    I'm sorry to hear that. Any particular reason they are being robbed? Did you see it happen.? I heard that you can put a wet sheet over the hive to protect it - but this only works while the process is taking place. Good luck.
  5. sagenhoney

    Chicken Mama to Be... Looking for insight

    I will answer the bee question. I started with two hives last year, which are only a few yards from the coop, I added two more down the way near the garden (chickens never really go that far though). I wondered the same things you did, but I have never had a problem with the bees and...
  6. sagenhoney


    I just got 6 ducklings today...they are so adorable. So I too am a newbie in the duck world.
  7. sagenhoney

    Help with the house cat

    Great stories.
  8. sagenhoney

    Help with the house cat

    I have never had trouble with my outdoor cats. One of my cats is named Chica because she is a girl of course, but also because I originally found her hanging out with my chickens and kinda took her in at that point. Mainly she just wants to eat their food, but she enjoys their company too. I...
  9. sagenhoney

    HELP! Is my chicken dying? What can I do?

    I agree. I think you have done the best you can - some ppl dont even do that. I wish her well, keep us updated.
  10. sagenhoney

    better/harder shells?

    They can eat yogurt too - I would stick with plain though. I just started getting some really thin-shelled eggs as well. My husband got pellets last time instead of their regular crumbles....and they don't like the pellets too much, but have plenty to eat on around the land.
  11. sagenhoney

    9 weeks til I'm hangin with my peeps!

    You will have a great time, and it is always a learning experience. This forum and its members are a great resource to have. I have Reds and just got 40 new baby chics from Tractor Supply (20 reds- 20 barred rock).
  12. sagenhoney

    Expensive Eggs!!

    Flockwatcher has good advice. I have already had someone from a school ask for chics, but they might also want eggs...and I would certainly not ask that kind of price and might even give it free for the cause. Try to find someone local. Good luck
  13. sagenhoney

    Will they ever get along?

    Thanks. I will try giving them some more time. Tomorrow we are supposed to get freezing rain, so I think they will all be staying in the coop. Maybe they can bond over that
  14. sagenhoney

    Will they ever get along?

    Situation: My original flock which now includes 13 hens and a rooster will not get along with the 4 new hens (their daughters). My first hatch of 12 ended up being more roos than anything, so since the hens are about a month away from 20 weeks old.....I decided to slowly incorporate them into...
  15. sagenhoney

    Late Hatch Questions

    I have a Farm Innovators Pro series (forced-air) incubator. I have had a successful hatch before, but this batch seems to be sketchy. Last batch of eggs didn't work out because my cat chewed the temp knob and cooked my eggs. Sometimes he thinks he is a dog. Anyway, this batch now was setup...
  16. sagenhoney

    My First Incuabtion Experience

    Thank you ...that eases my mind a great deal. Fortunetly, my incubator stays pretty constant, but I do spot check it several times a day, and only open it if I have to add water (not very often) or to candle.
  17. sagenhoney

    My First Incuabtion Experience

    Thanks. Yea I guess having enough space helps....and I do. I was also thinking about maybe a mobile coop as well. I won't know for awhile who's a hen and who's a that will be interesting to find out. I tried to sex them by their wings, but I'm really just not sure. My current flock I...
  18. sagenhoney

    My First Incuabtion Experience

    Hey, I just thought I would share with you all some video I took during my first incubation experience. Be sure to check out the notes under the videos for more details and/or we can discuss whatever here. YAY! I got a dozen lil' baby chicks now...
  19. sagenhoney

    Hatching Our First Eggs!

    After removing the eggs from the turner and getting them setup on the rack, I had to look in and talk to them a little, and it was my first time seeing any of them's a wonderful feeling. I can't wait to see them hatch. I will definitely try to get some pics and maybe even video to...
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