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  1. ChickensRDinos


    Is it a 19% gamebird and turkery starter? I am not sure if the last word there is a typo or a brand. As long as it isn't a layer feed with added calcium and the crumble is small for tiny digestive systems (or you could consider a side of chick grit) it should be fine. I would read through the...
  2. ChickensRDinos

    Pen landscaping!!!

    Very nice! I think they will enjoy that. You could also consider a living feeder for inside if you want additional coop landscaping. This is one that I like but there are lots of ways to make one:
  3. ChickensRDinos

    Completely dumbfounded

    My guess is there is no yoke inside. It's just a random mishap in the egg-making process that some people call an "egg fart." Crack it open and see but it's probably not anything to worry about unless it starts happening all the time.
  4. ChickensRDinos

    Need mealworm help - Darkling beetle development issue

    I have been raising mealworms as a chicken snacks for a few years now without any fuss. Took a break for a bit and have recently started up again. My worms are pupating fine but when they mature into beetles it's just not working out well. The majority of my beetles are looking a bit half...
  5. ChickensRDinos

    Feeding options?

    Hello! Welcome to Chickens!! So many of the choices you make will depend a lot on your unique set-up (climate, yard/coop set-up, flock mix, goals, etc.). With feeding, people tend to have pretty strong opinions about what is "best" to do but I think it's always best to educate yourself and then...
  6. ChickensRDinos

    Feeding Integrated Chicks/Chickens Question

    You can feed the ENTIRE group an non-medicated chick/starter or even a grower feed or a flock raiser feed. I would go with a higher protein since you have young birds. In a completely separate dish put oyster shell for your layers. This way they get the added calcium found in a layer without the...
  7. ChickensRDinos

    Bantams stink worse than large fowl chickens?

    Are they showing any signs of cocci? That can make them smell bad.
  8. ChickensRDinos

    Laying & Young hens together

    I keep a mixed flock that often has layers and non-layers (either pullets or sometimes silkies or silkie mixes that lay infrequently). I just use a grower or flock raiser feed and then put out a separate, small bowl of oyster shell as a calcium source for the layers to eat as needed. They are...
  9. ChickensRDinos

    How to euthanize a chick?

    I would behead with a pair of very sharp gardening shears or something similar. One smooth and compete motion. It sounds graphic but would be completely in your control and would be clean and instant and a guarantee. Very sharp with a sure hand. Personally, gas of any kind makes me nervous...
  10. ChickensRDinos

    New Coop Advice

    Is it very dark inside the coop at dusk? If so you might want to consider a little light or an additional vent/window just to let a little more light in as the sun sets. If it is too dark for them to see the roosts they will not think it is safe or be able to put themselves to bed.
  11. ChickensRDinos

    My chickens are acting funny today

    Sounds like they are trying to take a dust bathe? If so, this is normal behavior. They dig a little hole and in lay on their side and wiggle and pull the dirt up through their feathers. Chicken grooming.
  12. ChickensRDinos

    Source for one month old chickens in Northern California? (Sonoma)

    I get my pullets delivered from this farm:!delivery/c1ti3 They also delivery to the Bay Area. You could see if they are willing to come up to you or perhaps meet but with them at one of the delivery locations if you can't find anyone local.
  13. ChickensRDinos

    Is Medicated Chick Feed Alright??

    For sure! Just wanted to try to answer your question. I do truly think either choice is a good one.
  14. ChickensRDinos

    Is Medicated Chick Feed Alright??

    It's a personal choice and neither one is "correct." Lots of people choose each option and I don't think that either is harmful. Read the label but most medicated feeds just have a cocci preventative (amprolium) and not tons of antibiotics and stuff. (If it does have a antibiotic -- rare but...
  15. ChickensRDinos

    Chickens and Gardens

    I only have one 4x8 raised bed, but I made a really simple PVC box frame to cover it to both keep the chickens and my dog from stealing snacks and scratching around and also to control the environment a bit. There are a bunch of different ways people make them. I went from the more rectangular...
  16. ChickensRDinos

    How To Tell If Your Chickens Have Mites

    You can see the bugs--they are small and a dark red-brown and move. I find that the best way to check is to look under their wings, on the side of their bodies where the feathers are thin and downey. Lift the feathers so you can see down to their skin--thats where the mites will be. If an...
  17. ChickensRDinos

    tried everything still not laying

    What breed? I would perhaps try to take a step back and look at all possible factors? Is there anything in their environment that could be stressful? Changes? Barking dogs? Predators? Are they getting at least 12 hours of light? Could a pest be eating or stealing eggs? Are they eating, pooping...
  18. ChickensRDinos

    Dog breeds OK with hens?

    It's all about training and the time that you have to dedicate to training your dog to be successful. Some dogs are just going to take more time than others (and by time I mean DAILY work and training) Pick a breed that works with your lifestyle and that you know you can keep physically and...
  19. ChickensRDinos

    3.5 month old chickens

    How hot is it where they are? What does her crop feel like?
  20. ChickensRDinos

    tried everything still not laying

    How old are the birds? How long have you had them? What are they eating?
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