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  1. HauiBali

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I see that you live in Minnesota, where winter is very cold, and I learned a special treatment for the ant-problem when I lived in Lapland: hammer down an iron stick (or a few, depends on the size) in the center of the huge ant hill. Ants will not leave their home, as it is not disturbing to...
  2. HauiBali

    duck egg?

    Congrats on the egg! My white runner lays white egg with a slight pink hue, my mallard colored runner-cross lays a big one with greenish hue, and my mallard runner lays a long egg with green hue. Campbell's eggs should be brown?
  3. HauiBali

    Hand Feeding Ducks?

    (sorry for ruining this)
  4. HauiBali

    Using a shed for ducks to live in...

    Dear Melly, I made housing for my five runner from a few pallets. Now they are all grown up (check my pictures), and now for wintertime I put around bales of straw to insulate. They can keep it warm inside with their body heat. I do not recommend food and water inside, makes things much more...
  5. HauiBali

    How do I get my ducks to lay in a nest?

    My ducks lay at the door in their house just before sunrise, it is a very good habit as I don't have to crawl inside for the eggs.
  6. HauiBali

    Getting my first ducks. Questions!

    Hello and Welcome! There are many duck-keepers with much more knowledge than I have, but I'm happy to give you answers, and let them correct if I'm wrong, so I can learn too. :) I have a flock of five runners, all girl. Yes, fertilized and unfertilized eggs are safe to eat both. I made a...
  7. HauiBali

    Our first ever ever Duck Egg! Then another one today but should it smell at all?

    Congratulations! And I am happy to share here that my flock of 5 runner girls laid the FIRST EGG TODAY! We have a heavy snow here in Hungary and temperature is below zero in the nights, so it was very unexpected to see a medium chicken-egg sized long duck egg. :) Our ducks born in June, I...
  8. HauiBali

    Whole grains and Ducks. Need some feed advice.

    I give my ducks 1/3 whole wheat + 1/3 cracked corn + 1/3 duck raising pellets. In the winter a bit more corn, a bit of fat on the runners does not hurt if the temperature is cold. Last three weeks I could not buy pellets, so to the 50/50 wheat/corn I mix a handful of dry cat food...
  9. HauiBali

    Do you still like ducks

    I use to water the trees with the pondwater, and that slimey gooey duckdung I shovel out from the bottom of the pond is heaven itself to our fruit-trees. The plum-brandy's taste I distilled last December (yes it is legal in Hungary to make a few litres) is finally mellowed together, and oh it...
  10. HauiBali

    What do you use for outdoor feeders?

    It is good also if they want to stand somewhere from the cold wind or snow - this roof is made from pallets, and there is heated water* in the red bucket (its wire is inside the hose): (a 14W aquarium heater is not nearly enough to keep thje water unfrozen, so I don't recommend all the...
  11. HauiBali

    how to keep the ducks alive during winter

    Dear Friends, _I had high hopes for this setup, but it does not works as well as intended. A 14W aquarium heater simply cannot cope with a -4C. Period. So, a bucket of hot water with a shotglass of apple cider vinegar in the morning and clear hot water in the afternoon is what they got. No water...
  12. HauiBali


    Mix grated hardcheese with gypsum powder and salt, put it in a place where the birds cant find it. Give plenty of water nearby. What happens is that when the rat eats this bait, it will become thirsty and will drink a lot. Water and gypsum powder reacts inside the rat's belly, creating ileus...
  13. HauiBali

    Is it okay to feed ducks meat?

    My ducks like to pursue baitfish till the fishes die. Probably they die from heartattack as no wound or injury is noticeable, even their scales remain intact. Then my runners pick and throw the dead fish out from the pond. I slice the fishes to duck bite chunks and feed them from hand. It may...
  14. HauiBali


    My runners scared away a dozen rooks. Are they that territorial? What's your experience? On the other hand they were frozen from a single young buzzard that was only a size of a pigeon...
  15. HauiBali

    How many ducks per drake?

    I have a 1:4 drake/duck ratio and I think it's optimal. A 1:2 is much better than a pair, some drakes have quite a libido and it can be frustrating for a single duck.
  16. HauiBali

    Mice Control in Duck Pen?

    Ducks eat mice happily, so if the pen is designed in a way that Jerryes can enter but can't leave it is bonus protein (and calcium) for the birds, and hunting is a good activity for these long winter nights. Also, if a feeder tray is hanged from the ceiling mice can't contaminate/steal the food.
  17. HauiBali


  18. HauiBali


    Dear Anita, until their starter food arrives I would grind some corn and wheat grain and oatflakes in a coffee grinder (roughly, not powdery) - these would provide energy and carbohydrates. Mix it with grated hard egg and shredded carrots - these would provide protein and some vitamines. Also...
  19. HauiBali

    Anyone else fascinated with the Nature show that's just about ducks?

    I would definitely be much more fascinated if the video would be ready to view online. (edit: I tried with NY VPN-proxy, so location could not be an issue, still no luck)
  20. HauiBali

    On PBS this week. An Original Duckumentary

    Me and my family would be very happy if someone will be so kind to upload this movie. I cannot play it on the channel's link and they will not ship the dvd either to my country. The one upload on is0hunt is fake. Please.
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