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  1. mammaducky1

    questions keeping out racoons

    Thanks for the input, looks like I am going to use hardware cloth.
  2. mammaducky1

    questions keeping out racoons

    Am planning on using a 10 x 10 dog kennel with a roof of corrugated metal as a coop for our ducks and geese at night. Neighbor now has us concerned about raccoons reaching in through the chain-link fencing and killing the birds. I am thinking of attaching shade cloth on the bottom 42 inches of...
  3. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Discovered something when butchering and just wanted to share. I really love gizzards, but they have always been a pain to clean. All the instructions I found say to cut them in half, wash out all the stones and food, and then peel the thick lining off the gizzard. That works but it is a...
  4. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I use a chick starter when I first get them, then after 1-2 weeks, I switch over to a game bird feed for its high protein content. I was also told that the game bird feed did not have a lot of additives to it. I am also adding alfalfa pellets right now, since they have no green grass to eat...
  5. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Made an observation with my flock recently and wanted to know if anyone else had noticed this. Raised my first bunch of meat birds using FF this summer and the results were wonderful. We decided to do another batch in late fall and they should be ready to butcher end of December/first of...
  6. mammaducky1

    Comment by 'mammaducky1' in item 'Muscovy'

    Do you raise your own from eggs or buy hatchlings. I am wanting to get a meat duck for next spring. At what age do you butcher Muscovies?
  7. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    We keep them because of the grasshoppers! Down here in Texas they get BIG. Before I got the guineas you would literally get bombarded by these horrid bugs every time you walked from the house to the barn. Nothing like walking outside and getting a 3-4 inch grasshopper tangled in your hair...
  8. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Sure you can do FF from the start. I tried both thin, like gruel and thick, like peanut butter. The peanut butter consistency seemed to work best. Mine did not appear to eat a lot the first few days, though every time I checked them they were eating and did not appear stressed or unhappy...
  9. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    So glad you had such success with your birds! I too had birds with quite a bit of fat, but these were the roosters that I culled early because they were so much bigger than the others and were hogging the food. I cut back a little the next couple of weeks before I butchered the rest, and they...
  10. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    54 Here in Texas. Have enjoyed hearing everyone's age and about your flocks. Working on my second batch of meaties. Have had them 10 days now and have been doing FF from the start with this batch. Had to start a second bucket of feed today, as they are beginning to go through the first...
  11. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Have a question for those of you who have fed FF to your young chicks. What consistency do you use, watery or thick like peanut butter. I am using thick feed like peanut butter right now, and the chicks seem to be eating nonstop, but there just does not seem to be that much feed gone. Want to...
  12. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Well, I received my second batch of meaties today. I ordered 60 birds this time instead of 50. My first birds (butchered the first of September), were started on FF at about 3 weeks of age (when I found this thread!). I was so pleased with the results that this second group will go FF the...
  13. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    It took us about 2-1/2 hours, which I think was way too long for that many helpers, but remember just about all the workers were novices. My husband and I caught, killed and processed nine birds in about 1-1/2 hours one evening. I would suggest starting with about 5 or 6 on your own and see...
  14. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Just an update - We butchered our meat birds this last weekend. Started out with 51, lost 3 at the very beginning, so had 48. We culled the roosters a couple of weeks ago, so had 33 hens to butcher at this time. (Had 3 grown children, their spouses, and 3 of 5 grandchildren helping- all in...
  15. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Yes, you can definitely use pellets for fermenting feed. The pellets of the brand I used actually stayed coarser and did not turn to just a watery mush. It just seemed to have more texture. Other than that I saw no difference.
  16. mammaducky1

    sex link question

    Went to see a friend whose chickens are about 4-5 months old. She was told they were gold sex link. I took one look and commented on the number of roosters. She says she bought them from a local store and she was told they were gold sex link and all female, (she lives in town and cannot have...
  17. mammaducky1

    Butchering technique questions

    They are 10 weeks old and we used a tub-type chicken plucker. It works great, but several birds just seemed to have more pin feathers. Have butchered birds in the past and not seen this many. Just wondering if the molt had something to do with this. I also realize that I have the Ranger reds...
  18. mammaducky1

    Butchering technique questions

    Just culled the roosters from our meat bird flock. Butchered 15 yesterday. Have a question. The birds seem to be molting. When we butchered I seemed to see more pin feathers than before. Are there more pin feathers during the time of molt? Is it better to wait until after birds have...
  19. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Would someone please comment on the finished weights of their meat birds. I am talking about once the birds have been completely processed and ready to be cooked. Just finished culling a few of the roosters from my meat birds. One weighed 4-1/2 pounds and the other two weighed 3-1/2 pounds...
  20. mammaducky1

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Is anyone using FF for ducks. I would assume that they too would benefit from it. We are thinking of raising some meat ducks next spring. Would appreciate any info. Thanks.
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