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  1. shelleyd2008

    Embden goose genetics---again

    It has me stumped because all of my geese are solid white with blue eyes. The females usually have some gray on them for their first year--usually on the flight feathers, but they always lose it. I'm thinking it has to be one (or more) ganders that is passing the gray? My adult females wouldn't...
  2. shelleyd2008

    Embden goose genetics---again

    I say 'again', but it has been quite a while since these birds had me stumped. Background: 4 years ago, I had 4 Embden ganders and 1 Embden goose. The 4 ganders were supposed to be 2 pair--each 'pair' coming from a different source. I also had a gray toulouse gander, but re-homed him in May of...
  3. shelleyd2008

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    The experienced eye can see the difference at hatch, otherwise it might take a couple weeks before the combs are big enough to tell the difference.
  4. shelleyd2008

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Honestly, I don't get the hype with silkies. I have some, and while they do go broody at the drop of a hat, they are not very good hatchers. Give me an OEG or OEGB any day
  5. shelleyd2008

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Brahmas were made by crossing LF cochins to other breeds, so I don't think that mix would have been too much of a problem. I can't remember right off what 'other breeds' were used, but I know cochins was one of them. It will come to me eventually. And sorry, I get a bit long-winded sometimes...
  6. shelleyd2008

    Kentucky people

    Ah, well that works then
  7. shelleyd2008

    Kentucky people

    They are autosexing. I mostly started with birds purchased locally, though I did get 2 females from a hatchery. I'm honestly not sure which birds were hatched here and which birds were bought, they all look the same! They are very big, but are not show quality by any means. Most of them are...
  8. shelleyd2008

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    @SD Bird Lady : He is actually a mix. His mama was a hatchery LF cochin with a pea comb and his daddy was a LF Phoenix. I know he is not a Brahma (and believe I said that ), but he is the biggest guy I had. He lost his hens last year and the Brahma girls didn't have a roo, so I put them...
  9. shelleyd2008

    Easy chicken colour/genetic calculator!

    Oh, I didn't realize. Thanks. Trying to figure out what I'll get from Buff brahmas (buff columbian) with a BB-Red--ish rooster Of course, I could just wait a few days til the chicks hatch, but where's the fun in that?
  10. shelleyd2008

    Kentucky people

    Hello all. I'm obviously not new to this site (or this thread if you've read back a few hundred pages ), but I have been gone for quite a long time. I probably won't be around much, but am available by PM that is sent to my email. Currently, I raise mostly ducks and geese. We've had terrible...
  11. shelleyd2008

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Hello all. I'm new to this thread and to the Brahma breed. I bought 3 light brahma hens (2 pullets and 1 hen actually) at an auction last fall, with the intentions of selling them the next day to make a quick buck. That didn't happen, so they came home with me. A month or so later, someone had...
  12. shelleyd2008

    Easy chicken colour/genetic calculator!

    Henk, what color do I select for black breasted red? I don't see that on the list.
  13. shelleyd2008

    So tell me about Gambel's quail

    Only in pairs? I've read sites online that said to keep 3-4 females with 1 male? Oh, and I know they need gamebird feed, I was just wondering if they had special requirements like seeds or insects or some such. My buttons get millet and mealworms in their diet at least a couple times a week.
  14. shelleyd2008

    So tell me about Gambel's quail

    I managed to get 3 Gambel's quail at a local auction, 1 adult male and 2 babies. I've raised coturnix and button quail, but I don't know much of anything about Gambel's! From what I'm reading, it seems they are pretty aggressive. Are they as aggressive as bobwhites? Any information on how much...
  15. shelleyd2008

    Eggs from Exhibition Breeders

    Do you have any pics of the Columbian, Buff, or RC Dark Brown Leghorns? How many can you send at one time (of 1 variety) and what is the price?
  16. shelleyd2008

    Looking for serama eggs

    I also sell eggs and am also in Kentucky :D I also have some younger birds available if you are interested, most are buff columbian colored.
  17. shelleyd2008

    LF chickens--Various breeds--SQ or BQ--birds or eggs

    Hi there, I'm looking to add a new breed to my flock. I am only interested in heritage stock (where applicable)--no hatchery stock please! I have a few that I would like to have, but I'm having trouble finding them. So here's a list of any that have struck my fancy. I'm only looking to add 1...
  18. shelleyd2008

    Homemade Dog Biscuits~~Peanut Butter, Apple Cinnamon, Pumpkin, Banana

    Homemade Dog Biscuits for Small or Large Dogs (Approximately 1 pound) Giddy-Up Pup and Pet Treats is offering some of my homemade dog biscuits for your pampered pooch! All of my biscuits are made using food-grade ingredients that I feed to my human kids. No worries about artificial...
  19. shelleyd2008

    Chicken colors; genetics

    Seramas also have true chocolate.
  20. shelleyd2008

    12+ Serama (2 sets) or 8+ Bantam egg Assortment (Serama, OEGB, Cochin) BIN-shipping included

    The bantam assortment has another 3 OEGB and 1 Cochin egg from today, for a total (so far) of 6 OE, 4 Cochin, and 2 Serama. Any eggs laid before noon Tuesday will also be included.
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