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  1. aldarita

    Hen breathing heavy while sleeping

    I have an easter egger hen that does exactly what your hen does at night. I worried about her breathing when I noticed it. She does it every night and has been doing it for a long time. She's 7 years old, not laying anymore. During the day she is totally normal, eats well, roams around the yard...
  2. aldarita

    Can someone identify this worm please?

    It does look like a round worm to me. I treat mine with valbazen
  3. aldarita

    D‘Uccle roo for mixed flock?

    I missed having a rooster too so I decided to get a D'Uccle chick last spring. I figured that if it turned aggressive I would be able to handle it. He is with 4 standard size hens. I haven't seen him mating but he does all the other "roostery" things. He's a bit aggressive but I am able to deal...
  4. aldarita

    Is is just me or are the Andelusians the hardest to herd?

    I feel you, you ought to see my struggles every time I have to give my 3 Andalusians a wormer shot (which is about every 4 mos) I go to their coop right before daybreak and I swear they can see in the dark. It's flying everywhere making all sorts of dust an ruckus
  5. aldarita

    Is is just me or are the Andelusians the hardest to herd?

    I have 3 Andalusians left. They are 11 years old (they laid eggs this past Spring, I am wondering if they will lay this coming Spring). They have always been flighty, hard to catch, hard to treat, very independent and bossy. Mine are very good at putting themselves to "bed" every night.
  6. aldarita

    One of the best resources I've found on dealing with roosters

    Thank you very much for creating this thread. This is a very controversial subject, unfortunately there are many years of "old timers" advice on how to deal with aggressive roosters and it is mostly responding with aggression to show them who is the boss. Aggression only begets aggression. It...
  7. aldarita

    Finding vets doing lab work for chickens

    I have been doing my own fecal tests for over 5 years. I can see Razzlefeazzle points. Usually the lab techs at the vet's office do the testing and there are so many variables that make this test not very accurate. I live in South Texas and it is very humid and hot therefore being a paradise for...
  8. aldarita

    Starting my free range bachelor flock

    You mentioned the roosters will be completely apart from your other flock but since they will be free ranging, I wonder if they can get to your flock (hens) causing a problem with the roosters living with them. I have 2 cockerels and I feed grower feed to all my flock, I also have oyster shell...
  9. aldarita

    Is it possible that Ideal Poultry is scam artists?

    I've been buying chicks from Ideal for several years and never had an issue. They are always courteous when I need assistance and so far they have been accurate selling me only pullets. I'm sorry the OP had this bad experience with them, it certainly looks like he's very disatisfy and I...
  10. aldarita

    My chicken is limping

    Sprains on hens legs happen every once in a while. Jumping off the roost or maybe when the rooster's mounting them, can be the culprit. It usually goes away after a few days if the sprain is not too severe.
  11. aldarita

    Belly molt?

    I wonder if she is broody. You would know. They pluck their feathers off to get more warm contact to the eggs they are sitting on. Other than that, it is unusual to molt that way but possible ??
  12. aldarita

    Deworming while molting?

    I would not use any wormer if not sure there are parasites present. Using a wormer as a preventative can backfire because it causes resistance
  13. aldarita

    Deworming while molting?

    It is Safeguard that causes feather growth deformities during molt.
  14. aldarita

    7 Month Chickens - Is this early molting? Do I need to be concerned?

    Sometimes when they loose a lot of feathers they don't feel good and isolate themselves from the rest of the flock. You've done a good job with the inspection however you still need to check her crop. I have a hen that goes thru a very hard molt every year, she kept herself in the coop for a...
  15. aldarita

    Help for new chicken owners and laying behaviors

    your pullet's behavior is totally normal. When they first start laying they are a nervous wreck, pacing back and forth, clucking, getting in and out the nests. This can last a long time. This behavior changes after they have been laying for a while. I have some 28 week old pullets that have been...
  16. aldarita

    Solo hen- need another adult hen

    If you are only allowed to have 3 chickens, I would try to get 2 so if you lose one you would not be in the same situation you are now. Hopefully you will find them soon before the winter gets here, Make sure you quarantine and inspect the new or new ones before you put them together.
  17. aldarita

    Feather eating - dear God please help

    I am now wondering if this is a behavior of the breed. I have 3 andalucians that are 10 years old. Two of them live with 7 other hens of different ages. They "free range" in a large yard (1/4 of an acre) everyday from sunrise to sunset, they have a big run and a very large coop. They pluck the...
  18. aldarita

    My Question Is This: Do you have regrets keeping your rooster?

    I agree with Asya. Your cockerel is too young right now to determine if he would be a good rooster. Hopefully he will. Bear in mind that when he turns into a "teen ager" which will be soon, you will have to put up with his antics. Your hens will help teaching him good manners and hopefully your...
  19. aldarita

    Hen Screaming Loudly for Hours

    I also think your girl is preparing to lay. Mine do that exact sound 1 or 2 days before they lay. They are also a nervous wreck, moving around constantly, getting in all the nesting boxes trying to select the one they will lay and talking all the time.
  20. aldarita

    Any one have multiple flocks (without free ranging)

    I have 2 flocks. It all started several years ago when a bought a straight run of 20 ameraucana chicks from a breeder. I knew I was going to end up with too many cockerels, so we built a coop and run in a yard away from the main chicken yard. I got 11 cockerels that were moved there. I was able...
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