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  1. AndreaDavis

    Taming Chicks Down...any suggestions?

    This sounds crazy, but my 5 yr old figured out a couple yrs ago, if she wanted to hold them she reached in while still indoors habitat, and pushed them dn into a sitting position then picked them up. Did this daily till next faze, porch cage,( for day time only,) still the same. 1 by one she...
  2. AndreaDavis

    Went from 13 down to 2

    Wasn't sure @ 1st, but suspect a dog is getting in fenced area by way of squeezing through cattle panel. I am placing crates around fence now to try and save my last rooster and hen. I have 6 new babies, in hm under light. And when they are big enough going to be free range too. Also going to...
  3. AndreaDavis

    From flock of five to a flock of one!!

    I have had to seperate hens before. It sounds cruel, but get a wire cage only big enough for a plastic coffee container for water and a feeder with enough room for her to have a roosting spot and stretch her wings and legs, place the cage on your porch with tin all around it and the roof leaving...
  4. AndreaDavis

    Disapearing rooster and 2 hens.

    UPDATE: Went to check on flock this morning after dropping daughter off @ school, and the hen that thinks she's a duck was found dead with neck completly snapped in half. And her 2 ducks, missing! All my hens and roosters were hideing under the barn till I showed up. Help! What could it be? I am...
  5. AndreaDavis

    Disapearing rooster and 2 hens.

    I Had a strong flock of 2 grown roosters, 10 hens, and an unknown rescue, recently discovered to be a young rooster. Anyway, in the last week and a half I am down by 1 rooster, and 2 hens. No sign of struggle. No feathers or anything. I believe the hens are rattled, they went from 7-8 eggs daily...
  6. AndreaDavis

    Found chicken walking dn the rd. It's blind.

    Thank you, and to everyone for helping be able to help this chicken. She is doing well. She is in a coop of her own in the fenced yard so the others can get used to her, while keeping her safe. I havent released her to rhome freelly with them yet, but soon I will. She likes having more room to...
  7. AndreaDavis

    Found chicken walking dn the rd. It's blind.

    Thats a good idea. I do have another question... Will her crest ever grow back, and what is the purpose of the crest? Does it control heat regulation as in other birds?
  8. AndreaDavis

    Found chicken walking dn the rd. It's blind.

    New update: The chickens scabs on her face have come off! Both eyes are open now! I know for sure she can see, this morning she caught 2 of the grass hoppers I tossed in the cage. Tonight I will place her on the roost in hopes she will be accepted. Hold prayer she adapts.
  9. AndreaDavis

    Sick chicken, pale, lethargic, bubbling sound and open mouthed when breathing, isolated itself from

    seperate her, with water and a mash mix,(crumbles, cantelope, greek yogart-plain, and scrambled eggs) blend all together and scoop her some 2x aday. Start on antibiotics if needed. And good luck.
  10. AndreaDavis

    HELP!!!! My hen Is ill.

    How old is it? And have you tried a mash mix for it to try and eat? Check and make sure it hasn't been bitten by any snakes.
  11. AndreaDavis

    Found chicken walking dn the rd. It's blind.

    I dont know how to post pics, but it still has away to go before its completly healled. We believe it's face was badly burned. Has no crest or feather on face.
  12. AndreaDavis

    Barred Rock who's limping

    When mine had an injured leg, I placed it in a cage on the porch with food and water (a mash mix for protein.- crumbles, cantalope, greek yogart-plain, and scrambled eggs, blended to a mash) And kept it in there for a month. Then @ night one evening we placed it with the roost and by morning it...
  13. AndreaDavis

    Found chicken walking dn the rd. It's blind.

    UPDATE: The chicken is eating the mash very well, and has begun eating normal crumbles again!. One of her eyes have had the scab fall off and she might have a little sight in it. She is drinking well and doing great!. The neosporin id working. I have been putting it on her 2x a day.
  14. AndreaDavis

    Found chicken walking dn the rd. It's blind.

    Thank you, I will post later her update!
  15. AndreaDavis

    Found chicken walking dn the rd. It's blind.

    I havent been able to get her to eat yet today! She has crumbles and scrambled eggs. She has drank alittle water and cantalope juice.
  16. AndreaDavis

    Found chicken walking dn the rd. It's blind.

    Thank you, I will get mealworms today! What antibiotics can I give it and how much?
  17. AndreaDavis

    Found chicken walking dn the rd. It's blind.

    Also, I have begun an neosporin trmt on it's face. And giving it cantalope juice dly.
  18. AndreaDavis

    Found chicken walking dn the rd. It's blind.

    Found a blind chicken wondering dn the rd alone .Looks to either been pecked badly on the face and head, or maybe an eye disease. What can I do to heal it? I dont think it will ever see again. I have it in my injured cage isolated on my porch with water and food. It will drink, I've seen it eat...
  19. AndreaDavis

    unusual behavior

    My chick, (days old) has been vocal and active! But not today! It's opening mouth as if chirping, but nothing coming out! Not active, and keepins bobbing its head and closing eyes! I'm worried, what do I do?
  20. AndreaDavis

    Comment by 'AndreaDavis' in article 'How To Raise Baby Chicks: The First 60 Days Of Raising Baby Chickens'

    My baby chick, (days old isnt chirping. Opens his mouth like he' is but nothing! And dropping its head! Help!
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