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  1. linuxman

    What would cause this swelling?

    Some chicks are like this. My personal thought, (nothing real sciency, get another opinion) is that is is just a large amount of yolk that the chick absorbs just before it hatches.
  2. linuxman

    Hen with naked belly

    It sounds like she has cold feet. My birds do this to a lesser extent in the winter. It could be molting as well. If there are no parasites, it could be picking.
  3. linuxman

    New Chicks Sick

    Good the hear that they seem on the mend!
  4. linuxman

    sick chicken

    I have never had an egg bound hen, but the treatment I have heard is exactly what you said. Go for it!
  5. linuxman

    Reflective Mylar liner for chicken coop

    I have not had a problem with pecking. The biggest problem I have had is being careful not to hit it with any kind of corner.
  6. linuxman

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hello from East Aurora NY!
  7. linuxman

    sick chicken

    It sounds like she is egg bound. If you have a local vet college, you might also have luck there.
  8. linuxman

    New Chicks Sick

    Sounds like a sinus infection for most of them, but I could be wrong. I handle a lot of poultry for my job, but I only am in contact with them for a little while. My own poultry rarely get sick.
  9. linuxman

    Turkey Tractor??

    I use the PVC poultry tractor. I have 2 10x10x2 foot tractors for both chickens and turkeys as they are ready. I am using an 8x10x2 for a brooder. I found that coons can rip through poultry fence, so I am using 1/2x1/2 welded hardware cloth.
  10. linuxman

    Reflective Mylar liner for chicken coop

    I use the insulation that is like bubble wrap with mylar on both sides. Kept the coop almost 20 degrees warmer.
  11. linuxman

    Chickens playing in rabbit poop?

    Actually, this is probably really good. They will eat the feed that the rabbits spill, and 'fluff up' the rabbit poo, helping it compost. I know many people who keep their rabbits above their chickens for the winter, and it is a great arrangement all around.
  12. linuxman

    What have we got here?

    They look kinda like Barred Rocks, but I would go with someone more experienced.
  13. linuxman

    Sudden Death Syndrome on Steroids?

    It is happening in NY really bad, both this year and last. I think it is SDS, or just stress in general.
  14. linuxman

    Undersized Baby Chick

    I would keep her alone. How long are you going to be watching them? Make sure that she has plenty of food and water, and keep her warm. Is there any way you could post a picture? Knowing their age and/or size would help......
  15. linuxman

    Lost power for hours- will they hatch?

    Depending on how long they were down that low, they might. I wold candle them on a few days, if you can.
  16. linuxman

    Ended Official BYC Contest: QUARTER MILLION BYC Members

    3/3/14 @ 6PM. I did not see this time from anyone else, but if I am wrong, please let me know!
  17. linuxman

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 2/3/2014 - Picture by bantambury

    No fear! The chicken is here to clean up the mess! *Mmmmmmmmmm*
  18. linuxman

    Lost 6 hens and 1 rooster

    I would guess coons or owls.
  19. linuxman

    FIRST EGG!!!!

    Look up ways to blow out the innards. I have never done it, but I know that at least the shell is still there......
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