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  1. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Red SHavers, GOlden Comets and Red Sex Links - Help

    golden comets won't bread true they are sex links. you will get birds that are all different types and colors. info from : SEX-LINK The Golden Comet has been widely acclaimed in all areas where brown eggs are preferred. The reason is simple - they...
  2. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Ok, this is what I am feeding the girls, tell me what's wrong?

    Quote: I have yet to see prof that scratch warms chickens. All the local farmers up here (in Canada) tell me that it's just a wifes tail and not true at all. As well on another string here I challenged some one to show me prof and all I could get was opinion. Where are the studies and...
  3. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Ok, this is what I am feeding the girls, tell me what's wrong?

    they are chickens make them eat layer mash. the issue with scratch is that they will what they like and not everything. they don't get what they need. (info from the nice lady at my local farm coop) mash they are forced to get a well balanced diet. I mix 25% scratch 25% flax (we like omega 3)...
  4. pimpdaddywrinkles

    distiller grains

    Great thread. A friend of mine gets the grain from a local brewer and puts out a big bin of it and lets the birds have there way with it. he has a lot of birds. I was wondering if brewers grain / distiller grains are ok for laying hens.
  5. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Our Great Dane killed a bear!

    Our wolfhound has killed many bears that looked so much like your bear as well as a few bunny's, and a huge duck. The carnage was just to wide spread to take pictures but now I regret not taking pics. your pic is GREAT! Thanks for posting it. A-
  6. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Canadians check in here....

    As it turns out the chair of the parents association (a new friend of mine) has Ameraucana and he gave me 3 birds. 2 hens and 1 roo he is in greenwood and our kids are in school, and hockey together. What luck eh? I might take orders for next year if anybody is interested.
  7. pimpdaddywrinkles


    ibpboo, My wife doesn't like my parrot so it lives with my mother but she seems to be good with the chickens. as well her favorite meal is my home made refried beans and fried eggs. Thanks.
  8. pimpdaddywrinkles


    Thanks silky. the antibiotics have all redy cleared up the birds this time but I'm more than open to any advice. I went to the local feed store and the woman I bought my first 3 hens from seemed to know exactly what to do. with out blinking an eye she grab a package of tetracycline and told me...
  9. pimpdaddywrinkles


    O. K. last weekend was huge for us we went to the local flee market to buy 2 hens and I ended up with 2 young leghorns (who had an instant issue and gave it to my other hens) then I saw a friend of mine who keeps chickens Ameraucana and he offered me a few on Monday. so I got them and started...
  10. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Canadians check in here....

    Quote: Thanks, I'm going to stouffville tomorrow to try and find 2 Ameraucana hens at the flee market. Are you going to the Markham fair next week?
  11. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Have I been dupped?

    Quote: I think there are laws against "turning on a chicken" in every state of the union. as for atmospheres for turning on a chicken. do not use candles in the coop. I'm sorry I could not help myself
  12. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Look at the pretty egg we got today!

    Nice pic! I am envious, but I'm going to buy 2 green egg layers this weekend. I have 3 red sex-links ATM and they lay beautiful brown eggs. My son and I want green eggs and ham. I was talking to one of the fathers where my son goes to school who has been keeping bantys his who life and he...
  13. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Have I been dupped?

    my girls laid in a little nook in the yard that they where never in when I was looking. Look under shrubs, trees weeds or flowers every place. My girls free range a half an acre and it took me a month to find the nest (shallow hole) where they laid. I started keeping them in the run until they...
  14. pimpdaddywrinkles


    it was a skunk! Skunks will kill everything and eat only organ meat if there is enough birds. Big male coons smell but not like a skunk it's musty but not skunky. coons will kill one and run off to a tree to eat it and if it's still hungry it will go get another if it can. unless it's rabid...
  15. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Michigan, lost my flock, now to what???

    it was a skunk! A skunk is the only predator I know of that will kill everything in a coop. as well did the birds only have just a bit eaten? Skunks tend to only eat organ meat unless there is only one bird and it's hungry. everything else kills and eats one or two then gets full and moves...
  16. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Canadians check in here....

    Quote: O bother, and then there is me on the durham york line (we like to call it dork-line) and the GTA with a ban on all poultry. silly me Where about's are you pimpdaddywrinkles? We are about 25 mins north east of Oshawa, past Bowmanville. hwy 7 and dork-line my son has a friend whos...
  17. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Things I wish I'd known before I got a Farm...

    Quote: Have you ever smelled a Mushroom plant? $40.00 Lb seems like nothing! Wooo Thats not tip-toeing through the tulips
  18. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Canadians check in here....

    Quote: Yay!! Someone close!! I'm between Chatham and Tilbury!!!! Oh that's awesome! I thought I was the only one down here. I see you "miss the north"...I'm from the Sudbury area, been down here ten years. O bother, and then there is me on the durham york line (we like to call it dork-line)...
  19. pimpdaddywrinkles

    How many days can they lay in a row?

    I got my sexlink pullets in june and they started laying soft shell eggs with 3 days of bringing them home and all 3 of them have laid one egg (Shells are normal now) every day since (some times not in the nest box) with exception of the day that one of them started laying dbbl yokers for 9...
  20. pimpdaddywrinkles

    Markham Fair October 2 - October 5, 2008 GREAT BIRDS! ON Canada Markham Fair October 2 - October 5, 2008 GREAT BIRDS! Markham Ontario Canada. Always Great livestock and Birds. I'm not involved but my family loves this fair.
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